
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact のみくい我屋

住所 :

Yatsu, Ageo, 〒362-0042 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
街 : Saitama

Yatsu, Ageo, 〒362-0042 Saitama,Japan
かじお(かじお) on Google

It is a cozy shop! The food is delicious!
臼崎竜也 on Google

The food is delicious and there are many kinds of liquor so you can enjoy it very much
並木志津子 on Google

The restaurant is very tasty and the restaurant is a pleasant and relaxing place. It is a cozy shop that may be a smaller group than a group.
スマイルスマイル on Google

美味しい隠れ家的お店? 創るお料理ひとつひとつが丁寧? そしてオーナーと奥さまとのナイスコンビネーション?笑顔が素敵? 奥さまが創るデザートや、記念日のケーキも絶品ですよ✨
A delicious hideout shop Each dish to make is polite rice cake And nice combination with owner and wife ? smile is wonderful The dessert that the wife creates and the cake of the anniversary are also excellent items.
niino hiroaki on Google

I think you can spend a relaxing time with an average feeling.
Miyu Sekiya on Google

ご夫婦で経営されている飲み屋さんです。 カウンター席がメインで、テーブル席は2ヵ所のこぢんまりとしたお店です。 アットホームなお店なので、とても居心地が良くまったりとくつろげます。 お食事はどれも美味しく、お酒が止まりませんw 女性一人でも行きやすいので、気になる方はぜひ!!
A bar run by a couple. The counter seats are main, and the table seats are two small shops. Because it is an at-home shop, it is very cozy and relaxing. All meals are delicious, alcohol does not stop w It's easy for one woman to go there, so if you're interested, don't miss it! !
Tommy Tommy on Google

It was delicious and the atmosphere of the shop was also fashionable, so I was able to eat calmly. A classic menu was also arranged a little, none of them! There was a pleasure that. Tororofu bean curd is superb! There are a lot of drinks, I am satisfied. I was drinking all the beer.
とんとんとんぐー on Google

のみくい我家の名前の通り、のみ物(ビール)美味しいです。そして食べ物はもっと美味しいです。 刺身やサラダは新鮮そのもの。 パスタや、デザートもめちゃくちゃ旨いお店です。
Mikui As the name suggests, the beer is delicious. And the food is more delicious. Sashimi and salad are fresh. Pasta and desserts are also insanely delicious.

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