Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Kurashiki Nakasho Center - Kurashiki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Kurashiki Nakasho Center

281-1 Mitsuda, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0001, Japan
典子阪上 on Google

The customer service of the staff was very good ?
スミマーサ on Google

Everyone is insanely unfriendly and uncomfortable.
熊林檎 on Google

順番が前後するのは分かる。けど1番左を使いはじめた時は客は私含め店内に2人しかいなかったはずなのにその後ぞろぞろ中央カウンターにお客さんが並び始めていつまで経っても来てくれない。中央のお客さんが終わって10人くらいが帰った後にようやく来た。前後しすぎじゃないでしょうか。あと人によって対応が違う。今まで同じ厚さでも通してくれてたものが急にダメと言われたり、封筒が大きいと言われたことがあった。厚さを測る枠に少し当たるだけでダメなら正直何も送れない。違うヤマトは全然問題なしでしたので他に行くことに決めました。もうこちらは利用してません。 もちろんいい店員さんもいらっしゃいます。
You can see that the order goes back and forth. However, when I started using the leftmost one, there should have been only two customers in the store, including myself, but after that, the customers started to line up at the central counter, and they didn't come even after a while. I finally came after about 10 people returned after the central customer was over. Isn't it too much back and forth? Also, the correspondence is different depending on the person. Until now, I was suddenly told that something that had been passed through even with the same thickness was useless, and that the envelope was large. Honestly, I can't send anything if it doesn't work just by hitting the frame for measuring the thickness. Different Yamato had no problem at all, so I decided to go elsewhere. I'm not using this anymore. Of course, there are also good clerk.
しんよーこ on Google

A beautiful older sister is very kind. Auntie with glasses is brilliantly ruthless to old people
みか on Google

I often use it. Thank you for your kindness
yoshi naka on Google

I sometimes come to check in my luggage, but always be polite and quick. If there are no such delivery people, it will be very troublesome, so we are adjusting to prevent redelivery as much as possible.
co 195723 on Google

I have been using it for over 20 years, but it is always kind and polite. The same is true for other sales offices, but this one is softer and gentler. I used to use other roads because the road was crowded, but when I used it for the first time in a while, it didn't change. It was good.
標海 on Google

友人へ荷物を送付する際に利用しました。 店内は綺麗に整頓されていて、どの店員さんもとても感じが良く、丁寧に対応して頂けました。また、次も利用したいです。
I used it when sending packages to my friends. The inside of the store was neat and tidy, and every clerk felt very good and responded politely. Also, I would like to use the next one.

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