Yakiniku Yamato Hikarigaoka IMA Ten - Nerima City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakiniku Yamato Hikarigaoka IMA Ten

住所 :

Ima, 3F 5 Chome-1-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 179-0072
Webサイト : https://g181346.gorp.jp/

Ima, 3F 5 Chome-1-1 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072, Japan
Masahiro Yamamoto on Google

精肉店直営という事でお邪魔してみました。 単品でA5黒毛和牛と書いた品を2品頼みましたが、コレ正直全然A5じゃないでしょ? 単価が上がっても直営店ならもう少し良い肉を揃えるべき。
I tried to bother you because it was directly managed by a butcher shop. I ordered two items that were written as A5 Japanese black beef as a single item, but honestly this is not A5 at all ? Even if the unit price goes up, if it is a directly managed store, you should prepare a little better meat.
Kentarow Kobayashi on Google

テイクアウトの焼肉弁当もあります。フードコートの肉丼が混雑していたら、こちらもアリ。 ディナーは、やまとコースがオススメ。税込4000円なら十分お値打ち価格。二人で頼んでドリンク頼んでも1万円ならアリでしょ。
There is also a take-out yakiniku lunch box. If the meat bowl in the food court is crowded, this is also an ant. Yamato course is recommended for dinner. 4000 yen including tax is a good value. Even if you ask for a drink with two people, it's an ant for 10,000 yen.
黒胡椒 on Google

IMAリニューアルで3階レストラン街の旧さくら水産跡にオープンした焼肉屋さん。本店は越谷とのこと。 焼肉が比較的お手頃に楽しめます。 定食は昼も夜もいけるようです。 定食+単品で組み合わせるとおなかいっぱいに。 席はゆったり、入り口で靴を脱ぐスタイル。 4階のフードコートには丼版の店もあり。
A yakiniku restaurant that opened at the former Sakura Fisheries site in the restaurant area on the 3rd floor due to IMA renewal. The main store is Koshigaya. You can enjoy yakiniku at a relatively reasonable price. It seems that set meals can be served day and night. If you combine it with a set meal and a single item, you will be full. The seats are spacious and you can take off your shoes at the entrance. There is also a bowl version of the food court on the 4th floor.
We We on Google

ランチしました。 無煙ロースターですから靴を脱いで上がります。 タッチパネル注文なので 「気になる場合は除菌シートをお使いください」 とのことで気が利いてはいるのですが画面にタレや油がこびりついているのでお店の方は毎回拭いといていただいた方が客からすると気持ちが良いですね。 そしてお店側からは便利なタッチパネルですが、実は客は先ず全体が見えないので注文が見つからず不便です。やっぱり紙のメニューもあると便利ですね。 牛カルビ定食は赤身に近い肉なので私は好きです。 各テーブルは離れているので感染防止的には安心です。
I had lunch. Since it is a smokeless roaster, you can take off your shoes and go up. Because it is a touch panel order "If you are worried, please use a disinfectant sheet." It's nice to say that, but since the screen is covered with sauce and oil, it's better for the shop staff to wipe it off every time. And although it is a convenient touch panel from the shop side, it is inconvenient for customers to not find the order because they cannot see the whole. After all it is convenient to have a paper menu. I like the beef rib set meal because it is close to lean meat. Since each table is separated, it is safe to prevent infection.
もりげんさん on Google

2020年12月8日に開店し、その日の夜に行きました。希少部位のいいとこどりした贅沢三昧コースでお店一押しの「やまとコース(ナムル2種盛合わせ・キムチ2種盛合わせ・ローストビーフのユッケ風・上牛タン・ハラミ・[A5]黒毛和牛ロースダイヤモンドカット・本日おすすめA5黒毛和牛5種・冷麺orクッパ・デザート盛り合わせ)」にしました。お店の方に聞くと希少部位はスキンボ、タテバラ、ミスジ、カルビ、ロースとのことで、この日のA5黒毛和牛の産地は尾崎牛とのことでした。味は良くA5ランク牛の脂の甘さがありました。ボリュームもありこれだけでお腹いっぱいになりました。デザートも付いて税込4000円は確かにコストパフォーマンスは高いと感じました。数点感じたのは出てくる肉に漬けるタレをもう少し味を抑えたものにして(上牛タンはシンプルな味つけでした)タレを肉に少し付ける程度で客に出すと肉の良さが更に引き立つのにと感じたことと、焼いた後に肉に付けるタレが甘口とレモンしか席に置いていなかったのでもう少しタレの種類を増やして選択肢が増えることになりますし、ワサビなどもあればもっと良くなるのにと感じました。マスク袋もあったのがよかったです。何より肉に関してこちらが質問すると詳しい説明があったのでその点は評価が高いです。後は5種の肉にそれぞれ部位名が書いた付箋みたいなものがあると分かりやすいかな。色々と書きましたがなかなかいいお店だと感じました。また食べに行きたいです。ごちそうさまでした。詳しくは「やまと 光が丘店」+「気ままに外食三昧」で検索してみてください。
It opened on December 8, 2020 and went that night. "Yamato course (2 kinds of namul, 2 kinds of kimchi, yukhoe style of roast beef, upper beef tongue, harami, [A5] Japanese black beef loin diamond" is recommended by the shop for a luxurious course with good rare parts Cut, today's recommended A5 Japanese black beef 5 kinds, cold noodles or bowser, assorted dessert) ”. When I asked the shop staff, the rare parts were skinbo, vertical rose, blade steak, ribs, and loin, and the production area of ​​A5 Japanese black beef on that day was Ozaki beef. The taste was good and there was the sweetness of the fat of A5 rank beef. There was a lot of volume and I was full with this alone. I felt that the cost performance was certainly high at 4000 yen including tax with dessert. I felt a few points that the sauce that comes out soaked in the meat was made a little less tasty (the upper beef tongue was a simple seasoning) and the meat was even better if it was served to the customer with a little sauce. I felt that it would stand out, and since I only had sweet and lemon sauce on the meat after baking, I would have more choices by increasing the types of sauce, and if there was wasabi etc., more I felt it would improve. It was good that there was also a mask bag. Above all, when I asked a question about meat, there was a detailed explanation, so that point is highly evaluated. After that, it would be easier to understand if there is something like a sticky note with the part name written on each of the five types of meat. I wrote a lot, but I felt it was a good shop. I want to go eat again. Thank you for the meal. For more information, please search for "Yamato Hikarigaoka" + "Eating out at will".
HINOTORI on Google

Visited to eat yakiniku after a long absence. Just like Aiya, you can leave your shoes in a shoe box with a key and go up. It's uncomfortable to occupy a large table with two people, but it can't be helped because there is only one roasting table. My companion is a beef tongue set meal, and I am a beef calviharami set meal. In addition, I ordered cut-off beef tongue, stewed streaks, beef liver, and marchow. Meat will be served earlier, but meat is reasonable. It's not unpleasant, but it's not as tasty as it sounds. The tendon stew is simmered in a toro, and this alone makes two cups of rice cool. I was a little unsatisfied, so I added blade steak and loin. I ate so much that I didn't need it at night. Feast.
mie on Google

美味しいです!席からは現在イルミネーションされた光が丘が見られますw 清潔感もありきれいなお店です。
Is delicious! From the seat, you can see the currently illuminated Hikarigaoka w It is a clean shop with a sense of cleanliness.
iAd on Google

精肉店直営の焼肉屋さん。 肉屋だけに肉質は良好、店内は清潔で広くファミリー層に適したい店だと思います。 価格については、肉はそれなり。ドリンク類が生中が390円など良心的です。
A grilled meat shop directly managed by a meat shop. The meat quality is good only for butchers, and the interior is clean and spacious, and I think it is a store that is suitable for families. As for the price, meat is reasonable. Drinks are conscientious, such as 390 yen during life.

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