Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Hizaori Center - Asaka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Hizaori Center

3 Chome-10-11 Saiwaicho, Asaka, Saitama 351-0015, Japan
土肥宏章 on Google

直接、お店には行ってません! Amazonに誤発注して、返品のときにクロネコヤマトさんのドライバーの方親切に対応してもらい、無事に無料で返品できました! 助かりました!感謝! ???
I don't go to the store directly! I placed an erroneous order with Amazon, and when I returned it, Mr. Kuroneko Yamato's driver kindly responded and I was able to return it safely for free! It was helpful! Thanks! ???
Atsushi Fujimoto on Google

I sometimes thought "Mumu ... ⁉️", but I think it's okay because there was no particular problem in the subsequent response ❓
つけものキムチ on Google

A very pleasant person will respond.
松野政子 on Google

荷物集荷をお願いしましたが時間も正確に来て下さり 新説な態度ですよ、どの方も
I asked you to pick up your luggage, but the time was right. It's a new attitude, everyone
ブルーオーシャン on Google

The receptionists are all kind, but there is one person who does not even say welcome. Even if I asked for a request, I felt a little intimidating because it only repeated "yes".
Saku Kazu on Google

1人だけかも知れません仕分けのご年配の女性が荷物が入ってるカゴを放り投げてました。 受付の女性の方々はいつも笑顔なので残念です。
There may be only one elderly woman sorting and tossed a basket with luggage. It's a pity that the women at the reception are always smiling.
Masamin on Google

スタッフの方は皆さんとても親切で、嫌な顔せず対応して頂けるので、気持ちよく利用できます。 平日19:00まで当日便に乗るようですか、スマホなどのお届け日切り替えは、18:00に変わってしまうので、ギリギリすぎないのがオススメです。 日曜日の当日受付は16:00までです。
All the staff are very kind and you can respond without any unpleasant faces, so you can use it comfortably. Do you want to take the same day flight until 19:00 on weekdays? The delivery date of smartphones etc. will change at 18:00, so it is recommended that it is not too close. Reception on the day of Sunday is until 16:00.
Bunny Hunny on Google

忙しそうにしてるのに、接客がとても親切丁寧。 以前直接支店に取りに行くと設定した荷物が私の勘違いで別支店に保管になっていた事があったのですが、 忙しそうにしてても作業を止めてこちら側に立って親身に解決策を模索して頂きました。 ヤマトさんは全体的にスタッフの方が爽やかで親切丁寧でとても好印象があります。 いつもありがとうございます。
Even though I seem to be busy, the customer service is very kind and polite. I used to misunderstand that the luggage I had set when I went to the branch directly was stored in another branch. Even though I was busy, I stopped working and stood on this side to find a solution. Yamato's staff are generally refreshing, kind and polite, and I have a very good impression. I am always grateful for your help.

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