Yamasawa Mental Clinic - Yokohama

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamasawa Mental Clinic

住所 :

3 Chome-3-1 Konandai, Konan Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 234-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 234-0054
Webサイト : http://www.yamasawa-mentalclinic.com/

3 Chome-3-1 Konandai, Konan Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 234-0054, Japan
F Crew on Google

医者が横柄で上から目線。知人が薬漬けにされたあげく6年以上通って病状が悪化し転院するときに、一言もなく最悪な医者です。 転院すると言ったら凄く露骨に嫌な態度を出して来ました。 こういう勘違い甚だしい精神科医は早く淘汰されるべきだと思います。 何も勉強してない精神科医。 薬漬けにされるだけなので治りたいならこちらは絶対に通院するべき所ではないです。 この先生を頼りにして薬に依存しても精神は絶対に治りません。
Doctor looks at me from above with arrogant. It is the worst doctor without a word when the condition gets worse and hospital changes for over six years after being acquainted with drugs. When I said that I would change hospital, I had a bad attitude to the open bone. I think this kind of misunderstanding psychiatrist should be deceived early. A psychiatrist who has not studied anything. It is not a place that should definitely go to hospital if you want to heal because it is just taken medicine. If you rely on this doctor and rely on medicine, your mind will never get better.
ねこajd on Google

薬を必要以上に出さない姿勢はとても評価できました。 しかしここの先生は自分の意見に従わない患者や、少しでも気に食わないことがあると人が変わったようにキレ気味に対応してきます。 着ている服か靴が古く、歩くとゴミがでる患者さんに対して、ゴミが散らばるし掃除が大変だから履いてくるな!と突然怒り口調で言ってるいるところを目撃した時、さすがにドン引きしたので病院を変えました。
I was very impressed with the attitude of not giving out more medicine than necessary. However, the teacher here responds to patients who do not follow their own opinions, and when people do not like it even a little, it seems that people have changed. For patients who are wearing old clothes or shoes and get trash when walking, don't wear them because the trash is scattered and cleaning is difficult! When I suddenly witnessed him saying in an angry tone, I changed the hospital because I was really drawn.
あっちゃん on Google

This is the worst! I used to pass through my depressed father, but my alcoholism worsened, so I asked him to write a letter of introduction to an alcoholic hospital. I was told that I will be back when the treatment is over, but my father said that I would like a doctor's outpatient hospital, so when I consulted with him, I no longer know! I will not write the letter of introduction anymore! They said. I didn't intend to change the psychosomatic department, but he says that my father will never go again.
風香 on Google

★無しにしたいくらいです! 8年以上も通い続けましたが残念ながら、こちら先生は自分の事しか考えていないのだと確信する出来事に遭遇してしまいました。 私はこのコロナ騒動のお陰で日本の色々な事を学ぶ事ができ、コロナに関しても国をあげての茶番であるとしりました。 以前先生にその事を話しても勿論かもしれませんが違ったいみで頭のおかしい人間と認定されている為、あえてマスクをせず診察室に入るやいなや鬼の形相で"マスクは!"と言われ、仕舞いには"僕に移るんだよ!"と怒り、まるで私がコロナ感染者かの様な言い方で人権侵害でもありますし! そもそも医者としてこの発言はアウトでは?と思っております。 メンタルクリニックの医者なのに患者のメンタルを傷つけるとは…本当に最低だなと思いました。 ま!今更です質にきづけたので二度と!行きません! もし、これのせいで私が病んで死んだりしたら一体どうするのでしょう…きっとそんな事までも考えていないだろうし!仕方ないくらいにしか思わないのでしょうね(笑) 皆様も病院選びには、くれぐれも慎重に♪
★I want to eliminate it! I've been going there for more than eight years, but unfortunately I have encountered an event that I'm convinced that he is thinking only about himself. I was able to learn various things about Japan thanks to this corona turmoil and decided that corona is also a far-reaching farce for the country. It may be obvious of course that I told the teacher about it before, but I was recognized as a crazy person because of a different desire, so as soon as I entered the examination room without wearing a mask, I had to look like a demon and have a "mask!" I was told, "I'm going to get rid of me!" I got angry, and it's a human rights violation as if I were a corona infected person! As a doctor, is this statement out? We think. Even though I'm a mental clinic doctor, it's really the worst thing to hurt a patient's mental health. Well! The quality has been improved so I will never do it again! I do not go! What would I do if I was sick and died because of this... I wouldn't even think of that! I think I can only help it (laugh) Everyone is very careful when choosing a hospital♪
柄澤. on Google

初診の相談をしたところ ”うちではカウンセリング的なことは期待しないで〜待ち時間も多いし混んでるから薬出して次の患者さんって感じだよ〜、話聞いて欲しいならここは向いてないと思うから来ない方がいいんじゃないかなぁ〜” と私の話もろくに聞いていない状態で電話で一方的に告げられました。傷ついたので絶対行きません。上から目線な言い方も苦しかったので、威圧的な態度が苦手な方は別の病院を探された方が良いかもしれないです。
When I consulted for the first visit, "Don't expect counseling-like things at home-it's crowded with a lot of waiting time, so it feels like the next patient to take medicine-, if you want to hear the story, this is not suitable I think it's better not to come because I think it is. "I was unilaterally told by phone without listening to my story. I'm hurt so I'll never go. It was hard to say from the top, so if you are not good at intimidating attitude, you may want to look for another hospital.
hiro sz on Google

I have insomnia, but at the end of the examination, he asks, "Do you have any questions or concerns?" I have mild symptoms, so I don't really care about that examination. However, the response of the thermometer at the entrance is bad lol
nyao-mee9 K. on Google

病歴が長いので、カウンセリングは希望せず対処のための薬を貰うため通ってましたが、先生に気を使う必要があります。意味不明な質問をされ意図が分からず質問したりするとムッとされたり、悪くすると怒鳴られます。 暫く病状が落ち着いていたので来院せず、その後暫くぶりに行ったら、続けて来ないならもう来ないでくださいっ!と怒られました。必要なくても薬漬けにするつもりか?しかし、もう来るなと言われ何かホッとし、通院が大きなストレスになっていたことに気づきました。 初めてこの種類の病院に行く人や相談に乗って欲しい人は行くと病状悪化の危険があると思います。 上手くかわして薬だけ処方して貰うならすいてていいのですが。
Since I have a long medical history, I didn't want to go to counseling to get medicine for counseling, but I need to be careful with my teacher. If you ask a question that doesn't make sense and you don't understand your intention, you will get sick, and if it gets worse, you will be yelled at. I didn't come to the hospital because my condition had calmed down for a while, and if I went there for the first time in a while, if I didn't continue, please don't come anymore! I was angry. Are you going to take medicine even if you don't need it? However, I was relieved when I was told not to come anymore, and realized that going to the hospital was a big stress. Those who go to this kind of hospital for the first time or who want to get a consultation will be at risk of worsening their condition. It's okay if you dodge it well and get a prescription for only the medicine.
t顔面神経 on Google

駅チカ利便性抜群で、診察時間は数分で思ったよりも待ち時間はありません。まず患者の話を聞いてくれますが、制限時間が近くなると「うんうん、分かった薬飲んで様子見て」という感じの診察です。 医師は短気なのかは知りませんが、「ブチ切れポイント」に火が付いたときは大声で怒鳴りつける事があります。 それもまた、診察の一環なのかもしれません。ただ、ブチ切れたときに書いてもらう紹介状はボロクソになってしまい、紹介状を受け取った他院の医師は驚きのあまり呆然となりました。
The station is very convenient, and the consultation time is only a few minutes, so there is no waiting time than I expected. First of all, he / she listens to the patient's story, but when the time limit is approaching, it is a medical examination that feels like "Yeah, take the medicine you understand and see what happens." Doctors don't know if they are impatient, but they may yell loudly when the "cutting point" catches fire. It may also be part of the examination. However, the referral letter that I had to write when I was out of stock became a mess, and the doctors at other hospitals who received the referral letter were surprised and stunned.

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