
1.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)宇田川不動産

住所 :

Yahiro, Sumida City, 〒131-0041 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.udagawa-f.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo

Yahiro, Sumida City, 〒131-0041 Tokyo,Japan
Take Yu on Google

太郎ぶらーり on Google

Correspondence is too bad
smith st. on Google

家賃を払っているのに振込がないといわれ、結局あちらの確認漏れ それも何度も 退去時にも何だか訳の分からんことを言ってて二度とお世話になる事は無いと思いますが多分他の方の話を聞く限りではまだ揉めそうですね
It is said that there is no transfer to pay while paying rent, after all, it is missing It is also many times Even at the time of my departure, I do not understand why translation is something I do not think I will be indebted again nevertheless but as long as I listen to the story of other people I still seem to be disputing
masamitsu yamasaki on Google

When I entered the apartment I borrowed here, the water pipe was broken at a glance level. Also, when I moved out, about 60,000 yen was taken from the security deposit because it was not cleaned. I'm going to leave after a minimum of cleaning ...
M T on Google

以前八広の近くで借りていました。 家賃の支払いをしたのに、払っていない、泥棒と一緒だと、ひどい事を言われました。結局大家さんの勘違いでした。 解約した後も4ヶ月程経ってから敷金の返済の件で電話をしたら逆に、汚れがあった、あれは何なんですか。上から言われ、対応がめちゃくちゃでした。 家族ぐるみでひどいとこ。二度と利用しません。
I used to rent it near Yahiro. I was told terrible things when I was with a thief who paid the rent but didn't. After all, it was a misunderstanding of the landlord. About 4 months after I canceled the contract, I called about the repayment of the security deposit, but on the contrary, it was dirty. What is that? I was told from above and the response was messed up. A terrible cousin with the whole family. I will never use it again.
m s on Google

最低最悪の不動産屋 はっきり言って★一個もつけたくないくらい最悪です 他にも敷金で嫌な思いをした方が多いようですがうちも揉めました。 十年以上ここで物件を借りて住んでいましたが、ある日大家が賃貸物件を売却するというので出てけと一方的に言われ、立ち退き費用も一切出さない、立ち退きについての文章も出すと借り主に立ち退き費用の請求権が発生するので出さないといわれ自主退去を求められました。 立ち退き費用も出ないので、せめて敷金の全額返済を求めたら、二ヶ月入れてた敷金のうち一ヶ月分しか返さないと言い張り、まったく話にならないので大家とはなしあって双方合意で全額返済するという話になったのですが、なぜか仲介のこの不動産屋がゴネて全額は返さないと言うので弁護士を入れるかどうかというところまで行きました。 最終的に大家側からも不動産屋に敷金を全額返済するよう言ってもらい全額返ってくることになりましたが、ただの仲介の不動産屋なのに敷金返済についてゴネたり、話がまったく通じず頭がおかしくなりそうでした。 ここで物件借りるのは絶対おすすめしません。 常識がまったく通じないのでトラブルになったときはまともな話し合いができないと思った方がいいです。
Worst real estate agent To be clear, it's the worst that I don't want to wear one It seems that there are many other people who feel uncomfortable with the deposit, but we also rubbed it. I lived here renting a property for more than 10 years, but one day I was told that the landlord would sell the rental property, so I was unilaterally told to go out, and I will not pay any eviction cost, even if I write a sentence about eviction I was asked to do so because I was told that I would not submit it because I would be required to claim the eviction cost. There is no eviction fee, so if you ask for a full repayment of the deposit at least, you insist that you will only return one month of the deposit you put in for two months. It was talked about, but for some reason this real estate agent said that he would not return the full amount of money, so I went to the point of whether to hire a lawyer. Eventually, the landlord side asked the real estate agent to repay the full amount of the security deposit, but I got back the full amount of money, but even though it was just an intermediary real estate agent, I talked about the repayment of the security deposit, and I could not understand at all It was going to be strange. We do not recommend renting a property here. I don't understand any common sense at all, so it's better to think that you can't have a proper discussion when you have a problem.
Kiyomi Yamamoto on Google

ここの不動産屋は絶対お勧め出来ません! 借地権の更新料、相場の倍以上の請求されました。1000万以上。 私は不動産に関する知識がないので、自分なりにネットで更新料の計算の仕方を調べたり、 近隣の不動産屋4件、手土産を持って相場を 聞いてまわりました。すると、宇田川不動産の 名前を出した途端急に口数が減り、「困ったなぁ」と…。最後は「うちの名前は出さないでよ」と言われました。他の不動産屋も「あそこのおばさんめちゃくちゃな事言うから関わりたくない」と…。やっぱりと思いました。 私も、数年前に建物を知り合いの不動産に売るかもしれないと言うと激怒。高圧的に うちを通さないと地主が許さないと言われました。(地主さんはとても良い方でした) 更新の時期が近づくにつれ、もう少し安くしてもらえないか交渉しようと思いましたが、まともに話が出来る相手ではない。そこで、 弁護士に相談しました。すると契約書に 更新に関する記載がないので払う必要がないと 言われ、間に入ってもらい結局払わずに済みました。
Real estate agents here are definitely not recommended! The renewal fee for the leasehold right was charged more than double the market price. Over 10 million. I don't have any knowledge about real estate, so I can find out how to calculate the renewal fee online. 4 real estate agents in the neighborhood, bring a souvenir to the market I listened around. Then, Udagawa Real Estate As soon as I gave my name, the number of words suddenly decreased, and I said, "I'm in trouble." At the end, I was told, "Don't give my name." Other real estate agents also said, "I don't want to get involved because the aunt over there says a mess." After all I thought. I was furious when I said that I might sell the building to a real estate acquaintance a few years ago. High pressure I was told that the landowner wouldn't allow me if I didn't pass through. (The landowner was a very good person) As the time for renewal approached, I thought I would negotiate for a little cheaper, but I'm not the one I can talk to. Therefore, I consulted with a lawyer. Then in the contract There is no mention of renewal so you don't have to pay I was told that I was asked to intervene and I didn't have to pay in the end.
アルサイ on Google

恐らく、お父様が築き上げてきた不動産ですが、その後継ぎと思われる息子の対応が最悪すぎる。。 賃貸の契約時に伺った時、帽子を被ったまま中に入ったのですが 暫くしてから「室内では帽子を脱いでください」と威圧的な言い方で言われました。面接でもないし、客はこちらなのに訳がわかりませんでした。退去時も敷金の返金分が入金されないので電話で確認したら、「すいません、漏れてました」と言ってました、、確信犯やろ。。 今は新居を購入したので関係ありませんが、曳舟、八広あたりはこの不動産の物件ばかりなので、名前をみる度に嫌気がさします。
Probably, it is a real estate that my father has built, but my son's response, which seems to be his successor, is too bad. .. When I visited when I made a rental contract, I went inside with my hat on. After a while, he was intimidatingly saying, "Please take off your hat indoors." It wasn't an interview, and I didn't understand why the customer was here. Even when I moved out, the refund of the security deposit was not paid, so when I checked by phone, I said, "I'm sorry, it was leaked." .. It doesn't matter because I bought a new house now, but Hikifune and Yahiro are all real estate properties, so I get sick every time I see the name.

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