Yamada Denki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamada Denki

住所 :

Shitoka, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-7145 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://www.yamada-denki.jp/store/contents/%3Fd%3D40
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Shitoka, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-7145 Niigata,Japan
えこがんも on Google

Mr. S, who is in charge of mobile phones, is really kind and polite.
GLA 45S on Google

商品を見に行くと直ぐに店員が近寄ってくるから、鬱陶しい。 こちらから声を掛けた時だけ、対応してくれたらそれでいいのに。
The store clerk is approaching as soon as I go to see the product, so it's annoying. I wish I could respond only when calling from here.
小夏riri on Google

There were no items in the shop, so I went shopping online, but kindly responded. It is a store I would definitely like to use again ?
川釣りはじめました on Google

店舗のサイズにあった品揃え ただ近くのケーズデンキに行ったほうが求めているものは揃っていると思います。
Assortment that fits the size of the store However, I think that you have everything you are looking for if you go to nearby K's Denki.
本田吾郎 on Google

店員さんがあまりおらず探し歩きました。。 ですが探して欲しい商品を尋ねると笑顔で対応してくれました。ありがとうございました。
There weren't many clerk, so I searched for it. .. However, when I asked for the product I wanted to look for, he responded with a smile. Thank you very much.
松井誠 on Google

普段、首都圏の店舗では手の空いている店員を見つけて、結局担当が違う…など、たらい回しにされる事も多いですが、こちらの店舗では、1つ1つ、こちらの質問を丁寧に聞いた上で、専門的なマーク、単位なども素人にも分かりやすく説明してくれます。 複数ある選択肢(商品)には、何がどんな用途に向いているか、どの様に使う予定なのか、値段と機能のどちらを優先するか…など、こちらのニーズを理解した上で、売場に無いものまで調べてくれて、教えていただきました。 本当に、いつもこの店で買いたい。そう、思える接客をしてくれます。
Usually, at stores in the Greater Tokyo area, I often find a clerk who is free and the person in charge is different after all, etc., but at this store, I am polite to ask this question one by one. After listening to, they will explain the specialized marks, units, etc. in an easy-to-understand manner even for amateurs. There are multiple options (products) that are not in the sales floor after understanding these needs, such as what is suitable for what purpose, how to use it, whether to prioritize price or function, etc. He even looked up things and taught me. I really want to buy it at this store all the time. Yes, they will serve you as you think.
外山恵子 on Google

I always go to Yamada Denki when there is something in electrical appliances. All the staff are kind enough to consult with us. I am always grateful for your help.
y matt on Google

家電買うならココと決めてます。 色々な機種がある中から、店員さんから説明して頂き選んでます。説明の中には実際に使ってみた感想や、メーカー比較だったりいつも参考にさせて頂いています。これからもお世話になります!
If you want to buy home appliances, I have decided to go here. There are various models, and the clerk will explain and choose. In the explanation, I always refer to the impressions I actually used and the comparison of manufacturers. Thank you for your continued support!

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