Yao Natural Hot Spring - Yao

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yao Natural Hot Spring

住所 :

5 Chome-101 Yaogikita, Yao, Osaka 581-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87999
Postal code : 581-0016
Webサイト : http://yaogrand.com/day_trip/

5 Chome-101 Yaogikita, Yao, Osaka 581-0016, Japan
Type99HandleyPage on Google

深夜まで(明け方まで?)営業してるホテル併設の天然温泉。タオルがセットになってる。 玄関や脱衣所とかに喫煙所があって誰かタバコ吸ってると煙たいのが残念だが、それ以外はとても良い温泉。 浴室に入ると、髭剃りやアカスリタオルなどが置いてある。 その裏には掛かり湯や、飲める温泉などがある。 サウナとスチームサウナ、浴槽は露天風呂、ジャグジーや打たせ湯、漢方薬湯などがあるが、中でも強烈なのは源泉高温湯。熱い。子供は入るの無理だろう。大人でも入れるけどグゥ〜!ってなるほど熱い。水風呂と隣接してるので交互に入る人も多い。 水風呂には注意書きが書いてある。サウナから出たらかかり水してから入らないとブラブラ病になったり脳の血管が破れてサヨナラしますとか書いてあって、アイエッ!?ニンジャスレイヤーめいた発言ナンデ!?とか思ってちょっと笑ってしまう。 ジャグジー風呂の壁にはこの温泉の由来が書かれてる。 古い時代から伝統があるらしい。
The hotel's natural hot spring is open until midnight (until dawn?). A towel is set. There is a smoking area at the entrance, dressing room and so on. When you enter the bathroom, you will find a shave and a towel. Behind it is a hot spring and a hot spring where you can drink. There are saunas and steam saunas, bathtubs are open-air baths, jacuzzis, simmering hot springs, and herbal medicines, but the hot springs are the hot springs. hot. Children will not be able to enter. Even adults can get in! It ’s so hot. There are many people who enter alternately because it is adjacent to the water bath. A note is written on the water bath. If you get out of the sauna and don't enter it, you'll get a blistering disease or the blood vessels in your brain will break and say goodbye. ? Ninja Slayer's remarked Nande! ? I laugh for a moment. The origin of this hot spring is written on the wall of the jacuzzi bath. There seems to be a tradition since the old days.
Yn Tani on Google

温泉の泉質派硫黄の臭いも少しして 湧き出し温度も高めで悪くないですが タバコの煙りがひどくて 喫煙コーナーがあるものの ほぼ換気できてないのが難点ですね
A little bit of the smell of sulfur The spring temperature is high and not bad The cigarette smoke was so bad Although there is a smoking corner The difficulty is that it is almost not ventilated
Dagd røm on Google

入浴行為でこれ以上の快楽を得ることは難しいのではと考えてしまうくらい、ここの熱湯と水風呂での温冷浴は凄まじい。2時間程度ならあっという間だ。 その後はもう麻痺してるのではないかと錯覚するほどの整いが訪れる。
The hot and cold baths here are so awesome that you might think that it would be difficult to get any more pleasure from bathing. It's about 2 hours in no time. After that, the arrangement comes to the point that it seems that he is already paralyzed.
etsuko m on Google

朝900円、昼間は2500円、夜は1200円、遅い時間は1500円 お湯はいいけど、古くてあちこち故障中、大衆劇など楽しむ人たちの憩いの場かな。 温泉を楽しむために立ちよったけれど、この値段でこの内容は、2回目はないかな。入った後で、もう一度お風呂入りにどこかに行きたい気分。古き良きではなくて、故障や古くて、体がキレイになったイメージがわかなかったから。 お湯はいいんだけど、なにか引っ掛かる。館内着、タオルバスタオルセットあり。
900 yen in the morning, 2500 yen in the daytime, 1200 yen in the evening, 1500 yen in the late hours Hot water is good, but it's old and has troubles here and there, and it's a place of relaxation for people who enjoy popular plays. I stood up to enjoy the hot springs, but I wonder if this is the second time for this price. After taking a bath, I feel like going somewhere to take a bath again. It wasn't good old, but I didn't get the image that it was broken or old and my body was clean. Hot water is good, but something gets caught. There are clothes in the hall and towel bath towel set.
Lisa on Google

前から行ってみたくてやっと訪問できました。 顔見知りのおばさま達に観劇もできて温泉も気持ちよくてオススメされていたので、ずっと気になってました。 17時からは大人1200円で入れました♡ 子供は700円でした♡ 館内着とバスタオル、フェイスタオルがセットになってます。 1日料金でこの規模だと、ちょっと物足りない気もします。ご年配の方は、演劇鑑賞したりで充実できそうですが。 私は夜だけの利用で充分です。 建物は、かなり古い感じでした…が…。 泉質がかなり良くて感動でした♡ お湯トロトロ♡ コロナ対策で窓全開にされていたので のぼせることなく長時間入ってられました。 熱いお風呂とほどよくぬるめのお風呂があって 熱いお風呂苦手な娘も珍しく長時間入ってました。 露天風呂も広くて良かったです。 今回はお風呂をゆっくり堪能した為、 観劇できなかったんですが 機会があれば是非一度見てみたいです。 2階にある食事処(レストラン?)の 和定食がめちゃめちゃおいしかったです♡ 量も多すぎずちょうど良い感じ✨ お刺身と天麩羅美味でした。 スーパー銭湯や健康ランドで美味しい食事にありつけていなかったので、ほんとに感動でした♡ 温泉♨️めちゃくちゃ良かったので またリピートしようと思います♡ お肌すべすべになりました♪
I was finally able to visit because I wanted to go from the front. I was always interested because I was able to watch the theater and the hot springs were recommended by acquaintances. From 17:00, I entered for 1200 yen for adults ♡ The child was 700 yen ♡ In-house clothes, bath towels and face towels are included in the set. At this scale for a daily fee, I feel a little unsatisfactory. Elderly people may be able to enjoy the theater. I only need to use it at night. The building looked pretty old ... but ... The quality of the spring was pretty good and I was impressed ♡ Hot water Toro Toro ♡ Because the window was fully opened as a measure against corona I was able to enter for a long time without climbing. There is a hot bath and a moderately lukewarm bath My daughter, who is not good at hot baths, was unusually long in the bath. It was good that the open-air bath was also large. This time I enjoyed the bath slowly, so I couldn't watch the play If you have a chance, I would love to see it. At the restaurant (restaurant?) On the 2nd floor The Japanese set meal was really delicious ♡ The amount is not too much and it feels just right ✨ The sashimi and tempura were delicious. I was really impressed because I didn't have a delicious meal at the super public bath or Kenko Land ♡ Hot spring ♨️ It was so good I will repeat again ♡ Your skin is smooth ♪
斉藤淳子 on Google

ねこもちもち on Google

JR八尾駅北口から歩いて20分少しぐらいでした。料金は最初から観劇込みのようで、温泉だけ入っても同じ価格でした。HPに好きな歴史人物の名前が...って理由だけで行ってみたのですが熱すぎず入りやすい温度で、色々な種類のお湯があって温泉自体にもかなり満足できました。 浴室の壁に書かれている歴史や伝説を読みながら入ると楽しいです。さまざまな有名な歴史人物が出てきます♨️
It was about 20 minutes on foot from the north exit of JR Yao Station. The price seemed to include the theater from the beginning, and it was the same price even if only the hot spring was entered. I went to the website just because my favorite historical person's name was ... but it wasn't too hot and it was easy to get in, and there were various kinds of hot springs, so I was quite satisfied with the hot spring itself. It's fun to enter while reading the history and legends written on the walls of the bathroom. Various famous historical figures will appear ♨️
Moto Caz on Google

A hot spring facility attached to the Yao Grand Hotel. Since I visited on Sunday, the parking lot and shoe boxes were full, and I thought it was a great person, but the hot spring itself was rattled and reserved. The bathing fee is 2400 yen, and the theater fee is unconditionally turned on. A mysterious fee system of 4400 yen with a 40-minute massage. The facilities are old, but the quality of the spring is reasonably good. There are saunas and steam baths, but the alternating bathing between cold and hot baths is super comfortable. Massage is not acupressure, but it is very good and good. The play seems to be interesting, and it seems that there were a lot of people on this day at Chiakigaku.

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