Yamada Clinics - Watari District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamada Clinics

住所 :

16-1 Shimokoji, Watari, Watari District, Miyagi 989-2351, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 989-2351
Webサイト : http://xn--g9jzcra8oa3j6bwp.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM

16-1 Shimokoji, Watari, Watari District, Miyagi 989-2351, Japan
匿子 on Google

[良い点] 駐車場が停めやすい 待ち時間が少ない 症状を用紙などに書く手間がない ポケットティッシュか無料で貰える 病院内が綺麗 子供が咳など酷い時はレントゲンんを撮って キチンと診察してくれる 受付対応はまぁまぁ [改善点] 駐車場が入り口から遠いので雨の日は傘などないと濡れる 薬局の場所の説明がいまいちわかりにくい 先生と時々話が噛み合わない 時々不審に思う診断をされる インフルなどの患者との隔離場所がない
[good point] Easy parking is parked It is less waiting time There is no time to write the symptoms on paper or the like Nowak pocket tissue or Free Clean in the hospital When a child is terrible, such as cough is taking you X-ray Us with diagnosed with chitin Accepted correspondence Well Well [Improvements] Wet and parking there is no such umbrella on a rainy day so far from the entrance Not good enough confusing explanation of pharmacy locations I am not engaged sometimes talk with the teacher It is sometimes suspicious think diagnosis There is no isolation location of the patient, such as influenza
岸本晶子 on Google

I had severe cedar pollinosis, but I couldn't get enough time to go to the hospital, and I was in trouble because the local otolaryngologist was only closed, so I hurriedly went to see him when I heard that he could prescribe medicine. Both the teacher and the staff felt good, and there were no tests that seemed useless, which was very helpful.
平田達矢 on Google

You're a reliable teacher, though it looks cool
boo kuma on Google

先生がドライすぎてよくわからないまま診察が終わりました。 早口で結論だけ言われて、原因やどうすれば症状を和らげられるかなどは教えてくれません。 会社名や場所も聞かれて不快でした。 コロナでも他の感染する病気なわけでもないのに。 引っ越したばかりでかかりつけの病院が探せずにいますが、ここはもう行きません。
The examination ended without the teacher being too dry to understand. You can only say the conclusion quickly and not tell you the cause or how to relieve the symptoms. I was uncomfortable when asked about the company name and location. It's not a corona or any other infectious disease. I just moved and can't find my hospital, but I'm not going here anymore.
鈴木いちか on Google

先生から優しさは感じられません。。薬2種どちらが良いか聞かれ、分からないのでどちらが良いか聞き返したら「いや飲んだことないから知らないw」って。。 ただでさえ体調悪い時に行くと更に参るので、かかりつけにはしていない
I can't feel the kindness from the teacher. .. I was asked which of the two medicines was better, and I didn't know which one was better, so when I asked him back, he said, "No, I haven't taken it, so I don't know." .. I don't take it as a family because I will come even more if I go when I'm not feeling well
東北のゆう坊 on Google

1もつけたくありません。 扁桃腺に炎症があるのに痛み止めだけの処方。 翌日違う病院に行って抗生物質もらい改善しましたが。 それだけならクチコミ書かなかった。 子供を診て欲しいと電話連絡したが、対応最悪です。 遠回しに診たくないという対応。 とりあえず診るとの事で行ったら隣の小児科に行けと言われる。 最初からそう言って欲しいですね。
I don't want to add 1 either. A prescription for pain relief even though the tonsils are inflamed. The next day I went to a different hospital and got antibiotics to improve. If that was the only thing, I didn't write a review. I called to see my child, but the response was the worst. Correspondence that I do not want to see in a roundabout way. I was told to go to the pediatrics department next door if I went to see him for the time being. I want you to say that from the beginning.
シカ on Google

綺麗で清潔感のあるクリニックです。 受付の女性はいつも笑顔で明るく、子供にも大変優しく接してくださいます。 先生は一見クールで淡々としていますが、いつもこちらの事を考えて診察してくださるので、心から信頼できるかかりつけ医院です。 家族全員でお世話になっています。
It is a beautiful and clean clinic. The lady at the reception is always smiling and cheerful, and she treats her children very kindly. At first glance, the teacher is cool and innocent, but he always thinks about this and examines me, so it is a family clinic that I can trust from the bottom of my heart. The whole family is indebted.
AC BUSH on Google

新規さんは気をつけてくれ。 コロナの予防接種で行ったが先生の印象がとても悪い。選ぶとしても二度と行きたくないな。まぁコロナの予防接種以外で行くことがないので良いけどね。けど看護師さんは優秀打つの痛くなかったし愛想も良かったわ。
Please be careful if you are new. I went for a corona vaccination, but the teacher's impression is very bad. Even if I choose, I don't want to go again. Well, I'm glad I don't go except for corona vaccination. But the nurse was excellent and didn't hurt, and the amiability was good.

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