Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Tamamuramachi Fukujima Center - Sawa District

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Tamamuramachi Fukujima Center

住所 :

1232 Fukujima, Tamamura, Sawa District, Gunma 370-1105, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 370-1105
Webサイト : http://www.e-map.ne.jp/p/yamato01/shop_dtl.htm%3Fp_f1%3D1%26kid%3D023081%26utm_source%3DYext%26utm_medium%3DYext%26utm_campaign%3DListings
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–9PM
Sunday 8AM–9PM
Monday 8AM–9PM
Tuesday 8AM–9PM
Wednesday 8AM–9PM
Thursday 8AM–9PM
Friday 8AM–9PM

1232 Fukujima, Tamamura, Sawa District, Gunma 370-1105, Japan
渡邉孝一 on Google

いつも親切で丁寧です。 1216に行きました。11月に移転して更地です。調べたら福島橋南、セブンイレブン北にあったので行きました。 新しく、フラットな入口で、お客さんで混雑していました。 セブンイレブンの方から右折で入る時は2車線を横るので事故に注意
Always kind and polite. I went to 1216. It moved to a vacant lot in November. I checked it and found it in the south of Fukushima Bridge and the north of Seven-Eleven, so I went there. The new, flat entrance was crowded with customers. When entering from Seven-Eleven by turning right, be careful of accidents as you will cross two lanes.
s34040111t2000 on Google

橋向こうの僻地からこちらへ移転して、立地がよくなった。スタッフの対応はよい◎ ただ車通りが常に激しい場所なので敷地内へ入るのに気をつけなければならない。
The location has improved as we moved from a remote area over the bridge to this place. The correspondence of the staff is good ◎ However, you have to be careful when entering the premises because the traffic is always heavy.
小野里光弘 on Google

店頭受取で、転送した物品を探すのに、いつも10o分位かかり、待ち時間が長い。 店頭受取指定の荷物は、 いつでも渡せるように、 窓口付近で管理して貰えると、 時間短縮になります。
It always takes about 10o minutes to find the transferred item at the store, and the waiting time is long. Luggage designated for over-the-counter receipt is So that you can hand it over at any time If you manage it near the window, It will save you time.
abandansia on Google

自分で送った荷物がボロボロになって届いた。 配達員が破れて中身が見えてるから壊れているものがないか確認してくださいと言われてその場で中身を開けて確認したが、そういう問題だけなのだろうか? ワレモノあり、 上にモノ乗せないで…ってなってるしどうしたらこんなになるのか説明してほしいし、 段ボール壊れてますけど…
The package I sent was tattered and arrived. The deliveryman was torn and I could see the contents, so I was asked to check if there was anything broken, and I opened the contents on the spot and checked, but is it just such a problem? There is a crack, Don't put things on top ... I want you to explain how this happens. The cardboard is broken, but ...
Yu on Google

車の出入りがめっちゃ大変以外は不満なし。 電車でも新幹線でもないから交通状況によって配達時間が多少過ぎるのは仕方ない。
スティーブ・マーチン on Google

Since LINE arrived when the delivery time was specified on 2022.2.25 from 14:00 to 16:00, even if I waited at home, it was not delivered at all, and even if I contacted the call center, the call from Tamamura came 10 minutes later. , Telephone is charged. Delivery is delayed by 1 hour and 20 minutes. I am worried because I am asking for luggage again.
高崎一郎 on Google

先週の金曜の午前中にわざわざ予約したのに一時を過ぎても配達物は来なかった!人が出掛けてからきたみたいだ! 送れるの一言も電話よこしゃしねえ、こっちからわざわざ有料にかけても中々つながらねえし!何で荷物届かねえのにこっちから有料にかけるんだよ!みんなその事を不満に思ってんだぞ!世の中の人は! まあずいい加減だなヤマトは!人生で初めてだ指定した時間帯に届かなかったのは。 連絡もすぐよこさねえしな!こんないい加減な会社は今時ねえな!
I made a reservation last Friday morning, but the delivery did not come even after one hour! It looks like people have come out! You can't even send a word by phone, and even if you bother to pay for it, you won't be able to connect! Why can't I get my parcel, but I'm paying for it! Everyone is dissatisfied with that! People in the world! Yamato is sloppy! It was the first time in my life that I didn't reach the designated time. Don't get in touch with me soon! There is no such a sloppy company now!
サルガド on Google

Quick service. Easy transaction.

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