Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Kumagaya Tonyacho Center

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Kumagaya Tonyacho Center

住所 :

Ltd. Kumagaya Tonyacho Center, 大字佐谷田字不動堂490-1 Yamato Transport Co., Kumagaya, 〒360-0023 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.e-map.ne.jp/p/yamato01/shop_dtl.htm%3Fp_f1%3D1%26kid%3D034310%26utm_source%3DYext%26utm_medium%3DYext%26utm_campaign%3DListings
街 : Saitama

Ltd. Kumagaya Tonyacho Center, 大字佐谷田字不動堂490-1 Yamato Transport Co., Kumagaya, 〒360-0023 Saitama,Japan
Yoppe orz on Google

受付のおねえさんが親切です。 不在の時の荷物の回収でときどきお世話になっています。
The lady at the reception is kind. I am sometimes taken care of by collecting my luggage when I am absent.
新井芳幸 on Google

来客用駐車場4台分 転回も場内で余裕を持ってできる広さがあります
For 4 parking lots for visitors There is plenty of space to turn around in the hall
武政乃理子 on Google

They will be kind to you whenever you go. All the drivers are kind and always feel at ease.
すてるん on Google

I used it for the first time when shipping luggage, but the male staff responded very politely. It may depend on the time of day, but the site is large enough to make it easy to turn around, so I'd like to use this store again next time.
yyy on Google

I had my luggage delivered to my apartment, but when I asked him to put it in front of the entrance without facing me, it was placed in front of the entrance of the next house. ..
E K on Google

I want you to stay open until late if possible. It's convenient to go get it.
常見武志 on Google

It was a courier service for Internet parts, but there was a dent on the packaging, the label for caution against cracks was cut off, and there was a clear trace of opening ? Is there such a thing ??
つぶら黒澤 on Google

一般客用の駐車場が門を入った左側に4台分あります。 朝早い時間やお昼は混むこともあるようで、事務所の外に並ぶ方も見られました。 受付カウンターが2台あるので、混んでいても比較的スムーズに荷物を出せました。 受付の方の対応もテキパキしていて気持ちよく利用させていただきました(*^^*)
There are four parking lots for general guests on the left side of the gate. It seems that it may be crowded early in the morning and at noon, and some people lined up outside the office. Since there are two reception counters, I was able to take out my luggage relatively smoothly even if it was crowded. The receptionist's response was also very nice and I was able to use it comfortably (* ^^ *)

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