Yamakura - Hirakata

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

海鮮とおでん 酒肴 山くら - 地酒が旨い大人の隠れ家 - Shyukouyamakura.gorp.jp

枚方・交野エリアの地酒が旨い大人の隠れ家、海鮮とおでん 酒肴 山くらのオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やおすすめの「【地酒も堪能】 各コース料金に+1,100円(税込)で日本酒飲み比べをお付けできます」「【日本酒が自慢】 奥深い魅力を、より多くのお客様に」「【120分飲み放題付 舟盛コース】主役をもてなす夏宴会に★豪華鮮魚のお造りにメッセージを添えて!」をはじめとしたメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

Contact Yamakura

住所 :

7-20 Kawaharacho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 573-0023
Webサイト : https://shyukouyamakura.gorp.jp/

7-20 Kawaharacho, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0023, Japan
mたくや on Google

すべてが美味しくて店長のこだわりのおでんがたくさんあり見たことない新しいおでんも充実している‼ サイドメニューもたくさんあり幅広いメニューが多くの人を虜にしてくれる病みつきになる味‼ 特にアボカドのおでんやチーズのおでんもありこれが結構おいしい。
Everything is delicious and there are a lot of oden that the manager is particular about, and there are plenty of new oden that I have never seen! There are many side menus, and a wide range of menus will captivate many people. An addictive taste! Especially, there are avocado oden and cheese oden, which are quite delicious.
若山翔 on Google

It is located in the back of Kawaramachi. It was used at a banquet, but the overall satisfaction was high with the all-you-can-drink menu. The sashimi, fried chicken, oden, and 〆 rice were all delicious. Next time, I would like to go to a small group instead of a banquet.
s n on Google

I thought that oden was all warm. But this shop has cold oden in the summer.
조수현 on Google

맛있었다! 오뎅종류도 특히 카라아게 진짜맛있다 아르바이트생 친절하고 추천도 해주고 일도 잘한다 재방문의사 있음?
It was delicious! Oden varieties are also very delicious. Part-time student kind, recommends and works well In revisiting the doctor ?
木田武 on Google

A very cozy shop. Not to mention the delicious food and sake, the master and staff are very helpful!
柴田理江 on Google

Overall delicious. I had a 3-hour all-you-can-drink course, but the food was just right. I was surprised to add udon to the soup stock of oden at the last minute.
ひろこ on Google

スタンダードなおでんから、洋風おでんまで斬新なメニューもありましたが、何を食べても美味しいお店でした! 店内は落ち着いた雰囲気でゆったりお食事できます。 接待や食事会などに使えそうな高級感なのにコスパ良くて、スタッフの方も明るく丁寧な接客でした!また行きたいです。
There were also innovative menus from Standard Oden to Western-style Oden, but it was a delicious restaurant no matter what you eat! You can have a relaxing atmosphere in the restaurant. Cospa is good though it is a high-class feeling that could be used for entertainment and dinner, etc., and the staff was also a bright and courteous customer service! I want to go again.
森田将崇 on Google

まずお店の雰囲気がよく、それに加えてお料理もお酒も美味しい。 しかも店員さんのノリも良くてめっちゃ大笑いしました(笑) 枚方で飲むならここは絶対行ったほうが良いですね?
First of all, the atmosphere of the restaurant is good, and in addition, the food and sake are delicious. Moreover, the clerk's glue was also good and I laughed a lot (laugh) If you drink in Hirakata, you should definitely go here ?

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