臨済宗 栖安寺

4.4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 臨済宗 栖安寺

住所 :

Yana, Kisarazu, 〒292-0812 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yana, Kisarazu, 〒292-0812 Chiba,Japan
中村順子 on Google

大佐 on Google

I visited the grave.
菅谷ひとみ on Google

I went by relative's law.
xxion神田 on Google

2019/12/28拝受 千葉県では珍しい臨済宗円覚寺派の寺院。本尊十一面観世音菩薩。とても綺麗な境内でした。今回が上総国薬師如来霊場の巡拝で訪問しました。第32番札所の御朱印(薬師如来)を頂きました!
2019/12/28 Worship 臨 A temple of the Rinzai sect Enkakuji Temple which is rare in Chiba Prefecture. Eleven faces of Kanzeon Bodhisattva. It was a very beautiful precinct. This time, I visited Kazusa National Yakushi Nyorai Sacred Site. We received the Goshuin (Yakushi Nyorai) of the 32nd bill!
Murasha Captain on Google

A lie or a sincerity, or a cherry blossom with a connection to Kamatari.
鈴木啓司 on Google

I'm disturbing you at work. The priest will tell you a very kind and enjoyable story. I am always grateful for your help.
露崎慎一 on Google

音平山 栖安寺 臨済宗円覚寺派。 室町時代、彿恵禅師が永和4年(1378)に開山。その後、天正2年(1574)再開基された時、安房守里見義堯より寺領として13石2斗5升が寄進された。戦国時代後期は、鎌倉円覚寺皈源院住職の隠退寺として傑翁是天が開基し、下用長田(小字)にあった。 現在は竹林になっている。 元禄13年(1700)玉翁珠和尚の代に、現在地に移築されたが、明和3年(1766)火災に遭い、天保13年(1842)に漸く再建され、現在に至っている。 平成3年(1991)寺田徹宗19代目住職の時、庫裡と山門を新築したので風格のある佇まいを見ることができる。
Otohirayama Suianji Temple Engakuji school of the Rinsai sect. During the Muromachi period, Zen Master Buddha opened the mountain in 1378. After that, when it was reopened in 1574, 13 stones, 2 to 5 squares were donated by Yoshitaka Awa, as a temple territory. In the latter half of the Warring States period, Engakuji Kamakura was founded as a retreat temple for the chief priest of Engakuji Temple, and was located in Nagata (small letters) for Shimoyo. It is now a bamboo grove. It was relocated to the present location in the era of Mammillaria Hahn in 1700, but was rebuilt in 1842 after a fire in 1766, and continues to the present day. In 1991, when he was the 19th chief priest of Tesshu Shaku, he built a new warehouse and a mountain gate, so you can see the stately appearance.

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