Yakiniku King Nagano Higashiwada

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yakiniku King Nagano Higashiwada

住所 :

Higashiwada, 〒381-0038 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Webサイト : https://www.yakiniku-king.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–12AM
Sunday 11:30AM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Nagano

Higashiwada, 〒381-0038 Nagano,Japan
オヤジof K-T on Google

もう2度と行きたくない まず、接客態度悪い店員が何人かいてとにかく不快 特に正社員?ぽい女性ほどひどい バイトと思われる人のほうが子供にも優しいし、好感度高かったです 肉もね和牛とか期待して、たのむものほどレベルが低い最悪 サイドメニューのラーメンも麵がのびきってボソボソ これ客に出すんだというもの、もちろん全部残して放置 いつも、通りかかると混み合ってるけど 何目的で集まってるのか不思議です
I don't want to go again First of all, there are some clerk with bad customer service, which makes me uncomfortable, especially a regular employee? The person who seems to be a terrible part-time job is kinder to children and has a higher liking. Expecting meat and Japanese beef, the worst level is as low as you can enjoy The ramen on the side menu also has a stretched base and is messy. This is to be given to customers, of course, leave everything behind It's always crowded when I pass by I wonder what purpose they are gathering for
永田順 on Google

The police sister who patrols the store and patrols for any inadequacies in service is too energetic and ignites her appetite. I ate a lot this time as well.
Namidamoroi Misoji on Google

大人ランチが2000円程とリーズナブルに食べ放題できるのがすごく助かる!eparkで予約をして行くのでほとんど待つこともなく、お腹いっぱいに焼肉が食べられる。毎回大満足で帰ります♪ 追記:先日行ったとき、「焼肉ポリス」の方がやたら品物を間違えて持ってきて、ランチの安いコースなのに壺漬けのお肉や牛タンが運ばれて来ました。それはラッキーとしましたが、注文したものが届かず複雑な気持ちになりました。
It is very helpful to be able to eat all-you-can-eat for an adult lunch at a reasonable price of about 2000 yen! Since I make a reservation at epark, I can eat yakiniku full of stomach without waiting. I will return with great satisfaction every time ♪ Postscript: When I went there the other day, "Yakiniku Police" brought me the wrong item, and even though it was a cheap lunch course, pot-pickled meat and beef tongue were brought in. I was lucky, but I didn't receive what I ordered, which made me feel complicated.
ggrks guglecus on Google

夕食時間帯はかなり混雑しますので、最低でも1日前の予約、30分前入店をお勧めします。予約無しの飛び込みだと1、2時間は待つのを覚悟した方が良いです。そう言う私も、予約無しの飛び込みで5時半頃入店しました(これでも早めかなと思った)が、結局食事ができたのは8時を回っていました。 肝心なメニューは、食べ放題飲み放題にしては拘ったメニューが多く、通常の焼肉屋と全く遜色ない肉質、メニューの豊富さで、安かろう悪かろうといった感じは全く見受けられませんでした。 店員さんの対応もきめ細やかで、大変満足できる内容だと思いました。
Dinner time is quite crowded, so we recommend booking at least one day in advance and entering the store 30 minutes in advance. If it is a dive without a reservation, it is better to prepare for one or two hours. I also said that I entered the store around 5:30 with no reservation (I thought it was early too), but after all I was able to eat around 8 o'clock. Most of the menus were all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink, and there was no feeling that it was cheap or bad, with meat quality comparable to that of a normal yakiniku restaurant and abundant menus. I thought that the clerk's response was meticulous and very satisfying.
yuka.s mahalo on Google

何度かのリピーターです。 焼き肉も美味しいし、店内も清潔感があり良いと思います。男性スタッフの対応がとっても気が利くし、毎回気持ちの良い対応をしてくださり、問題なしです。女性のバイト?は一部愛想が全くない感じの方もいました。 今日は春休み中だった為かいつもよりこみ合っていたからか、座席と座席の通路に車椅子の方を配置するのはどうかと思いました。トイレに行くにも通りにくくぶつかるし、端の座席にし通路に邪魔にならないよう配慮して貰いたかったです。 その家族もちょっと残念な家族だったかもしれないですが…
It is a repeater several times. The grilled meat is delicious, and the inside of the store is clean and nice. The male staff are very attentive, and they respond comfortably every time, so there is no problem. Female part-time job? Some people felt that they had no amiability at all. I wondered if it would be better to place a wheelchair in the seats and aisles of the seats, probably because it was during spring break today or because it was more crowded than usual. It's hard to get through when I go to the bathroom, and I wanted the seats at the end so that they wouldn't get in the way of the aisle. That family may have been a bit disappointing, but ...
kui douraku on Google

全員とは言わないが以前に比べてスタッフの愛想が無く(特に店長っぽい人物と年上のスタッフ)おざなり事務的な対応するスタッフが顕著だね。 若いバイト君は一生懸命に動いている様に見えるので尚更差が判明した。 また全体的に味が落ちたし、商品も小ぶりになった。 キムチは単にしょっぱいだけ、肉はハラミだけがまともに感じた。 スタッフも以前より少ないのかな?注文を入れてから5分以上も配膳されず時間稼ぎか?…と思えることもしばしば!またAIロボットの導入するには回りくどい感じで90分と言う括りにこの導入は無いのでは?機敏さも感じられない。 4、5年前の活気が今のこの店に感じられず。 カンブリア宮殿で視聴した際の経営者の心が伝わっていない店になってしまったかな?
Not all of them, but the staff are less amiable than before (especially the store manager-like person and older staff), and the staff who deal with clerical work is remarkable. The young part-time job seems to be working hard, so the difference became even more apparent. In addition, the taste has deteriorated overall, and the products have become smaller. The kimchi was just salty, and the meat was only Harami. Is there less staff than before? Do you earn time without serving more than 5 minutes after placing an order? I often think ... In addition, it seems that it is a roundabout way to introduce an AI robot, and it takes 90 minutes, but isn't this introduction? I can't feel agility either. I can't feel the liveliness of 4 or 5 years ago in this shop now. I wonder if it has become a store that does not convey the heart of the owner when I watched it at the Cambria Palace.
K Sakai on Google

食べ放題の焼肉店で、これだけクオリティ高ければ十分ではないでしょうか。ご不満な方は2〜3倍出して専門店へ行けばOK。松竹梅とお値段毎にランク分けがされてますが、真ん中のコースでも品数も満足。北海道フェアの時に一度だけ一番上のコースを頼んだ事があるが、それはそれはもう大満足!高単価の品をガッツリ攻めたい派も、色んなモノを少しずつ堪能したい派も両方オススメ(自分は後者)。 北海道フェアや激辛キャンペン、チーズキャンペーンなど、行く度に真新しいメニューがあるので(たまにHPでチェック)、お客を飽きさせない工夫がされていると思う。 地域の超人気店なので「今から行きたい!」と思って入店はなかなか難しく(飛び込みで行くと数時間待ちを宣告されます…)、事前に日程を決めて予約制度を使いこなすのがベター。 17時前入店の割引や、新聞広告で不定期に10%引きのチラシが入っている事があり要チェック。
At an all-you-can-eat yakiniku restaurant, it would be enough if the quality was so high. If you are dissatisfied, you can take it 2-3 times and go to a specialty store. It is ranked according to the price of Shochikuume, but the number of items is also satisfactory even in the middle course. I once asked for the top course at the Hokkaido Fair, but I'm very satisfied with it! We recommend both those who want to attack high-priced items and those who want to enjoy various things little by little (I am the latter). Every time I go, there is a brand new menu such as the Hokkaido Fair, the spicy campen, and the cheese campaign (check it occasionally on the website), so I think that it has been devised so that customers will not get bored. It's a very popular restaurant in the area, so it's quite difficult to enter the restaurant because you want to go there now (if you jump in, you'll be sentenced to wait for a few hours ...), so it's better to set a schedule in advance and use the reservation system. Check out the discounts for entering the store before 17:00 and the occasional 10% discount leaflets in newspaper advertisements.
黒猫 on Google


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