Yanagi-no-Gosho - Nishiiwai District

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yanagi-no-Gosho

住所 :

Yanaginogosho Hiraizumi, Nishiiwai District, Iwate 029-4102, Japan

Postal code : 029-4102
Webサイト : http://www2.pref.iwate.jp/~hp0909/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Yanaginogosho Hiraizumi, Nishiiwai District, Iwate 029-4102, Japan
Ken Y on Google

Hiraizumikan, the government office of Mr. Fujiwara Oshu. There is no reproduction building, only the cornerstone exhibition. Hiraizumi has passed through trains and roads so as to destroy the precious remains, which is a very disappointing impression. It seems that this place was once excluded from the composition of the World Heritage Site, but I thought it was unavoidable.
358 PMP on Google

平安時代末期の奥州藤原氏の政庁跡と言われている。広大な敷地に池、堀跡が点在して復元されている。建物等は現存しないが当時の栄華が偲ばれる。 館は源頼朝による奥州進攻の折に追い込まれた藤原泰衡が自ら火を放ち炎上したと伝わっている。 現在は遺跡面積の約半分くらいが柳之御所史跡公園として整備中。隣接して資料館があったが閉鎖された。今後新しいガイダンス施設となることが発表されている。 奥州の地で一時の栄華を誇った歴史を後世に伝える上でも建物等の復元整備も期待したい。
It is said to be the remains of the government office of Oshu Fujiwara at the end of the Heian period. Ponds and moat traces are scattered and restored on the vast site. Buildings do not exist, but the glory of the time is remembered. It is said that Yasuhira Fujiwara, who was forced into the attack of Oshu by Minamoto no Yoritomo, ignited and burned himself. Currently, about half of the area of ​​the ruins is under construction as the Yanagi Imperial Palace Historic Park. There was a museum adjacent to it, but it was closed. It has been announced that it will become a new guidance facility in the future. We would also like to expect the restoration and repair of buildings in order to convey the history of the glory of Oshu to the posterity.
小椋明夫 on Google

The ruins of a government office during the Fujiwara period in Oshu (in Azuma Kagami, it is described as "Hiraizumikan"). It exists along the Kitakami River and covers a vast area. The remains of buildings, ponds, wells, and waste holes, which are thought to be in the center, have been discovered. As of September 2020, a large-scale archaeological site maintenance work is underway in the area on the south side (the museum is also closed).
七面鳥放浪記 on Google

奥州藤原氏の政庁跡と見なされる池のある原っぱです。福井の一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡は唐門と塀の配置が絶妙で否応なく想像力をかきたてられますが、ここには往古に思いをめぐらせるトリガーはなく、訪れても途方にくれるばかりです。 わざわざ足を運ぶほどのところではありませんが、平泉駅と中尊寺を結ぶ「中尊寺通り」から脇道に入ればすぐのところです。中尊寺で絢爛豪華な金色堂と宝物の数々を拝観したあとの箸休めにはちょうどいいところだと思います。
It is a field with a pond that is considered to be the site of the government office of Mr. Fujiwara Oshu. At the Ichijodani Asakura site in Fukui, the arrangement of the Karamon and the fence is exquisite and inevitably arouses the imagination, but there is no trigger to think about the ancient times, and even if you visit it, you will be at a loss. It's not a place to go all the way, but it's just a short walk from "Chusonji-dori" that connects Hiraizumi Station and Chusonji. I think it's a good place to rest your chopsticks after seeing the gorgeous golden hall and many treasures at Chusonji Temple.
菊地修三 on Google

柳之御所遺跡は、国指定史跡「柳之御所史跡公園」として整備されてますが、何も無くて少し寂しい感じです。 でも中にはQRコードを読み取ると、バーチャル映像で360°のいにしえを観ることが出来ます❗️ 柳之御所遺跡は、12世紀に繁栄した奥州藤原氏が政治を行った「平泉館」と吾妻鏡から推定され、遺構と共に大量の土器や陶磁器などの交易を示す遺物も発見されてます。 柳之御所遺跡は、世界文化遺産に指定されてませんが、追加登録を目指して整備してます。
The Yanagi-no-Gosho Ruins are maintained as a nationally designated historic site "Yanagi-no-Gosho Historic Site Park", but it feels a little lonely because there is nothing. But if you read the QR code inside, you can see the ancient times of 360 ° with virtual images ❗️ The Yanagi-no-Gosho site is estimated from the "Hiraizumikan" and Azuma Kagami, where Mr. Fujiwara Oshu, who prospered in the 12th century, conducted politics. The Yanagi-no-Gosho site is not designated as a world cultural heritage, but it is being maintained with the aim of additional registration.
ふきん on Google

2021年8月7日訪問 奥州藤原氏の政庁(平泉館)と比定される場所です。 30分ほどいましたが私以外誰も訪れる人はいませんでした。
Visited August 7, 2021 It is a place that is compared to Mr. Fujiwara Oshu's government office (Hiraizumikan). It took about 30 minutes, but no one visited except me.
Norio Yamamoto on Google

Ruins of old buildings for Fujiwara families
Ha Na on Google

Educational. For someone who loves history, this place is really very interesting that gave me goosebumps when I read the signs and imagined what it looked like before

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