占い処 恵

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 占い処 恵

住所 :

Yamashitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0023 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Yamashitacho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0023 Kanagawa,Japan
on Google

小島真理子 on Google

ナガショウ永田 on Google

No matter how many times you visit, they will teach you carefully and teach you how to visit shrines and temples.
丸島郁未 on Google

Personality and way of thinking are amazing! !! The store manager's story is so interesting that he listens to it rather than his fortune.
hottan tsuyopon on Google

素敵な口上でした。 占いに興味がある方 占いに興味が無い方も是非一度は騙されたと思って!
It was a nice mouth. Those who are interested in fortune-telling Even if you are not interested in fortune-telling, I think you were deceived at least once!
Megumi Okabe on Google

When I was worried about work, I was introduced by a friend and asked. Not to mention my worries, I was told about my personality, etc., and I had a mysterious experience! The advice is also accurate, and he will tell you things that should be improved, so you can go home comfortably after fortune-telling. When I first visited, I was told that I would get married a few years later, and I was surprised that I got married three years later, as I had fortune-telling, even though I had no boyfriend and no desire to get married.
三浦隆弘 on Google

中華街の雰囲気が大好きではあるが占いなんて気休めだと思ってました。 ただ移動の際に恵先生を紹介してる人がいてとても気になってしまい時間指定された時間に行き占ってもらいました。 知識が多いので言葉も選んで伝えてくれたので聞きやすかったですし、「気学」といって手に触れて読み取る力があるようで過去に何があったかも面白いくらい言い当てられ性格も細かく言い当てられ驚きました。 そして過去、自分の性格を踏まえて行っては行けない方角や健康面で気をつけないといけない事を教えてもらいました。 ズバズバ物事を言われるのが苦手な人は行かない方がいいとは思いますがそーいうのを求めてる人なら間違いなく訪れたほうがいいです。 個人的にはいい方向に人を導こうっていう懸命さが伝わりました。 自分はプロの仕事をしてると感じたので先生が忙しくなるかもしれませんが是非足を運んでほしいです。
I love the atmosphere of Chinatown, but I thought fortune-telling was a relief. However, there was a person who introduced Megumi-sensei when I moved, so I was very worried and asked him to go to the designated time and forge. Since I have a lot of knowledge, it was easy to hear because he chose the words and told me, and he seems to have the ability to touch and read "Kigaku", so it is interesting to guess what happened in the past and to guess the personality in detail. I was surprised. And in the past, I was taught that I should be careful about the direction and health that I cannot go based on my personality. I think people who are not good at being told things should not go, but those who are looking for that should definitely visit. Personally, I was able to convey the hard work of guiding people in the right direction. I feel that I am working as a professional, so the teacher may be busy, but I definitely want you to visit.
T A on Google

友人を紹介して計3回訪問しました。 毎回占いの内容は30分間のうち15分くらいは九星気学の仕組みなどを話してくれます。 たまに予約の電話が鳴り、その度に中断されます。 違う友人を連れて行ったのですが、性格を当てる際に同じようなことを言っていたので、 統計学に基づいて言い当てているのかなといった感じです。
I introduced my friend and visited 3 times in total. The content of each fortune-telling talks about the mechanism of Kusei Kigaku for about 15 minutes out of 30 minutes. Occasionally the reservation phone will ring and will be interrupted each time. I took a different friend, but he said the same thing when guessing his personality, so I feel like I'm guessing based on statistics.

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