Yahiro Station - Sumida City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yahiro Station

住所 :

6 Chome-25-20 Yahiro, Sumida City, Tokyo 131-0041, Japan

Postal code : 131-0041

6 Chome-25-20 Yahiro, Sumida City, Tokyo 131-0041, Japan
Hasuike Kenichi on Google

減点対象 ・駅の構造が利用者の動線に配慮されていないように感じる。 ・駅のトイレの手を洗うスペースにハンドソープの類がなく、濡れた手をどうにかする術が備えられていない(濡れた手はmyハンカチで解決) ×駅入口から二階の改札までにエスカレーターがない(エレベーターはある)→追記にも書きましたがエスカレーターありました、誤った情報を投稿し申し訳ございません。 〜風評被害?〜 引っ越し先の候補として駅名が上がったので周辺の口コミを検索すると、「臭い問題」が思いのほかHit。 内容もなかなかに強烈だったため検討を諦めようと思ったけれど、情報が古い。 それならば、と、休みを利用してあいにくの雨ですが自分の足で情報集めに平日の昼間に訪れてみました。 引っ越しを検討している物件が駅近(京成八広駅南側)のためもう少し離れると違うのかもしれませんが、口コミなどに見られるような悪臭はありません。 むしろ、無臭です。 駅周辺、徒歩五分圏内(物件情報の表記にあわせて1分=80m)を散策してみるも、やはりにおいは感じられず。 ネットでいつでもどこでも情報が集められるのはいいことですが、そこにあるものが全て真実では無いことを体感できました。 この情報も、見る人行く人が違えば誤った情報になるかもしれません。 是非一度、御自分の足でも訪れてみてください。 〜追記〜 その後無事に引越しを終え、日々を過ごして見えてきた八広駅について。 ・エスカレーターは上り専用ですが反対側(四ツ木側)の入口にありました。 ・改札目の前にPUDOステーションとセブン銀行ATMがある。 ・無臭と書いていましたが、たまに「あぁ、これの事か」と感じる臭気に気づくことがあります。暑い日や雨上がりの湿度の高い日に、南寄りの風に乗って漂ってくる感じですが、さほど生活への影響は感じていません。 投稿当初は星3つにしていましたが、誤認がありましたので4つに修正しました。
Target for deduction ・I feel that the structure of the station does not consider the traffic lines of the users. ・There is no kind of hand soap in the washroom of the toilet in the station, and there is no way to manage wet hands (wet hands can be solved with my handkerchief) × There is no escalator from the station entrance to the ticket gate on the second floor (there is an elevator) → I wrote in the postscript, but there was an escalator, I am sorry to post incorrect information. ~Harmful rumor? ~ Since the station name has been raised as a candidate for moving, searching the word of mouth in the surrounding area gives us a "smelling problem", which is a hit. The content was quite intense, so I thought I'd give up, but the information is old. If so, unfortunately it was raining during the holidays, but I used my own feet to visit during the day on weekdays to gather information. It may be different if the property you are considering moving is near the station (Keisei Yahiro Station south side), but it may be different, but there is no bad smell as seen in reviews. Rather, it is odorless. I took a walk around the station and within a five-minute walk (1 minute = 80m according to the description of the property information), but I could not smell it. It's nice to be able to gather information anytime, anywhere on the net, but I was able to experience that everything there is not true. This information may also be incorrect if the viewer is different. Please come and visit with your own feet. ~ Addendum ~ After that, I moved safely and saw Yahiro Station as I spent my days. ・The escalator is only for going up, but it was at the entrance on the opposite side (Yotsugi side). ・In front of the ticket gate, there is a PUDO station and a Seven Bank ATM. ・Although I wrote that it is odorless, I sometimes notice an odor that makes me think, "Oh, this is it." On a hot day or a humid day after a rain, I feel like I am drifting in the southerly wind, but I don't feel much of an impact on my life. At the time of posting, I had set it to 3 stars, but since there was a misunderstanding, I fixed it to 4.
前川時寛 on Google

地域の皆さんが、ご利用になる駅ですネ? 水戸街道からちょっと外れているので、taxi捕まえるのが難しいでしょうか?
This is the station that everyone in the area uses ? Is it difficult to catch a taxi because it is a little off the Mito Kaido ?
山内トッポジージョ on Google

昔ながらの住宅街にある京成線の駅 この辺に住んでいない限り使うことはないと思われるほど、周りには何もない
Keisei Line station in an old-fashioned residential area There is nothing around me that I wouldn't use unless I live in this area
ヒスケン on Google

I took a picture a few months ago, but the station staff was kind!
矢崎稔 on Google

It's cleaner than before. Express, rapid, limited express does not stop.
AI on Google

Since there are no tall buildings around, the sunrise and sunset seen from the platform are very beautiful.
安達正軌 on Google

1923年開業、荒川のすぐ近くにある京成押上線の高架駅。 開業してしばらくは荒川駅でしたが、1994年に今の駅名に改称したそうです。この駅名の方がいいと思います。住所は墨田区なんだし。
Opened in 1923, an elevated station on the Keisei Oshiage Line near Arakawa. It used to be Arakawa Station for a while after it opened, but in 1994 it was renamed to the current station name. I think this station name is better. The address is Sumida Ward.
黒古里あんな on Google

開業当初は「荒川駅」と呼ばれていたそうです。現在の八広駅周辺は下町情緒が残る街並みで、町工場が多く技術の伝承を感じる街です。また、付近の荒川河川敷では、野球・サッカーなど一年を通し各種イベント、大会等が行われており、休日にはとても賑わっております。 When it first opened, it was called "Arakawa Station". The area around Yahiro Station today has a downtown atmosphere, and there are many town factories where you can feel the tradition of technology. In addition, various events and tournaments such as baseball and soccer are held throughout the year at the nearby Arakawa Riverbed, and it is very busy on holidays.
It was called "Arakawa Station" when it first opened. The area around Yahiro Station today has a downtown atmosphere, and there are many town factories where you can feel the tradition of technology. In addition, various events and tournaments such as baseball and soccer are held throughout the year at the nearby Arakawa Riverbed, and it is very busy on holidays. When it first opened, it was called "Arakawa Station". The area around Yahiro Station today has a downtown atmosphere, and there are many town factories where you can feel the tradition of technology. In addition, various events and tournaments such as baseball and soccer are held throughout the year at the nearby Arakawa Riverbed, and it is very busy on holidays.

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