
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact もくもく村

住所 :

Yamatakino, Kimitsu, 〒292-0501 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
Webサイト : http://www.mokumoku-mura.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yamatakino, Kimitsu, 〒292-0501 Chiba,Japan
MASAmasa BU-bu on Google

ここに出会えて、自分に合う方はラッキーですね☆ 人によって感じ方は様々ですが、幸運になるかならないかもあなた次第です。 みなさんにとって良い御縁がありますように。 私にとっては最高な場所です♪
If you can meet here and suit yourself, you are lucky ☆ Each person feels differently, but it's up to you to be lucky or not. May you have a good relationship. It's the best place for me ♪
3 minmin on Google

他の方も書かれていますが、かなりひどいやり口です。 共働きだと一方的に予算は7千万スタートと言われ、その根拠は「ご近所の方に色々な供物をもらえる、城のような家が最高じゃないですか〜⁉️」理解不能でした。施主の予算意向は一切無視。 また、風水理論を使って家を建て替えないと、家庭内に死人が出るとも言われました。信じられない‼️もちろん、この会社で契約しませんでしたが今のところ誰も死んでいませんし、家庭内トラブルはありません。 またセミナー内で聞いたのは、扱いのある無添加住宅はヨーロッパに視察に行って自社開発しているとの事でしたが、フランチャイズで関西の会社の物を扱っているのでしょうか?…? 地元の方から経歴詐称疑惑も耳にしましたので、なかなか全てが信じられないです。 展示場、スタッフの方は良い感じですが全てはオーナー一家の問題だと思います。 行かない方が良いです!
Others have written it, but it's pretty terrible. It is said that the budget starts from 70 million unilaterally when working together, and the reason is "Isn't it the best house like a castle where you can get various offerings from your neighbors?" I couldn't understand. Ignore the owner's budget intentions at all. It was also said that if you do not rebuild your house using Feng Shui theory, you will die in your home. can not believe it! ️ Of course, I didn't sign a contract with this company, but so far no one is dead and I have no domestic troubles. Also, I heard in the seminar that the additive-free housing that is handled is being developed in-house by visiting Europe. Is the franchise dealing with products from Kansai companies? … ? I've heard suspicions of career fraud from the locals, so I can't believe everything. The exhibition hall and staff feel good, but I think it's all a matter of the owner's family. You had better not go!
黒騎士黒騎士 on Google

かなり前の話だが私自身無添加関係にについて携わっていたこともありどんなことをしてるのかふらりと寄ってみたらスタッフにかなりしつこく、「昼飯出すから話だけでいいから聞きに来てくれ」と言われ、仕方なく行ったら なんと私ひとりだけ。 ちょっと宗教じみているというか、そこの偉そうな爺さんが出てくるためにまるでハクをつけるかのような入場セレモニーらしきをものをまず見せられてマンツーマンでぐだくだ金の話をしてくるから、お金ないよとカマをかけたら 半怒りしだし、私のジャケットをみて 着ているモノがおかしい、私のジャケットをみろ、とその爺さんが着ているジャケットを自慢気に見せられ(笑) 自分の男性スタッフにたいして、うちで家を建てれば ほらみてみろ こんなヤツでも結婚できて幸せになれるんだぞ、とか言われ セブンイレブンのレタスサンドをホイっと置かれ、食ったら適当に帰ってくれ。で終わり。(年寄り特有の人の話を聞かない。何の話も聞け無い茶番劇) その私を呼んだスタッフは私に平謝り。 もしもの ドリフのコント じゃないんだから休み返してくれないか?と怒り心頭で文句言ってやったよ。 なんか本を出してるとかログハウスの特許があるとか、まぁなんだろか?失礼極まりない偉そうな爺さんだったね。 (実話です) 今は少しマシになったかしらないけど、私が受けた体験はそんな感じでした。
It was a long time ago, but I was involved in the additive-free relationship myself, so when I stopped by to see what I was doing, the staff was quite persistent and said, "I'll have lunch, so just talk to me." When I was told that I had no choice but to go, I was the only one. It's a bit religious, or because the big old man there comes out, he's first shown what seems to be an entrance ceremony as if he's wearing a jacket, and he talks about money one-on-one. I was half angry when I was sick of not having money, and when I looked at my jacket, the thing I was wearing was strange, I looked at my jacket, and I was proud of the jacket that the old man was wearing (laughs) For the male staff, if you build a house at home, look at it. They told me that even such a guy could get married and be happy. It ends with. (I don't listen to the stories of people who are peculiar to the elderly. I can't listen to anything.) The staff who called me apologized to me. If it's not a Drifters control, can you take a break? I complained with anger. Is there a book or a log house patent? It was an extremely rude old man. (It's a true story) I may be a little better now, but the experience I received was like that.
sa ki on Google

もくもく村を知ったのは映画のCMでした。 森の中の展示場ってどんなところなのかな?と思いながらも、その時は特に気にすることなく当時はちょうど戸建を購入したいと考えている頃で、自分達の選んだ土地で家を建ててくれる工務店にお願いすることにしました。 床材やクロス等デザインにこだわり、やっと完成した家に住むと楽しい生活が始まるはずだったのですが、様々なトラブルに巻き込まれる、疲れが取れない、体調を崩す、思うような暮らしが全く出来ずにイライラする毎日。 戸建に住んで1年半経過した頃に、運転中にもくもく村の看板が自然と目に入ってくるようになりました。同じようなタイミングで友人からもくもく村で子どもたちが遊べると教えてもらい、軽い気持ちで展示場に足を運びました。 当時の家を住み替えるつもりも全然ありませんでしたが、とても丁寧に全てのモデルハウスを案内してくださり、風水について説明をしてくださいました。 その中で、「もしかして、このトラブル続きな状況、体調が思わしくないのは環境のせい?」と思い当たることがいくつかあり、山根先生の勉強会に参加してみることにしました。 そうすると、やはりいろいろなことの原因は全て環境にあったということがわかりました。 年齢とともにいろんなものが低下してくるもの、いろいろな悩みがでてくるものだと思っていましたが、そうじゃなかったんだということがすごくよくわかりました。 勉強会では、今まで知らなかったことひとつひとつを丁寧に教えていただきました。 これから先の人生、家族みんな幸せに暮らせるよう環境を整えることを一番に考え、住み替えを決意しました。 いちばんの心配はやはり資金面だったのですが、そのことについても一生懸命考えてくださいました。 2度目の家を建てるということもあり、いろんな不安がつきまとっていましたが、いつも親身になってずっと寄り添って話を聞いてくださいました。 おかげさまで無事家が完成し、実際に生活してみると前の戸建とは全然違う。 家族みんなが実感しています。 毎日が楽しい。 よく眠れる。 幸せ! きちんと知識を身につけて家を建てるということがとても大切なんだと実感しています。 みんなが健康で幸せに暮らせるようになってほしいという想いがすごく伝わってくる。 もくもく村はそんな場所です。
It was a movie commercial that I learned about Mokumoku Village. What kind of place is the exhibition hall in the forest? However, at that time, I was just thinking about buying a detached house without worrying about it, so I decided to ask a construction shop to build a house on the land of my choice. I was particular about the design of the flooring and cloth, and when I finally lived in the completed house, I was supposed to start a happy life, but I got into various troubles, I couldn't get tired, I got sick, and I could live the way I wanted. Every day is frustrating. About a year and a half after living in a detached house, the signboard of the cloudy village came to my eyes naturally while driving. At the same time, my friend told me that children could play in Mokumoku Village, and I went to the exhibition hall with a light feeling. I had no intention of relocating the house at that time, but he showed me all the model houses very carefully and explained about Feng Shui. Among them, there were some things that made me think, "Maybe it's because of the environment that I'm not feeling well in this troubled situation?", So I decided to participate in Professor Yamane's study session. Then, I found that the cause of various things was all in the environment. I thought that various things would decline with age and various worries would come up, but I realized very well that it wasn't the case. At the study session, I was taught carefully each and every thing I didn't know before. I decided to relocate, thinking first of all about creating an environment where the whole family could live happily in the future. My biggest concern was still financial, but he also thought hard about that. Since I was building a house for the second time, I had a lot of anxieties, but I was always friendly and listened to the story. Thanks to you, the house was completed safely, and when I actually lived it, it was completely different from the previous detached house. The whole family feels it. Have fun every day. I can sleep well. happy! I realize that it is very important to acquire proper knowledge and build a house. It really conveys the desire for everyone to live in good health and happiness. Mokumoku Village is such a place.
寺尾晃一 on Google

各家のポイントなど丁寧に説明していただきました。 住宅をたてる際の注意点などもセミナーを開いて説明してくれるので初めての方でも安心して建てられると思います! また、色々なイベントも開催してるので遊びに行くのも楽しいと思います
He carefully explained the points of each house. We will hold a seminar to explain the points to note when building a house, so even beginners can build it with confidence! We also hold various events, so I think it's fun to go out to play.
山本智子 on Google

もくもく村へ初めて行かせてもらったのは 10年前になります。 当時は小学生低学年だった長男、次男、1歳児の三男を連れていき、私達は小さな無添加のお家を見せて頂きながら、無添加についてや今の住宅についてなど詳しくお話を聞かせ頂きました。 その間、子ども達は広いお庭や山を登ったり、ヤギやうさぎと触れ合わせてもらい 沢山遊ばせてもらいました。 初めての無添加住宅との出会いから夢が広がり希望となり現実となり、マイホームを建てる事になりました。 もくもく村は私達の夢の原点です。 いつ行っても笑顔で優しく迎えて下さる みなさんには沢山お世話になりました。 私達だけでなく子どもたちも大好きなの場所です。また行きたいなーと小さい頃はよく言っていました。 毎回行く度に、驚きと新しい発見が出来る もくもく村。 今、私達家族が幸せにマイホームで過ごせているのは、もくもく村との出会いがあったからです。ありがとうございました。 るかとに
I was allowed to go for the first time in Mukoku Village It will be 10 years ago. Eldest son was the elementary school lower grades at that time, the second son, took the 1-year-old third son, we while we will show the house of small additive-free, I was let in more detail story, such as for for additive-free and now housing . Meanwhile, children climb the wide garden and the mountains, let me touch each and Yagiya rabbit I was able to play a lot. Become a reality becomes the dream is spread hope from the meeting for the first time of the additive-free housing, now that build the My Home. Mokumoku village is the starting point of our dream. Us greeted gently at any time go even smile I am indebted to everyone. We are the children also love the location as well. I wanted to go again and I often said. Every time you go every time, surprises and new discoveries can be Makumoku Village. Now, in some of which spend Our family is happy to my home, because there was a meeting with village Mokumoku. Thank you very much. To
ボンリス on Google

もくもく村に行ったのは、お友達の勧めからでした。 もともと無垢のフローリングや漆喰に興味はあったのですが、 初めて展示場を見学させてもらい自然素材の良さ、漆喰の素晴らしさを改めて気付かせてもらいました。 ちょうど伺った時は『梅雨の時期』でしたが、漆喰の家はカラッとしているし 家の外て子供たちが大きな声をあげて遊んでいたけど、家の中にはまったく声が聞こえないし クロスの家とは全然違う!ととても驚きました!やっぱり漆喰いいなーって思ってました。 もくもく村さんは風水も大切にしていると聞き、 『風水で現在の家を見てもらったらどんな風に言われるのかな?』という興味本意から 今住んでいる家を風水でみてもらうことになりました。 すると『女性には大変お辛い家ですね。』と言われたのですが、実際その通りで、お話を聞けばきくほど驚きと納得のお話しばかりでした。 今までの悩んでいた事、出来事全てが腑に落ち 結果、築2年のお家を売って、風水の良い土地探しからお家を建てる決断をしました。 建てると決めてからは、ローンの事や住宅を売却する事、資金計画の相談に乗って頂いて全てがタイミング良くスムーズに進みました。 とてもラッキーでした! そして風水で全て整えて頂いたお家を建てたた現在、 家族仲良く、毎日笑い合い最高に楽しく過ごしています! あの勉強会の時に、家の残債や新しくローンを組むことなど一切抜きにして「ここで建てたい!」と決断して本当に良かったです。
I went to Mokumoku Village because of a friend's recommendation. Originally I was interested in solid flooring and plaster, I visited the exhibition hall for the first time and was reminded of the goodness of natural materials and the wonderfulness of plaster. When I visited, it was the "rainy season", but the stucco house is crisp. Children were playing loudly outside the house, but I couldn't hear any voice inside the house It's completely different from Cross's house! I was very surprised! After all I thought that plaster was good. I heard that Mokumokumura also values ​​Feng Shui. "What would you say if you saw your current house in Feng Shui? From the intent of interest I was asked to see the house I live in in Feng Shui. Then, "It's a very painful house for women. However, the more I listened to the story, the more surprised and convincing it was. All the things and events that I had been worried about until now fell into my head As a result, I decided to sell my two-year-old house and build a house from the search for land with good feng shui. After deciding to build it, everything went smoothly in a timely manner with the help of loans, selling houses, and financial planning consultations. I was very lucky! And now that we have built a house that has been completely prepared with Feng Shui I'm having a great time with my family, laughing every day and having a great time! At that study session, I was really glad that I decided "I want to build here!" Without any debt left over from my house or taking out a new loan.
岡野智子 on Google

It's been almost a year since I started living in a house built in Mokumoku Village. The reason I got to know Mokumoku Village was when my daughter, who was a kindergarten student at the time, saw it on a TV commercial and said, "I want to go here!" At first, I had no knowledge about additive-free houses, and I thought that building a house was decided by design and functionality, but when I learned about the Feng Shui theory based on statistics and the merits of additive-free houses, I decided to build a house here. I decided to build a house. When I actually live, the air is clean and I want to take a deep breath in the house. It is designed to be exposed to plenty of eastern sunlight, so it feels good and energetic from the morning. Since it is a living room on the second floor, it has a good view and I am happy to stand in the kitchen while feeling the rising sun. There is no condensation. It's warmer when you enter the house in winter, and it feels a little chilly in summer. Children can play as much as they want at home and say, "I'm happy." If anyone is considering building a house, I would love to introduce it.

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