Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Chiba-Sanno Center - Chiba

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Chiba-Sanno Center

707-7 Wakamatsucho, Wakaba Ward, Chiba, 264-0021, Japan
SOX百識猫(Weegie) on Google

ヤマト運輸 千葉山王センターという名称だが、実際の場所は若葉区若松町にある。 敷地が広くて、建物も清潔で綺麗。よく整頓されていて、配送センターにありがちなゴチャゴチャ感が無いのが良い。
The name is Yamato Transport Chiba Sanno Center, but the actual location is in Wakamatsu-cho, Wakaba-ku. The site is large and the building is clean and tidy. It should be well organized and not have the messy feeling that is typical of distribution centers.
伊藤千枝子 on Google

It was super kind, probably because there was no waiting person with delivery advice. Not only this person but the whole company is amazing ❗ Yamato
風魔小太郎 on Google

ソロツーリング時の自分受け取りで 営業所留めの荷物引き取りで利用 勝手知ったる何とやらです 場所が大通りではなく裏路地みたいな 目立たない場所です 営業開始前(朝7時前)に声を掛けたら 嫌な顔もせず対応してくれました 次回もここの営業所留めで決まりです(^_-)-☆
By self-collection at the time of solo touring Used for picking up luggage at the office What you know without permission The place is like a back alley, not a main street It's an inconspicuous place If you call out before business starts (before 7 am) He responded without giving me a bad face Next time, it will be decided to stay here (^ _-)-☆
sasaki Yoshiji on Google

Even though I struggled to use the app I was not used to, he responded politely.
Yuji watanabe on Google

I went to return the product, the inside is kind and polite
おうじもち on Google

When I brought it in my own 80 size cardboard, it was handled in 100 size. I think it was Mr. Ohashi. Well, sales are important.
蔵沙羅 on Google

持ち込みするために、事前に段ボールを購入しに行き、CMで宣伝されていた伝票の記入をスマホで行い、QRコード読み取りで印刷されて出てくるシステムについて聞いて帰り、別日にそれを利用して発送荷物を持ち込んだ。 持ち込んだ時、かなり大きな荷物で大変だったのに、店員(?)数名は、どこにおけば良いのかなどの対応を一切してくれない。 接客中の人は仕方ないとしても、何らかの業務をしている様子ではあったものの、来客を放置してまでの仕事をしているとは思えず、受付担当ではないからか、自分達の連絡事項で4人位がかかりきり。 持ち込みはコンビニ任せで、後は回収以来で自宅など指定の場所に配達員を送り出すだけで、センターでの受付は業務として非優先事項なのか、持ち込み客をないがしろにしている感が満載。 いっそのこと、センターでは受け付けないと決めておいてくれる方が、余計な手間や嫌な思いをしなくて良いのになあ~と感じた。 再配達を申し訳ないと思い、センターでの受け取り指定にしてみようかな?と考えた下見でもあったけれど、そこまでしたくなくなった。 時間指定してあっても、範囲が広すぎてすれ違うことが多くて申し訳無いと思っていた気持ちも失せた感じ。
In order to bring it in, I went to buy cardboard in advance, filled out the slip advertised in the CM on my smartphone, asked about the system printed by QR code reading and returned, and used it on another day And brought in the shipping baggage. When I brought it in, it was difficult with a fairly large baggage, but some of the clerk (?) Did not respond at all, such as where to put it. Even if the people who are serving customers seem to be doing some kind of work, I do not think that they are doing the work until the visitor is left unattended, and they are not in charge of reception, so they contact us It takes about 4 people for the matter. It's up to the convenience store to bring it in, and after the collection, all you have to do is send the delivery staff to a designated place such as your home. Better yet, I felt that it would be better if the center decided not to accept it, so that I wouldn't have to worry about it. I'm sorry for the redelivery, so why don't I specify the receipt at the center? It was a preview that I thought, but I didn't want to go that far. Even if I specified the time, the range was too wide and I often passed each other, so I felt sorry for myself.
LANIAKEA on Google

あまり利用することがないので、速達でお願いしますなんて言ったら 速達はないですが、朝早くお持ちいただけたので、関東圏内なら当日便が利用できますよ!(*^^*) と親切に説明と梱包してくれました! 助かりました〜!!m(_ _)m
I don't use it very often, so if you ask me to use express delivery There is no express delivery, but since you brought it early in the morning, you can use the same-day flight within the Kanto area! (* ^^ *) Kindly explained and packed it! It was helpful~! !! m (_ _) m

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