
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 富栖の里

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Yasutomicho Minago, Himeji, 〒671-2415 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : https://tomisunosato.net/
街 : Hyogo

Yasutomicho Minago, Himeji, 〒671-2415 Hyogo,Japan
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坑道ラドン浴の洞窟です。 ラドン浴?なんのこっちゃ?ですが風呂とかサウナの類いとは違う感じです。癒しの空間そのもの。坑道の中で90分ごろ寝しながら本を読んで終了。 汗をかくでもなく。スッキリとした感じも無く…。 なんだかモヤモヤした感じで離れました。 近くの鹿ケ壺に行き森林に癒されて、帰路に着く頃になんだか身体の芯が温かいんです。まさに、活性化されてる感じ。時間が経つにつれて足の先まで何か巡ってきている感じ。 ラドンの難しい事はよくわからんけど何かしらの効果はありそう。
It is a cave of mine radon bath. Radon bath? what the hell? However, it feels different from a bath or a sauna. The healing space itself. I finished reading a book while sleeping for about 90 minutes in the mine. Not sweating. There is no refreshing feeling ... I left with a feeling of sickness. By the time I went to the nearby Shikagatsubo and was healed by the forest and arrived on my way home, my core was warm. It really feels like it's being activated. It feels like something is going around to the tip of my foot as time goes by. I'm not sure about the difficult things about radon, but it seems to have some effect.
Ayumi on Google

日本にただひとつ! テレビで紹介をされていたので気になって行ってきました。 大病はしたことはないのですが、免疫力が弱い、低体温で低血圧、みたいな体調だったので、少しでも効果があればと思って行きました。 数年前にできたとのことだったので建物も新しいですし、ご飯も美味しく、スタッフの方々も程よい距離感で親切です。 ラドン浴は坑道に入っていって、ベッドが並んでいるので好きな所に行きます。本を読む人、熟睡している人など各々ですが基本的に静かにする決まりなのでレジャー目的の方には合いません。 効果は個人差があるかと思いますが、免疫力がUPするのが一番の魅力なので、私は首にできていた湿疹がなくなりました。 他にも癌治療の副作用が軽減したなどの報告もありますが、風邪予防の方から大病の方まで様々です。 ラドン内は男女共有です。私が利用した時は女性も男性も同じくらいでした。
Only one in Japan! I was interested because I was introduced on TV. I haven't had a major illness, but I had weak immune system, hypothermia and hypotension, so I thought that it would be effective even if a little. It was said that it was done a few years ago, so the building is new, the rice is delicious, and the staff are kind and helpful. The radon bath goes into the mine and the beds are lined up so you can go anywhere you like. People who read books, people who sleep deeply, etc. are basically quiet, so they are not suitable for leisure purposes. I think that the effect varies depending on the individual, but the main attraction is that the immunity is improved, so the eczema on my neck has disappeared. There are other reports that the side effects of cancer treatment have been reduced, but it varies from those who prevent colds to those who have major illnesses. Men and women are shared in Radon. When I used it, it was the same for both women and men.
fkg ash on Google

When I first visited the other day, the first thing that surprised me was that the lady at the reception did not say hello or say hello even though I opened the door. Even if I say hello from here, I just sit unfriendly and there is no greeting. I said I'm sorry again and finally got up. He said that he wanted to end the reception and head to the Radon mine immediately while enduring a big woman who had no greetings or smiles, but he relentlessly bought a lunch ticket first. No, it's completely unclear why I had to buy a meal ticket first at the reception even though I wasn't hungry before 11 o'clock! It's just that you want to get the frozen food out quickly and prepare it without waste, and for that reason you completely ignore the convenience of the customer! No, I rarely see it in recent years, no, I have lived for more than half a century and just couldn't say the worst customer service in my life. Can you decide what to eat when you are not hungry yet? It was good that the radon mine itself could be done slowly, if not as effective, but the staff's customer service is too harsh to recommend. I don't want to wear a single star. By the way, we didn't use the cafeteria, of course, but when we looked into the cafeteria on the way home, we saw three women from the cafeteria staff and four women from the reception desk drinking tea while having a well-end meeting at the seats where customers were sitting. I had no choice but to laugh. Please do not leave it to the owners and staff of this facility, but visit us more often and give guidance on customer service. If the lady at the reception was the owner, it would be over.
can hime on Google

平日に利用したからか年配の方が多かったです。坑道に入るときな粉のような香ばしい匂いがします。独特の匂いなので苦手な人もいるかも。 坑道内は30度程のほんのり温かい温度で汗が出るほどではないです。 敷きパッドと枕カバーは毎日交換してますと書かれていましたが、柄が古臭くゴチャゴチャしているので汚れている印象を受けてしまいます。せめて無地なら清潔感も出そうなのに…タオルを持参すれば問題ないです。 簡易のお風呂もあります。廊下からすぐに脱衣所があって編み編みの仕切りがありますが、体を拭いている間に他の方が入ってきたら廊下から丸見えかもと恐怖でした。浴室には洗い場2つ、石鹸のみ。綺麗なお風呂でした。 3日経ってラドン浴の効果はコレが良くなったーという感覚はありませんが体温がちょっと上がったような気がしてます。
There were many older people because I used it on weekdays. When entering the tunnel, it smells like savory powder. Some people are not good at it because of its unique smell. The inside of the tunnel is not enough to sweat at a slightly warm temperature of about 30 degrees. It was written that the pad and pillow cover were changed every day, but the impression was dirty because the pattern was old and jumbled. At the very least, if it's plain, you'll be able to get a sense of cleanliness ... but bring your own towel. There is also a simple bath. There was a dressing room right from the corridor and a knitting partition, but I was afraid that if anyone came in while wiping my body, I could see it from the corridor. Two washrooms and only soap in the bathroom. It was a beautiful bath. After three days, the effect of the radon bath has not improved, but I feel like my body temperature has risen a little.
ROGU on Google

世界でも珍しい坑道ラドン浴ができるとのこと。 一般的な温泉と違うのは解るが、料金は3000円以上とかなり強気。 初めての利用で説明されながら坑道へ入る際、「直接吸った方がいいからマスク外してていいですよ」と言われたが、要所要所にマスクを着用するよう掲示物もあるうえ、客でマスクを外している者はいなかった。 体験としての効能は不明ですが、朝から時間いっぱいでダラダラするのはいいかもしれません。 洞窟+加湿器で湿度を上げた空間で、寝転んでゆっくりとするスペースです。 注意点として、行動に入る前のエリアからタオル類を持って行かないと、中にはタオルを確保できる場所は無く、いつ誰が使ったかわからない枕などを使わなくてはなりません。
It is said that you can take a radon bath in a tunnel, which is rare in the world. I understand that it is different from a general hot spring, but the price is 3000 yen or more, which is quite bullish. When I entered the mine while being explained for the first time, I was told, "It's better to smoke directly, so you can remove the mask." No one had removed the mask. The effect as an experience is unknown, but it may be good to hang out in the morning. It is a space where you can lie down and relax in a space where the humidity is raised by a cave + humidifier. Please note that if you do not bring towels from the area before you start the action, there is no place to secure towels and you have to use pillows that you do not know when and who used them.
Ryuuichi Sugimoto on Google

沢山の方が癒しに訪れておられます。 夏は鉱山入り口からの冷気が気持ちいいですよ。
Many people are visiting for healing. The cold air from the mine entrance feels good in the summer.
Renata e Cristiano Japan on Google

Pantalan Girl in Japan RochaIto on Google

Share the great experience with your famand friends. Asude from it's therapeutic at the same it's so relaxing just by lying down with solitude.

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