
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花盛酒造

住所 :

Yaotsu, Kamo District, 〒505-0301 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.hanazakari.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–7PM
Sunday 9:30AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–7:30PM
Thursday 9AM–7:30PM
Friday 9AM–7:30PM
街 : Gifu

Yaotsu, Kamo District, 〒505-0301 Gifu,Japan
斎藤広光 on Google

Thank you for the polite explanation. It was perfect and tasted delicious.
谷真理子 on Google

Old sake was delicious !! It was against the purchase price during the campaign, but I asked for your help.
岩田聖一 on Google

I was invited by a sticker that I could taste. A very moody woman came out and asked which liquor was recommended, but it was treated appropriately. When I asked if I could taste it, I just poured a few drops so disgustingly. The atmosphere was so bad that I thought I'd go out without buying anything, but I bought only one and left the store. I don't buy it anymore at a store with such a bad atmosphere. It was unpleasant.
七半 on Google

店舗では様々な生酒の種類あり、スッキリ辛口が多いがお好みの味は相談して選べる。 カード可能、専用駐車場は無い。
There are various types of sake at the store, which are refreshingly dry, but you can consult and choose your favorite taste. Cards accepted, no private parking.
落合弘明 on Google

荒走り、中取り、責め、しずく採りと、搾り方にこだわった酒蔵です。 店頭の直営店では、試飲して、搾り方の違いを感じながら、また、蔵元からアドバイスをいただきながら、自分の好みの日本酒を選んで購入する事ができます。 支払い方法は現金のみです。 年に数回ある蔵開きイベントでは、通常販売される日本酒に加え、蔵開き限定でタンクから直接瓶詰めした無濾過生原酒を購入する事ができます。 また、甘酒や粕汁、漬物など、ノンアルコールの商品も振る舞われ、ドライバーやお酒を飲めない方も楽しむ事ができます。
It is a sake brewery that is particular about how to squeeze, such as rough-running, middle-acquisition, blaming, and dripping. At the store directly managed, you can taste and taste the difference in how you squeeze, and you can choose your favorite sake by purchasing advice from the brewery. The only payment method is cash. In addition to the sake that is usually sold, you can also purchase bottled unfiltered raw sake directly from the tank at the brewery event, which is held several times a year. In addition, non-alcoholic products such as amazake, lees, pickles, etc. are also behaved, and can be enjoyed by drivers and those who cannot drink alcohol.
Nro Sui on Google

昔ながらの製法で作られた芳醇で美味しい日本酒です。 お酒が苦手な僕でも美味しく飲めました。 初めてたくさん飲んだ日本酒がこちらのいい日本酒だったため 巷で安く購入できる日本酒などは到底飲めません。。。 女性杜氏ならではの心遣いも感じられる逸品です。 セット物は贈り物としても大変喜ばれます。
A mellow and delicious sake made by the old-fashioned method. Even I, who is not good at drinking, could drink deliciously. Because the sake I drank a lot for the first time was this good sake You can't drink sake that you can buy cheaply in the streets. .. .. It is a gem that you can feel the thoughtfulness unique to Mr. Mori. The set is also very much appreciated as a gift.
O TE on Google

試飲会に参加しました。購入したのは、 純米酒雄町 飲み疲れしない、美味しいお酒。 今度は、古酒を購入したいです。 追記 9月18日試飲会参加。 今回は、燗酒も頂きました。 特別純米も辛口純米も、とても美味しかったです。コスパ高くて感謝です。 ちょっと変わった三年古酒がありました。氷温貯蔵しているそうで、他の古酒とは違いました。とても美味しかったです。 10月にも試飲会を計画しているそうなので、また、参加したいと思います。 追記:3月25日の試飲会では、 吊しぼりを見せてもらいました。あの滴り落ちる音がたまらんです。 今回は、色々試飲した結果、本醸造「初しぼり」にしました。日本酒度−9、酸味もしっかり感じ僕好みで、美味しくいただきました。 この時、吟醸の酒粕を買いました。甘酒、美味しかったです。
I participated in a tasting party. I bought Junmaishu Omachi Delicious sake that you won't get tired of drinking. This time, I want to buy old sake. Addendum Participated in a tasting party on September 18. This time, I also had some sake. Both the special junmai and the dry junmai were very delicious. I am grateful that Cospa is expensive. There was a slightly unusual three-year old sake. It seems that it is stored at ice temperature, unlike other old sake. It was very delicious. I'm planning to have a tasting party in October, so I would like to participate again. Update: At the tasting party on March 25th, I was asked to show the hanging towel. I can't stand the dripping sound. As a result of tasting variously, I made it into the first brewed "Hatsushibori". Sake degree is -9, sourness is firm, and I like it. At this time, I bought sake sake from Ginjo. Amazake was delicious.
銀竜 on Google

You can buy various types of sake from the brewery, and I'm looking forward to the brand changing depending on the season.

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