昭和の森 展望台

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 昭和の森 展望台

住所 :

Yasashidocho, Midori Ward, 〒267-0062 Chiba,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.city.chiba.jp/toshi/koenryokuchi/kanri/midori/tennbou.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yasashidocho, Midori Ward, 〒267-0062 Chiba,Japan
m kouyama on Google

A large and wonderful park. This view that suddenly appears on the cycling course is superb!
on Google

The whole facility is ok, but it's not the only place to come here.
佐藤康廣 on Google

Many people gather each year at the first sunrise of January 1 at the highest elevation in Chiba city, and pray for the safety of the year. The weather is good, you can overlook the Kujukuri plain, and you can experience the long coastline of Kujukuri. The feeling is fine and sunny. The forest of Showa has many flowers during the four seasons. You can enjoy it inside. It's a perfect space for children to play and play, but under the observation deck, there is a small park with a small Nakanaka Pond in the city of Oami Shirasato City. A lot of carp streamers are swimming on the pond in the season. It's a masterpiece, it's hard to ascend and descend the stairs, but I think it's worth a look.
ありあり on Google

You can look down on the town of Oami, the sea, etc. and it's nice!
カラシウスオラータス on Google

確かに展望台としての見晴らしは良く、遠く九十九里浜まで見えた日にはすっきりすると思う。ただ、多くの日は大気が若干ガスってしまったりして、眺望はすっきり見えないそうなのだ。 私が訪問時も、もやが多少かかっており、九十九里浜までは見通せなかった。 頻回に訪問している人曰く、ここに来れば最高の景色が見られると思ってきてしまうとがっかりしてしまうよね、でも心の眼で今見た景色がすばらしいと思うことが一番良いんだよ、と教えてくれました。 ベンチが40席程度あるほか、眼下のパノラマ眺望は確かに一見の価値ありなので、この公園にお立ち寄りの際にはぜひ寄ってみると良いでしょう。 ただし駐車場からは非常に遠く、歩くと片道30分以上かかることが予想されますので、賢明な方は220円で自転車レンタルをされると良いと思います。
Certainly, the view as an observatory is good, and I think it will be clear on the day you can see as far as Kujukuri Beach. However, on many days, the atmosphere is a little gasy and the view seems to be unclear. Even when I visited, the haze was a little hungry and I could not see through to Kujukuri Beach. People who visit frequently say that if you come here you will see the best scenery, you will be disappointed, but it is best to think that the scenery you just saw is wonderful with your eyes He told me. There are about 40 benches and the panoramic view below is definitely worth a visit, so it is a good idea to stop by this park. However, it is very far from the parking lot, and it is expected that it will take 30 minutes or more each way when walking, so if you are wise you should rent a bicycle for 220 yen.
まつたろう on Google

2022.2.17 坂道登ってたどり着くもそれほど海は見えなかった 遠いし低いし期待してた景色とはだいぶ違った もう行かないな
2022.2.17 I couldn't see the sea so much when I reached the slope It ’s far and low, and it ’s quite different from what I expected. Don't go anymore
TAKA OE on Google

You can see Kujukuri in the distance. It is said to be the highest point in Chiba City (excluding skyscrapers).
マサ on Google

天気には恵まれたけど、九十九里浜は良く見えなかった? もう、5m位高ければハッキリと見えるかもしれません? 海が見える場所は昔から不動の人気を誇りますから。 展望塔があればベスト。
The weather was nice, but Kujukurihama didn't look good ? If it is about 5m higher, it may look clearer ? The place where you can see the sea has always been a popular place. Best if there is an observation tower.

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