
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact きんめだい

住所 :

Yamanocho, Funabashi, 〒273-0026 Chiba,Japan

Webサイト : https://instagram.com/kinmaidai
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Yamanocho, Funabashi, 〒273-0026 Chiba,Japan
T E on Google

なんとなくスパイシーなものが食べたくて訪問。店内はカウンター2席、テーブルが2席と4席。 最初に激辛鶏肉炒めを頼もうとして店主さんに止められた(某激辛ラーメンの一番辛いやつの何倍も辛いとのこと。食べきれない人が多いらしい)。辛い鶏肉炒めが食べたかっただけで激辛好きではないので無難そうなものを頼む。 ラープムー(鶏肉の香草炒め)は辛さと酸味、香草のバランスがよくパクチーが苦手でも美味しくいただけた。 スペシャルメニュー(期間限定らしい)のパッガパオプラートーッゴープ(白身魚の唐揚げガパオ炒め)、甘辛スパイシーな味付けで衣が汁を吸ったふわとろな逸品。つまみに良し、丼にしても良さそうだった。 カオマンガイ(タイ風海南チキンライス)は鶏肉とライスとソースが仲良く、それぞれのバランスを適当に変えても美味しい。 調理中はキッチンから漂う香辛料の蒸気が強烈で、噎せてしまうのが難点というか醍醐味というか。逃げ場はないのでライブ感として楽しもう。
I want to eat something so spicy and visit. Inside the store there are 2 counters, 2 seats and 4 seats for the table. At first, the shopkeeper stopped him to ask for fried chicken. (It's said that it's the hotest noodles of the most spicy ramen. It seems that many people can not eat it.) I just wanted to eat a spicy chicken stir fry and I don't like it so I ask for something that seems safe. Laap mu (fried chicken with herbs) has a good balance of hotness, sourness, and herbs. A special menu (limited time offer) of Padagapa Pratogo (fried white fish with fried Gapao), fluffy special dish in which the batter has soaked with sweet and spicy spices. It was good for the knob, and it looked good for me. Kao man gai (Thai style Hainan chicken rice) makes chicken, rice and sauce go well, and it is delicious even if the balance of each is changed appropriately. During cooking, the spice vapors drifting from the kitchen are intense, and it is difficult to lose weight. There is no escape, so enjoy it as a live feeling.
K K on Google

うざい店主。味はまぁまぁだが、店主がソースを全部かけろとか横からうるさいし、自分のペースで食べさせてくれなくて最悪。 食事中ひたすら近距離で大きい声で話しかけないでほしい。 狭い店内で椅子も固く、居心地悪い。量も少ない。 本場の味と本人は豪語しているが、タイに何度も行ったことあるがちょっと違う。 自信満々に他の店をけなしている話も不快極まりない。 都内の店のがよっぽど本場だしタイ人が作ってる店も沢山あるし、他の店のが美味しい。 勘違いも甚だしい。2度と行かない。 かなり不快になるので行かないことをお勧めする。
Annoying shopkeeper. The taste is ok, but the owner is noisy from the side, like sprinkling all the sauce, and it's the worst because he doesn't let me eat at my own pace. Please do not speak loudly at close range during meals. The chairs are stiff and uncomfortable in a small store. The amount is also small. The authentic taste and the person himself speak aloud, but I've been to Thailand many times, but it's a little different. It's extremely unpleasant to talk about confidently beating other stores. The shops in Tokyo are very authentic, there are many shops made by Thai people, and the other shops are delicious. There is a great deal of misunderstanding. I will never go again. We recommend that you do not go as it will be quite unpleasant.
Yuka on Google

日本人店主がワンオペで切り盛りするわずか8席の小さな店ながら、提供される料理は美味しい。 メニューを見ながら迷っていると、裏メニューを薦められる事もあり、普通のタイ料理店ではメニューに載らない料理を食べられる事もある。 コスパは悪い。
Although it is a small shop with only 8 seats, which is prepared by a Japanese shop owner in one operation, the food offered is delicious. If you get lost while looking at the menu, you may be advised to go to the back menu, and you may be able to eat dishes that are not on the menu at ordinary Thai restaurants. Cospa is bad.
Frank Arnold on Google

小さなお店、本気で美味い 西船橋駅の南口から線路沿いにちょっと歩いたところにあるお店。看板は「西船カオマンガイ」と出てるが店の名前は「きんめだい」である。テイクアウト目的ならしっかり下調べしてから行くこと。とくに、「ガパオください」とか言うもんなら軽くレクチャーされるので、注意。初見なら素直に店内で食べましょう(笑)。 それだけ、ここの店長さんは自身の料理にプライドを持って向き合ってる。カオマンガイが本来のレシピ通りに出てくるのは、貴重。生春巻きには当然のようにピーナッツソース。そして辛さ控えめと注文してもガッツリ辛い(笑)。苦手な人は「控えめ」と言わずに「辛さ抜き」で注文すること。 何度でも行きたくなる。少し量が少ないと言う声も聞かれるが、しっかり食べたいなら2品+ご飯に目玉焼きがちょうどいいかな。
A small shop, really delicious A shop just a short walk along the railroad tracks from the south exit of Nishi-Funabashi Station. The signboard says "Nishifuna Khao Man Gai", but the name of the store is "Kinmedai". If you want to take out, do a thorough research before you go. In particular, if you say "Please give me Gapao", you will be given a light lecture, so be careful. If it's your first look, let's eat it in the store (laughs). That's why the manager here takes pride in his cooking. It is valuable that Khao Man Gai comes out according to the original recipe. Peanut sauce as a matter of course for fresh spring rolls. And even if I order it with modest spiciness, it's spicy (laughs). If you are not good at it, do not say "modest" but order "without spiciness". I want to go again and again. Some people say that the amount is a little small, but if you want to eat well, 2 dishes + fried egg is just right.
かつ on Google

カオマンガイをランチでいただきました。 サラダとスープとカオマンガイ。 少食の方にはちょうどいい量かと! 味はとても美味しかったです。 女性グループがすでに2組。 そして私。 これでギュウギュウなくらいのこじんまり感。 店主のトークは… ガパオって何か知ってる?から他の店は50点、パクチーは高いからタイのバジルを… と同じ件を2回聞けました。笑 自分の番に回ってきそうだったので急いでお店を出ました…味は間違いないのでもっとゆっくりと食べたかった…それだけが惜しいところ。
I had Khao Man Gai for lunch. Salad, soup and kaomangai. Is it just the right amount for those with small meals? The taste was very good. There are already two women's groups. And me. This is a cozy feeling. The owner's talk is ... Do you know what Gapao is? Other stores have 50 points, and coriander is expensive, so Thai basil ... I heard the same thing twice. Lol I was about to come to my turn, so I hurried out of the restaurant ... I wanted to eat more slowly because the taste was definitely ... That's the only regrettable place.
FF “MB100” O on Google

先日ランチしましたが、うーん、残念な気持ち。 カオマンガイをいただきました。美味しいです。スープもサラダも付くし、嬉しいです。 ただ、店主が熱っぽく蘊蓄や料理の自慢話をしてくる。「ウチは他の店と違う!本場の味だよ!」とか。しかも長く、一方通行。落ち着かない。 その自慢の料理の味をゆっくり味わいたいのに。
I had lunch the other day, but I feel sorry. I received Khao Man Gai. Is delicious. I am glad that it comes with soup and salad. However, the owner enthusiastically talks about how to store food and how to cook. "Uchi is different from other stores! It's a real taste!" Moreover, it is long and one-way. I'm restless. I want to enjoy the taste of that proud dish slowly.
サクレロ on Google

カオマンガイのアクセントは最初のカ! 気さくなご主人がお1人で作るカオマンガイは現地を思わせる(行ったことないけど) タイ米特有のホッカリした匂いとか、説明できないスープの味とか、スペシャルメニューがタイ語だから読めないとか…
The accent of Khao Man Gai is the first mosquito! The Kao Mangai made by a friendly husband alone reminds me of the local area (although I have never been there) The refreshing smell peculiar to Thai rice, the taste of soup that can not be explained, the special menu is Thai so I can not read it ...
Narisara Nadech on Google

Taste same like original Thai food. I love it.! Moreover owner can speak Thai very well.!

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