Yanetoku - Osaka

4.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Yanetoku

住所 :

3 Chome-12-29 Katsuyamaminami, Ikuno Ward, Osaka, 544-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 544-0021
Webサイト : http://www.yanetoku.com/

3 Chome-12-29 Katsuyamaminami, Ikuno Ward, Osaka, 544-0021, Japan
Hosino Rinoa (りのあ) on Google

m kasai on Google

中古物件購入後の屋根診断をお願いしました。 時間厳守、段取りよくテキパキと屋根に上り見てくださいました。 その場でどんな方法があるか、費用は大体どのくらいかもきちんと説明 してくださったので見積を依頼しました。 素人の私の質問にも真剣に丁寧にわかりやすく答えてくださいました。
I asked for a roof diagnosis after purchasing a used property. I was punctual and took a good time to climb up to the roof. Properly explain what kind of method there is and how much it costs I asked for a quote. He answered my amateur's questions seriously and politely.
jacolla jacolla on Google

伝統的な瓦を丁寧に扱える職人集団の会社。今こういう方々はどんどん減ってきていて、DIYの延長のように接着剤と金属板で補修しましょうまたは、洋風にリフォームしましょうが増えてきているようなだけに本当に貴重である。関西は都市部でも和風建築の家、築60年以上の老朽化した長屋も多いので、こういう会社はおそらく年中引っ張りだこだろう。 ここは工務店ではないが、和風建築物を扱える大工さんや石塀を直せる方や植木職人の方も紹介していただけるようで、洋風の簡易リフォームしか提案できない工務店が多い昨今では、やはり有難い存在。 私の家の事例だが、まずはひどい雨漏りの時に修理を頼んだのだが、雨漏りについては、会社の代表のかた?が屋根にあがって瓦のずれを直して下さるだけで症状があっという間におさまったので驚くともに感謝した。まさにプロの仕事。その後、全面的な葺き替えをこちらから頼むが、いや半分は十分もつから全くしなくていいとのこと。押し付けがましい提案や、うるさい販促の電話も全くなく拍子抜け。見積もり後の料金は相場相応。安くもなく高くもなく。以前、相見積もりを数社頼んだが、工務店手配の中抜きがないぶん、ややお得かもしれないと判断し、ここを最終的に選択した。仕事は朝から夕方まで。代表以下、職人さんたちは、丁寧でまじめな働きぶり。作業後の毎日の道路掃除やゴミの持ち帰りについても、当然のことだが塵ひとつない状態にしてあった。これをまともにしない業者も多いので、こういうのは本当にありがたい。工事前の近所での挨拶周りも丁寧だったそうだ。残り半分の葺き替えも含め、次回誰かが屋根トラブルで困っていたら真っ先に勧めると思う。
A company of craftsmen who can handle traditional roof tiles carefully. Now these people are steadily decreasing, and it's really valuable as the number of people who want to repair with adhesive and metal plate like DIY extension or remodel in Western style is increasing. Even in urban areas, there are many Japanese-style houses in Kansai, and many aging nagaya that are over 60 years old, so these companies are probably sought after all year round. This is not a construction shop, but it seems that carpenters who can handle Japanese-style buildings, people who can fix stone walls, and planters can also be introduced, and nowadays there are many construction shops that can only propose simple Western-style remodeling, which is still appreciated. Existence. In the case of my house, I first asked for repairs when there was a severe leak, but was the representative of the company about the leak? I was surprised and grateful that the symptoms subsided in a blink of an eye just by going up to the roof and fixing the tiles. It's a professional job. After that, I asked for a complete re-roofing from here, but no, I have enough half, so I do not have to do it at all. There were no intrusive suggestions or noisy sales promotion calls, and I was out of tune. The price after the estimate is appropriate for the market price. Neither cheap nor expensive. Previously, I asked for several companies for a phase estimate, but I decided that it might be a little profitable because there was no omission in the arrangement of the contractor, so I finally chose this. Work is from morning till evening. The craftsmen below the representative work politely and earnestly. As a matter of course, the roads were cleaned every day after the work and the garbage was taken home without any dust. There are many vendors who do not do this properly, so I am really grateful for this. It seems that the greetings in the neighborhood before the construction were also polite. I think I will recommend it first if someone is having trouble with the roof next time, including the replacement of the other half.

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