Yamahara at Toyosu Market - Koto City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamahara at Toyosu Market

住所 :

6 Chome-5-1 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 135-0061
Webサイト : http://toyosu-yamahara.com/

6 Chome-5-1 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
宮崎敏也 on Google

豊洲市場仲卸し棟3階の飲食街で久しぶりにランチ! この時期は、以前と違い、どの店もランチ時でも、まず並ぶ事は無く、すんなり入店。 そして、まだ入店した事の無かった、こちら「山はら」に伺いました。先客1組みだけでしたので、カウンターに着座し、ステーキ丼を注文。 数分で着丼し、丼の大きさにビックリ!その大きさからか?量が少なく感じましたが、完食したら、割りとこれで十分な量。 ステーキ丼の牛肉は、とても柔らかくタレも旨い! そして生ビールがランチ時一杯¥100との事で、即注文!
Lunch at the restaurant on the 3rd floor of the Toyosu market middle wholesale building after a long absence! At this time, unlike before, none of the shops lined up even at lunch time, and they entered the shop smoothly. Then, I visited "Yamahara", which I haven't visited yet. There was only one customer, so I sat at the counter and ordered a steak bowl. We arrived in a few minutes and were surprised at the size of the bowl! Is it because of its size? I felt the amount was small, but when I completed the meal, it was enough. The beef in the steak bowl is very tender and delicious. And draft beer is 100 yen at lunch time, so I ordered immediately!
杉直樹ピラティストレーナー on Google

I ordered a tuna Negitoro salmon bowl! Everything was delicious. The amount of rice was quite large, so I left it. sorry.

豊洲市場には何度か足を運んでるんですが、タイミング合わず市場に入れてませんでした。豊洲市場を訪れる際に車やバイクでお越しの際に近隣の駐車場を利用する事になりますが、原付に限ってでは無いですが自転車と同じ駐輪場に停められるのはギリギリ原付二種迄だと思いますので小型以上の排気量は有料の駐車場を利用しましょう!(自転車に引っ掛けられて傷付いても文句言えませんからねえ)。前置きが長くなりました(汗)市場へのアクセスには「ゆりかもめ」で行くのが最適ですがコロナ禍ですので密を回避出来るなら何でも良きかと思います。市場へ向かうと渡り通路半ば位に検温&アルコール除菌ブースが設置されてて警備員さんにチェックされます。食堂街区に入る前にも除菌有り警備員さんも常駐してますので対策は万全でしょう!中に入るとほぼ全ての店舗は営業してました。(訪問時間10:00) 2周程して決めたのは入口入って左・左と曲がって直ぐの店「山はら」さん、丼物の値段的に中位のセット丼を頼みました。(注文品は写真参照してね) もう少し早く来ればモーニング的なメニューも頼めたみたいです。待つ事10分くらいで丼着、割と丼小さいと思うも食べ終われば丁度良き量に気付く。中トロは、しっかり赤身とトロの中間を味わえネギトロは混ぜ物無しのネギトロ!イクラも人工じゃないしウニも臭く無い!市場に来た甲斐がありますよ!帰りに物産でもと思い向かうもプロ向け商品が多数なので見るだけにしました。次回は寿司か鰻を食べに来よう。
I've been to the Toyosu market several times, but I couldn't get into the market because of the timing. When you visit Toyosu Market, you will use the nearby parking lot when you come by car or motorcycle, but it is not limited to mopeds, but only two types of mopeds can be parked in the same bicycle parking lot as bicycles. I think, so let's use a paid parking lot for small and larger displacements! (I can't complain if I get hurt by being caught on a bicycle). The introduction has become longer (sweat) It is best to go by "Yurikamome" to access the market, but since it is a corona sickness, I think that anything that can avoid denseness is fine. When heading to the market, a temperature measurement and alcohol sterilization booth will be set up in the middle of the passageway and will be checked by security guards. Even before entering the cafeteria block, there is a sterilization guard, so the measures will be perfect! Once inside, almost all the stores were open. (Visit time 10:00) After about two laps, I decided to go to the entrance and turn left and left, and immediately after that, I asked Mr. Yamahara, a set bowl with a medium price. (See the photo for the ordered item) It seems that if you come a little earlier, you can order a morning menu. It takes about 10 minutes to wait for the bowl to arrive, and although I think the bowl is relatively small, when I finish eating, I notice the right amount. You can enjoy the middle toro between lean meat and toro. Negitoro is unmixed Negitoro! The salmon roe is not artificial and the sea urchin does not smell! It's worth coming to the market! On my way home, I thought about making a product, but since there are many products for professionals, I just looked at them. Next time, let's come to eat sushi or eel.
dash best on Google

You can eat seafood bowls at a reasonable price while the high seafood shops in Toyosu Market are lined up. On this day, I ordered a salmon tuna Negitoro bowl for lunch. The volume is waves but delicious. The side dish meat and potatoes are surprisingly delicious, and the miso soup is very delicious with the rich flavor of the rocky shore.
ひで on Google

モーニングプレート(確か990円)をいただきました! シャケ、温玉、肉じゃが、サラダ、マグロのヅケ、納豆がワンプレートになって色々食べれて美味しかったです。 あと、ご飯の炊き加減が絶妙でした( *˙ω˙*)و グッ!
I received a morning plate (certainly 990 yen)! It was delicious to eat salmon, hot balls, meat potatoes, salad, tuna zuke, and natto on one plate. Also, the cooked rice was exquisite (* ˙ω˙ *) و Good!
はる on Google

山はら丼と、黒毛和牛の握り一貫を頼みました。 九州民で新鮮な刺身で育った方だと思いますがすごく美味しかったです。 月曜日の平日、14時に駅に着いたのですが比較的入りやすくもありました。 スモークで燻さるているのでその仄かな香りが鼻を抜けて、口の中には新鮮なお魚と甘みのある卵が絶妙なバランスでまざりあいます。 本当に美味しいです。
I asked for Yamahara-don and Japanese black beef. I think he was a Kyushu citizen who grew up with fresh sashimi, but it was very delicious. I arrived at the station at 14:00 on weekdays on Monday, but it was relatively easy to enter. As it is smoked and smoked, its faint scent passes through the nose, and fresh fish and sweet eggs are mixed in the mouth in a perfect balance. It's really delicious.
Crypto Mania on Google

Good food okay deal
Steve Rampling on Google

Good price for great tasting seafood!

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