Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Hirakata Omine Center - Hirakata

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Hirakata Omine Center

14-3 Omine Higashimachi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0142, Japan
山下順一 on Google

It is located along the main line and can be brought in immediately. This is the best.
りふも on Google

荷物の持ち込みをしましたが親切な対応でした。 駐車スペースがあまりなく、奥でUターンしないと出るのが難しいですね。
I brought my luggage, but it was kind. There is not much parking space and it is difficult to get out unless you make a U-turn in the back.
K O on Google

いつも利用しています。18時30分くらいが翌日配送の締切のようです。 いつもヤマト運輸のアプリで送り状を作成し、営業所のタブレットでQRコードを読み込んめばすぐに送り状がプリントアウトされるのでその方策で私は送り状作ってます。送る先が数カ所に固定しているおり、履歴から引用して作ると品物名変えるだけですぐ作れます。 電子マネー決済のリーダーもあるようです。私は使ったことないのでよくわかりませんが。 営業所前にはPUDOステーションがあり営業時間外でも送り先をPUDUに設定しておけば24時間いつでも受け取れるようです。夜間でも入れる位置です。メルカリなどのサイト連携配送は、PUDOから発送もできるようです。サイト売上金からメルカリが発送料天引き。 消毒液やソーシャルディスタンスなどコロナ感染対策もとられています。 駐車場が2台で少なく、翌日配送の締切18時ころになると混雑します。中には隣のファッションセンターに来たついでに発送される方もおられるようです。
I always use it. It seems that the deadline for next day delivery is around 18:30. I always create an invoice with the Yamato Transport app, and as soon as I read the QR code on the tablet at the sales office, the invoice is printed out, so I am making an invoice with that policy. The destination is fixed in several places, and if you make it by quoting from the history, you can make it immediately by changing the item name. There seems to be a leader in electronic money payments. I've never used it, so I'm not sure. There is a PUDO station in front of the sales office, and if you set the destination to PUDU even outside business hours, you can receive it 24 hours a day. It is a position where you can enter even at night. It seems that PUDO can also ship site-linked delivery such as Mercari. Mercari deducts shipping charges from site sales. Corona infection control measures such as disinfectant and social distance are also taken. There are only two parking lots, and it will be crowded around 18:00, the deadline for next-day delivery. It seems that some people will be shipped while they come to the fashion center next door.
Lily Black on Google

大量のお客様の途中して下さったが待たされたから 説明受けたら他店走ってたかな
A lot of customers were on the way, but I was kept waiting I wonder if I was running another store when I received the explanation
ケンケン on Google

I didn't know what to do, but a young man taught me various things and went smoothly. It was a very good impression.
hiroyuki fujimura on Google

Even when you do not know what should I do there are a variety of delivery method, because the people of the shop tells us politely it is safe.
naohiro taniguchi on Google

I brought in quite a few pieces of luggage, but the person who was in charge of it very well was kind and very pleasant. Thank you for being the best center I have ever used.
ケンサン on Google

知り合いに果物を送りに行きました。クロネコメンバーカードがあるので、一度送った先が登録されているので、住所を入力しなくてもいいので、もちろん登録料は無料です。 2回目以降の発送は楽です。従業員の方の対応もよかったです。
I went to send some fruits to my acquaintance. Since there is a Kuroneko member card, the address you sent once is registered, so you do not have to enter the address, so of course the registration fee is free. The second and subsequent shipments are easy. The correspondence of the employees was also good.

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