
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 【広島市の外壁塗装専門店】リプルクリエイト

住所 :

Yahata, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5116 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.omoiai.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Yahata, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5116 Hiroshima,Japan
相沢貴弘 on Google

何社か比較させてもらいましたが内容と提案ともに良かったです。 価格が大きな工事だけにここに決めて良いのか悩みましたが今では依頼して良かったと感じています。 2年前に10年後に期待して星四つにさせていただきましたが、このたび小さなことにすぐに対応していただいたので星五つです。
I compared several companies, but both the content and suggestions were good. I was wondering if it would be okay to decide here only for construction with a large price, but now I feel that it is good to ask. Two years ago, ten years later, I expected it to be four stars, but this time I immediately responded to small things, so it is five stars.
神村武吉 on Google

I was deeply moved by the fact that I was able to do what I had imagined this time. Thank you!
たなかめぐみ on Google

見積もりから施工までとても親身に相談にのって下さり、出来栄えも予想以上に綺麗に仕上げて頂きとても満足しています。 職人さん達も愛想良くて安心してお任せ出来ました!
We are very pleased with the consultation from the estimate to the construction, and the workmanship is finished more beautifully than expected. The craftsmen were also lovable and safe!
西野義彦 on Google

In May 2021, I visited 2-3 companies, but I signed a contract with Ripple Create Co., Ltd. from an accurate presentation. It took about 3 months from the weather, but the work was polite and I was very satisfied with the result. I was satisfied with the cost, materials, attention to the neighborhood, etc. This time it was a replacement of the ceiling and painting of the outer wall, but the company said that it would be able to receive detailed work, so I would like to ask you again.

We requested a quotation in 2019/10 and decided to ask Ripple Create to do the painting work in 2020/9, and 2021/3 construction started 2021/4 construction was completed. Of the five companies that requested quotations, the proposal was the best. In the building survey, every detail from the roof to the eaves ceiling, including high places, was photographed with a camera, and the deterioration diagnosis and countermeasures were proposed. The quotation was also created separately for roof painting work, exterior wall painting work, and sealing work, and it was a very rational and easy-to-understand quotation with contents that can be selected according to the customer's budget and needs for each ABC and grade. And the most decisive factor was the sincere personality of Mr. Kawaoka, the president. Solar panels are installed on the roof of my house, but that part should be subtracted from the painted area, but 3 out of 5 companies were willing to cheat without subtracting and take a lot of money. .. Ripple Create was the only one who investigated high places such as the roof. There was a deception in the quotation that other companies would not understand because they are various amateurs. On the homepage, the company that stated that it was participating in volunteer activities with good rhetoric was actually just a company that seemed to be good, and there were many lies. That's why I also made various requests with strict eyes, but Mr. Ripple Create also made a solid daily construction report, and the cost does not change even in the middle, so I am satisfied with the nice proposals such as this. The result was. It took me two years to plan and execute the painting work, so I recommend that it is one company that should be included in the request for quotation.
黒瀬房江 on Google

まるで建てたときみたいになりました。 まだ内装とかやりたいことが色々あるので、今度またお願いしたいと思いました。
It's like when I built it. I still have a lot of things I want to do, such as interior decoration, so I would like to ask again.
01shige shimo on Google

8月に外壁の塗装工事を行っていただきました。 長雨の影響で予定の工期より2週間近くかかりましたが、最後まで丁寧かつ確実な工事で仕上がりには大変満足しています。 職人の方も皆さん礼儀正しく、丁寧で安心して任せられるものでした。 外壁塗装を検討して他に3社見積もりをお願いしました、最安ではなかったですが社長さんの誠実な対応と他ではなかった将来に向けての外壁汚れの予防対策の提案など現場を知り尽くしているなあと感じましたのでこちらにお願いしました、結果は最初に申し上げた通り大満足です。 工事終了後に塗装とは関係ない作業をお願いしましたが迅速に、また快く引き受けていただき大変感謝しています。 今後とも家のことで塗装と関係のないことをお願いするかもしれませんがよろしくお願いします。
We had you paint the outer wall in August. Due to the long rain, it took almost two weeks from the planned construction period, but I am very satisfied with the finish with careful and reliable construction until the end. The craftsmen were all polite, polite and reassuring. We considered painting the exterior wall and asked for a quote from three other companies. I felt that I was exhausted, so I asked for it, and the result is very satisfying as I said at the beginning. After the construction was completed, I asked for work that was not related to painting, but I am very grateful that you accepted it promptly and willingly. We may ask you to keep the house unrelated to painting, but thank you.
神山直行 on Google

We can confidently recommend it to acquaintances as a "reliable local paint manufacturer". Mr. Kawaoka, the president, hates omissions and takes the position of the owner to come up with a construction method that suits the condition of the house. I'm glad I chose Ripple.

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