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Contact 湯ノ沢峠駐車場

住所 :

Yamatocho Hajikano, Koshu, 〒409-1203 Yamanashi,Japan

街 : Yamanashi

Yamatocho Hajikano, Koshu, 〒409-1203 Yamanashi,Japan
taiidana on Google

林道焼山沢真木(西)線でこれる。この林道は手前の分岐から駐車場まで未舗装であるが、フラットなので乗用車でも問題無い。 駐車場から湯ノ沢峠までは50m程で誰でも登れる。 ちなみに、峠の反対側から焼山沢真木(東)線が来ているが間に200mほど繋がっていない部分があり、ここは歩いてしか行けない。しかも東線は盛大な崩落が多数あり歩行ですらおぼつかないと思う。 2019GW追記 数年ぶりに、山梨百名山の一つである大蔵高丸を登るために来た。相変わらず最後の2km程度(日川線ゲート付近より)はダートだったが、荒れておらず、左のタイヤを縁石に擦って縦列駐車するようなレベルの香具師以外は無問題、快適に走れる状況であった。 目的の登山を果たしてから、東側200mにある焼山沢真木(東)線との接続路を実踏したが、20m下の分岐まで確認したが雷鳴轟き、即座に中止し車に戻った。 かなりの標高がある場所であり、30分で快晴から雷雨に変わることがあることも認識しておくべき。
It runs on the Hayashido Yakiyamazawa Maki (West) line. This forest road is unpaved from the fork in the front to the parking lot, but it is flat and no problem for passenger cars because it is flat. Anyone can climb 50m from the parking lot to Yunozawa Pass. By the way, the Yakiyamazawa Maki (East) Line is coming from the other side of the boat, but there is a part that is not connected about 200m in between, and I can only go here on foot. Moreover, I think that the east line has many large falls and I can not think even if I am walking. 2019 GW postscript For the first time in a few years, I came to climb Okura Takamaru, which is one of Yamanashi's 100 famous mountains. The last 2km (from around the Nichikawa Line gate) was still dirt as usual, but it is not rough, and it is a situation where it can run comfortably without problems other than incenseists who rub in the left tire with curbs and parallel parking there were. After carrying out the purpose of climbing, I actually stepped on the connection route with the Yakiyamazawa Maki (East) Line on the east side 200m, but I confirmed the branch down 20m, but I heard thunder and immediately stopped and returned to the car. It should be recognized that it is a place with a considerable elevation, and it may change from sunny to thunderstorms in 30 minutes.
Yamatohebi on Google

カーハイク用の駐車場だがトイレも避難小屋も近くにあり、テントを張るスペースも充分ある。 避難小屋は毛布の貸出を辞めてしまって、ただ板の間があるのみ(2018/11月現在)。 ここから天目山温泉に降りる場合は車道ではなく避難小屋左脇の道を降りること。渡渉ポイントが数箇所あるので注意。
Although it is a parking lot for car hikes, there are toilets and an evacuation shelter nearby, and there is plenty of space to set up a tent. The evacuation shed has quit lending blankets, and there is only a space between the boards (as of November 2018). If you want to get off at Tenmeyama Onsen from here, take the road on the left side of the evacuation hut instead of the driveway. Please note that there are several crossing points.
高橋にやんてゆしげ on Google

You can drive to the trailhead. Is there about 10 parking spaces? There is a solid toilet. Up to the flower field, you can look normal.
セザキリョウタ on Google

勝沼ICで降りて20号線経由、湯ノ沢峠駐車場まで車で約1時間。途中にセブンイレブンがあり。 舗装路の林道を通って湯ノ沢峠駐車場までの残り20分くらいの所から舗装路は終わり、砂利道ダートが続くため車高が低い車は慎重に。 車一台が十分通れる道幅があるも、タイミングが合わないとすれ違いが困難。 待避所が沢山ありましたのでゆっくり進みましょう。 途中、富士山の眺めが良いところがいくつかありますが、脇見運転は厳禁。 山側から落石が多いようで大きな石が道に散乱しています。 駐車場は広くて10台〜15台は停められそう。 公衆トイレがあり、大便器と小便器がついた個室が2つ。バイオ式。臭いはほとんどしませんでした。山中のトイレとしては十分綺麗です。 トイレットペーパーの備え付けあり。登山シーズンだと十分ではないかもしれません。 手洗い水は雨水を利用しているようで、枯れるときがあり。蛇口をひねるも出てきませんでした。 アルコールティッシュとトイレットペーパー持参がおすすめ。 近くに避難小屋あり。寝具類なし 熊出没注意看板あり。 駐車場から秀麗富嶽十二景の大倉高丸へは徒歩で30分程度、ほんの散歩程度でたどり着ける。 あまり達成感は味わえないが、本当に素晴らしい富士山の眺望があり 草原は山梨県が力を入れて自然保護している模様でロープや鉄柵扉など多数。夏のシーズンにも是非一度訪れてみたい
Get off at Katsunuma IC via Route 20, about 1 hour by car to Yunosawa Sakai parking lot. There is Seven Eleven on the way. The paved road is finished from the remaining 20 minutes to the Yunosawa Pass parking lot through the paved road forest road, and the gravel road dirt continues and the car with a low height is cautious carefully. Even though there is a road width enough for one car to pass, it is difficult to get past each other if the timing does not match. There are many shelters so let's go slowly. Along the way, there are some places where the view of Mt. Fuji is good, but driving is strictly prohibited. It seems that there are many fallen rocks from the mountain side and big stones are scattered on the road. The parking lot is wide and 10 to 15 will be parked. There are public toilets, and two private rooms with a urinal and urinal. Bio expression. There was almost no smell. It is beautiful as a toilet in the mountains. Equipped with toilet paper. It may not be enough during the mountain climbing season. Hand wash water seems to use rainwater, and there is time when it withers. I did not come out to twist the faucet. It is recommended to bring alcohol tissue and toilet paper. There is an evacuation cabin nearby. No bedding There is a signboard for bears and bears. It takes about 30 minutes on foot from the parking lot to Okura Takamaru, a scenic 12-point scenic spot. I do not feel a sense of accomplishment much, but there is a wonderful view of Mt. Fuji Grassland is a pattern that Yamanashi Prefecture is putting effort into protecting nature, and there are many ropes and iron fence doors. I want to visit once by all means in the summer season
Y ozo on Google

ハマイバから大蔵高丸を経由し、 下山途中によってみた。 土曜の昼頃で、満車状態でした。 朝方は、もっと混んでいるらしい。 大蔵高丸山頂まで、40分位で 行けるので、利便性が非常に良い! トイレ(洋)あり、比較的綺麗。 避難小屋もあり、休憩出来ます。 ただし、冬季は林道閉鎖中との事 なので、要確認! 2021.05
From Hamaiba via Okuratakamaru I saw it on the way down the mountain. It was around noon on Saturday and was full. It seems to be more crowded in the morning. About 40 minutes to the summit of Okuratakamaru It's very convenient because you can go there! There is a toilet (Western) and it is relatively beautiful. There is also an evacuation shed where you can take a break. However, the forest road is closed in winter. So check it out! 2021.05
Melissa Mistrain on Google

林道焼山沢真木西線の終点にある駐車スペース。 ここを起点として登山に向かう人向けです。 林道日川線との分岐から約2kmの距離で、未舗装(ダート)となっていますので、 車ならさほど問題なさそうですが、オンロードの二輪車はやや走りにくいかもしれません。 駐車スペースは割と広めだと思います。 付近に公衆トイレ、そして避難小屋があります。両者ともに綺麗に保たれていました。
A parking space at the end of the forest road Yakiyamazawa Maki Nishi Line. It is for people who are heading for mountain climbing from here. Since it is about 2km from the branch with the forest road Hikawa line, it is dirt (dirt), It looks like there aren't many problems with cars, but on-road motorcycles may be somewhat difficult to drive. I think the parking space is rather wide. There are public toilets and evacuation huts nearby. Both were kept clean.
Naresh Deora on Google

Parking lot for 'yunosawa pass' which has toilet,water source and a emergency hut. A trailhead for Mt Okuratakamaru, a yamanashi hyakumeizan. Emergency hut is locked now.
Brian Cody on Google

Passable if the road isn't washed out. You will need at least 155 cm of ground clearance. Send someone up on foot first to make sure it is clear because there are few places to turn around once you commit yourself to the trail with a vehicle.

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