Yasufuruichi High School - Hiroshima

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yasufuruichi High School

住所 :

3 Chome-3-1 Bishamondai, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0152, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88879
Postal code : 731-0152
Webサイト : http://www.yasufuruichi-h.hiroshima-c.ed.jp/

3 Chome-3-1 Bishamondai, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0152, Japan
まるうさ on Google

Anyway, school rules are loose. If your grades are good, your life attitude is good.
r3 1009 on Google

I want you to still have a free school culture and the spirit of self-reliance. It was famous for its amazing quality culture festival that embodies it.
Satoshi Kato on Google

It is wonderful to be able to think and change school rules and school festivals. I don't want the school to change!
あいうえお on Google

この学校はとにかくバカ教師が多い 頭のいい生徒に対し頭の悪い教師がつり合っているいい学校です この学校はどれだけ勉強や実技を頑張っても先生に嫌われたら成績をすごく下げます とくに体育教師はバカですアホです
This school has many stupid teachers A good school where a smart teacher balances a smart student No matter how hard you try or practice in this school, if you dislike the teacher, your grade will be greatly reduced Especially the PE teacher is stupid
on Google

・理不尽な理由で怒るくせに、反抗したら指導 無視だから保護者に連絡すると言ってくる。 ・グランドが悪すぎる。照明が公園レベルで暗い。水はけが悪い。 ・校舎が汚い。 ・課題が多すぎる。 ・小テストが多い。 ・体育祭が盛り上がらない。部活対抗リレーがないのに、安古市体操のアンコールはある。
・ Even though he gets angry for an unreasonable reason, he says that if he rebels he will ignore the guidance and contact his parents. ・ The ground is too bad. Lighting is dark at park level. Drainage is bad. ・ The school building is dirty. ・ Too many tasks. ・ Many quizzes. ・ The athletic festival does not rise. Even though there is no club activity relay, there is an encore for Anko Gymnastics.
田中 on Google

31期頃の卒業生です。 当時の話ですが、毎日のようにある小テスト、毎月のようにある模試、行事は全力で盛り上がり、部活も体育会でハードな日々を過ごしましたが、今から振り返ると充実していた高校生活だったと思います。 また、校則については、生徒総会で生徒からの要望を議題に取り上げてくれる度量の大きな学校でした。 水はけが悪いグランドですが、雨上がりのクラスマッチの朝、みんなでグランドの水溜りを取り除いたことを覚えています。 本人次第ではやろうと思えばある程度まで高いところを目指せる公立校です。 不満ばかり言うのはかっこわるい。
I am a graduate of the 31st term. At that time, there were quizzes every day, mock exams every month, and events were exciting, and club activities spent hard days at the athletic meet, but looking back from now on, the high school was fulfilling. I think it was a life. Also, regarding the school rules, it was a large school that took up the requests from the students on the agenda at the student general meeting. The ground is poorly drained, but I remember we all removed the ground puddle on the morning of the class match after the rain. It is a public school where you can aim for a high place to some extent if you want to do it depending on the person. It's cool to complain.
MAMI F. on Google

The other day, when I went to the house of a person at work for business, I got lost, and when I happened to pass in front of high school, some parents' cars were parked in front of the house, and people passing by I thought it would be a nuisance to the people at home. When I asked people at work, it was a common story and they said it was annoying. Also, it seems that the manners of going to school are not good ...
ねこ on Google

Due to the lack of education and instruction, the quality of the students deteriorated. When you leave school, you ride your bicycle down the road or sidewalk at a tremendous speed, and at the intersection you jump out without looking to the left or right. Getting out of school on foot is also spreading all over the road and making a loud noise. You can see that the state of going to and from school is all about the school spirit. The goodness of the product like before, such as how to spend after school, has disappeared.

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