Yajougahana lighthouse - Mikata District

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yajougahana lighthouse

住所 :

Shinonsen, Mikata District, Hyogo 669-6701, Japan

Postal code : 669-6701
Webサイト : https://lighthouse-japan.com/hyougo/hamasakakoyashirogahana/hamasakakoyashirogahana.html

Shinonsen, Mikata District, Hyogo 669-6701, Japan
puぷ on Google

駐車場から遊歩道を10数分歩くが、一抱えもあるような落石が多数あり、路面には割れやヒビが多数あり要注意。 断崖の上にあるので眺望はかなり良い。 灯台自体は小さめのように思う。
Walk 10 minutes on the promenade from the parking lot, but there are many falling rocks that seem to have a few, and there are many cracks and cracks on the road surface. The view is pretty good because it is on a cliff. I think the lighthouse itself is small.
雲の道junior on Google

良い景色です。 釣りも楽しめました。
It is a good view. I also enjoyed fishing.
ちょか on Google

夕陽が綺麗でした。 途中、落石で歩きにくかったので、注意が必要ですね。
The sunset was beautiful. It was difficult to walk due to falling rocks on the way, so be careful.
masayo B on Google

浜坂港の奥の方に駐車スペースがあります。 そこから10~15分歩くと目の前に海がひらけて感動しました。 1日中ぼーっとしてたくなる場所です。
There is a parking space at the back of Hamasaka Port. When I walked for 10 to 15 minutes from there, the sea opened in front of me and I was moved. It's a place where you'll want to spend all day relaxing.
おかもとしんぺい on Google

2021年5月現在ですが、漁港の方から通行止めでした。残念です 他にもルートがあるようですが。
As of May 2021, the traffic was closed from the fishing port. I'm sorry There seems to be other routes as well.
大塚剛 on Google

10月末現在、海岸からの遊歩道は、通行止めになっています。 私は、登山周りで知らずに通りましたが(微妙に落石あり)、自治体の指示には従った方が無難です。
As of the end of October, the promenade from the coast is closed. I passed around the mountain without knowing it (there was a slight rockfall), but it is safer to follow the instructions of the local government.
Syouki Minamoto (syou) on Google

The road to the parking lot is now paved and the route that can be reached from the east side is easily accessible. Most people come to the parking lot for fishing, and there is a space for 7-9 cars. However, as of May 2020, it was off limits due to falling rocks. It seems that it was caused by a rockfall of 2 m or more a year ago, and it seems that it can not be put in for the time being.
Quappi S. on Google

The path leading to the lighthouse is a path that follows the cliffs, but there were many falling rocks that might have fallen from above. The rock wall is covered with a fence to prevent falling rocks, but a fairly large stone has fallen in and is trapped. There were rockfalls of various sizes, but it wasn't so much in the middle, probably because people pass by. From the lighthouse you can see a cave with a hole in the rock. It's a very windy place, so it's better to have a jacket.

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