Yamada Orthopedic Surgical Clinic - Nagoya

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamada Orthopedic Surgical Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-1607 Araike, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 468-0013
Webサイト : http://www.yamada-ortho.jp/

2 Chome-1607 Araike, Tempaku Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 468-0013, Japan
やまみ on Google

年に1、2回かかる程度ですが、何年もお世話になっていて信頼できる先生です。 若い世代にはWeb予約が出来ると嬉しいですが、ご年配の方も多いので診察は来院順なのかなぁと思います。 診察で平均1時間程度はいつも待っています。
It takes about one or two times a year, but I have been caring for many years and I am a reliable teacher. I am glad if you can make a reservation for the young generation, but I think that the consultation is in order of visit because there are many elderly people. An average of about an hour is always waiting at the consultation.
佐藤愛理 on Google

初めに言っておきます。絶対に行かない方が良いです。 私は、側弯症(そくわんしょう)という背骨が曲がる病気で、通院していました。 そこで、側弯症が治ると言われ、5か月間ほどリハビリを続けていました。 ある時、診察(何回に1回かのペースでリハビリと同時に診察も受けていました)をしてもらっているときに、全く関係のない「噛み合わせの話」をされました。 私は側弯症で通院しているのに、いきなり噛み合わせの話です。この時点でもおかしいのですが、 「**病院は私の友人がやっている。やまだからの紹介と言ってもらえればそれでいい」 と言われました。 私はさすがにおかしく感じ、他の整形外科さんに通うことにしました。 すると、「側弯症が治るリハビリなど初めからなく、噛み合わせも側弯症に全く関係ない」 と言われました。当たり前ですが。(その方は地域の方からとても支持されている、とても有名なお医者様です。そこにもリハビリ室はあります) 全く意味のないリハビリを5か月間もやらされたのです。 しかも決して安くもない。 やまだ整形外科で、よくご年配の方も見かけますが、みんな騙されているかと思うとゾゾッとします。 ご家族などに、やまだ整形外科に通院している方がいたら、声をかけてあげてください。 お金を搾り取られるだけだと。 近くに整形外科はたくさんあるので、そちらに行くことをお勧めしてあげてください。 やまだ整形外科は、金取り主義の最低最悪の整形外科です。 絶対に行かない方が良いと思います。
I'll tell you first. It is better not to go. I was going to the hospital because of my spinal flexion, a scoliosis. Therefore, it was said that scoliosis was cured and I continued rehabilitation for about 5 months. At one time, when I was having a medical examination (I had a medical examination at the same time as rehabilitation at a rate of once every time), I was told a story about biting that was completely unrelated. I am going to hospital because of scoliosis, but it is a story of sudden engagement. It ’s funny at this point, "** Hospital is my friend. If you can tell me it's just a new introduction, that's fine." They said. I felt strange and decided to go to another orthopedic surgeon. Then, "There is no rehabilitation that cures scoliosis, and biting is completely unrelated to scoliosis." They said. It is natural. (That person is a very famous doctor who is very supported by the community. There is also a rehabilitation room there.) He was rehabilitated for 5 months without any meaning. And it's not cheap at all. I'm still an orthopedic surgeon, and I'm sure that older people often see it. If you still have family members who are still in orthopedic surgery, please call out. I can only squeeze out the money. There are lots of orthopedics nearby, so I recommend you to go there. Orthopedic surgery is still the worst and worst orthopedic surgery of the cash-taking principle. I think it ’s better not to go.
シカちゃん on Google

はじめは親切な先生だと思ってましたが、 お金にならない患者は見放す、という印象です。 調子が悪い箇所を訴えても、ただ聞くだけで終わってしまいます。 最終的には、保険会社の金払いが悪い、手続きが面倒だと言われ、非常に嫌そうな表情で、もう打ち切りでお願いしますと言われました。症状は全然回復しておらず、1ヶ月前まではやまだ先生はあと3ヶ月は通う必要があると言ってくださったのに、突然打ち切られてしまいました。 信頼していただけに、とても悲しく辛い思いをしました。儲からない人は治してもらえないんでしょうか?
At first I thought I was a kind teacher, but The impression is that patients who don't make money will leave it. Even if you complain about something that isn't going well, you just end up listening. In the end, I was told that the insurance company's payment was bad and the procedure was troublesome. The symptom hadn't recovered at all, and until a month ago my teacher told me that I still had to go for another three months, but it suddenly ended. I was so sad and painful that I could trust you. Can a person who does not make a profit be cured?
まめすけ on Google

追突事故にあい数ヶ月通院していましたが 保険会社からの支払いが滞っていたらしく その催促をするのも面倒だし催促しても対応遅くて迷惑だからもう通院終わりでいいよね?と威圧的に(怒りながら?)いわれ打ち切られました。 腰の痛みもまだあるのに薬もなぜか少なくてもいいよねと一方的に決められとても不快でした。 交通事故専門の病院なのに被害者の立場を全く考えてない対応でとても残念でした。 二度と行きません。 ここに行こうかと思われてる方は絶対やめた方がいいです。 他の病院を探すべきかと思います。
I had been in the hospital for several months after a collision, but It seems that the payment from the insurance company is delayed It's bothersome to give a reminder, and even if I urge you, it's too late for me to respond, so it's okay for me to go to the hospital. I was intimidated and censored. I still had back pain, but I was one-sidedly deciding that I shouldn't need more medicine, so I was very uncomfortable. It was a pity that I was a hospital specializing in traffic accidents, but I didn't consider the victim's position at all. I will never go again. If you think you should go here, you should definitely stop. I think I should look for another hospital.
TK on Google

秋篠宮様との写真を待合室に飾ってあるところが俗物な印象です。医師も軽いノリの方ですが、気さくではあります。 背中の痛みで通いましたが、毎日リハビリに来るようにと言われ、仕事の合間に毎日一ヶ月通いました。毎回2時間ほど待つので大変でした。全く効果なかったので、きっぱりやめました。
The place where the photo with Mr. Akishinomiya is displayed in the waiting room gives a profane impression. The doctor is also a light-hearted person, but he is friendly. I went there because of back pain, but I was told to come to rehabilitation every day, and I went there for a month every day between work. It was hard because I waited for about 2 hours each time. It didn't work at all, so I stopped it.
honeybec 78 on Google

ヤブ? 主人がかかりましたが、頚椎椎間板ヘルニアで鎮痛剤と湿布のみの処方。以前、別のところでは他に飲み薬と首に巻くカラーが出ました。 説明はあったそうですが、毎日リハビリに通うように言われておしまい。リハビリも効果があるのか疑問に感じる内容だったそうです。
Yabu? My husband took it, but prescribed only painkillers and poultice for cervical disc herniation. In the past, there were other drinks and collars around the neck. There seems to be explanation, but is told to go to rehabilitation every day. It seems that it was a content that wondered if rehabilitation was also effective.
2人の母ちゃん! R on Google

He gave me a thorough examination and the explanation was easy to understand. He also said to the child who had been treated hard, "You did your best, you were a good boy." I had a slight fever, so the consultation time was the last, but I was apologized for saying "I'm sorry to have you come twice", but this is rather annoying, and I extended the time for teachers and nurses to return. I'm sorry to have done it, so I'm rather sorry (sweat)! The demeanor was soft and the treatment and explanation were polite. It's 37.0 degrees, which is normal for my child, but I feel relieved because the infection control is solid! !!
国名プルダウン on Google

犬を連れこんでいいみたいですね。診察券入れて年寄り満員だから駐車場で待ってたら従業員が犬を連れて病院入って行った。目を疑い翌日も見てたら犬入って行ったぜ?犬だよ?ありか?ここって獣医もやってんの?従業員さんよ 常識で考えろよ、写メ撮ったから保健所か日本医師会行きだな。追記、その従業員って副院長だと?犬だぜ?ここバカなん?
I think it's okay to bring a dog. I put in a medical examination ticket and the elderly were full, so when I waited in the parking lot, an employee took my dog ​​to the hospital. I doubted my eyes, and when I saw it the next day, I went in with a dog, right? Is it a dog? Is there? Is there a veterinarian here too? Employee Think with common sense, because I took a photo, I'm going to the public health center or the Japan Medical Association. Postscript, is that employee the deputy director? Is it a dog? Are you stupid here?

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