(社)極真会館 関西総本部八幡支部

4.3/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact (社)極真会館 関西総本部八幡支部

住所 :

Yawata, 〒614-8366 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88899
Webサイト : http://blog.livedoor.jp/yawatashibu/
街 : Kyoto

Yawata, 〒614-8366 Kyoto,Japan
晃司奥野 on Google

村岡雅子 on Google

hitosi onodera on Google

先生の話がとにかく熱く、初心者の私でも納得のできる的確な説明で楽しく稽古ができました。 松本先生、今後とも宜しくお願い致します(^○^)
The teacher's story was very hot, and I was able to enjoy the lessons with accurate explanations that even I, a beginner, could understand. Mr. Matsumoto, thank you for your continued support (^ ○ ^)
武田敏郎 on Google

It is a dojo that feels at home with only kind teachers and seniors. Regardless of age or gender, you can carefully guide according to each purpose.
松本宗幸 on Google

関西総本部八幡支部でお世話になりだして20年以上の月日が流れました。 初心を忘れることなく、これからも自己研鑽にはげみ、後に続く後輩の指導に邁進したいと思います。 今後ともよろしくお願い致します。 押忍
It has been more than 20 years since I was taken care of by the Yawata branch of the Kansai headquarters. Without forgetting my original intentions, I would like to continue to pursue self-improvement and continue to guide my juniors. We look forward to working with you in the future. Oshino
堀隆之 on Google

Held every year at the Yawata branch. I participate in the dedication practice at Ishishimizu Hachimangu every year, but I have a valuable experience such as praying and martial arts in the precincts. I think that Iwashimizu Hachimangu-san can hold such an event because he has been steadily contributing to the community through karate for many years. Please let me participate again.

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