アクアメイト 特殊クリーニング - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アクアメイト 特殊クリーニング

住所 :

Yaguma, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, 〒454-0013 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879777
Postal code : 454-0013
Webサイト : http://www.aquamate-cleaning.com/index.php
街 : Aichi

Yaguma, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, 〒454-0013 Aichi,Japan
けーた on Google

I was surprised that the quality of the finish was high in addition to the speed of response! I can't go to other stores anymore
VASA on Google

The delivery was saved quickly. The finish of the suit was also high quality.
on Google

It was a pity that the delivery service was too insane. Even if the cleaning is good, I don't want to use it again.
ちゅらちゃん on Google

仕上がりが速くてとても綺麗でした。 スタッフさんの対応も良く 今後も使用したいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
The finish was fast and very beautiful. The staff's response is also good I would like to continue using it in the future. Thank you very much.
しょー on Google

他のクリーニングに出して落ちなかったシミや汚れが取れて、 綺麗になりました。お気に入りの服でしたので良かったです。
Removes stains and stains that did not come off during other cleaning It has become beautiful. It was good because it was my favorite clothes.
ゆり on Google

It helped me to clean the carpet that cannot be washed in the coin laundry. I am glad that my very kind brother responded politely. I look forward to working with you again. Thank you very much!
Mai Kitagawa on Google

羽毛のダウンジャケットのクリーニングを出しました。 とてもふんわりして返ってきました。 ドライクリーニング特有(?)の臭いもなく着ていて気持ちいいです。 家の洗濯機では洗えないのに、水で洗ってくれるところがすごいと思います。
I started cleaning the down jacket of the feathers. It came back very softly. It feels good to wear without the odor peculiar to dry cleaning (?). I think it's amazing that it can be washed with water even though it can't be washed in the washing machine at home.
佐藤優 on Google

今までに落ちなかった染みなどがきれいになりました。 一般衣類から高級な衣類まですべて水洗いで品質が劣化しなく、 仕上がりも大変良かったです。(ドライ洗いと違い匂いもないです) 絨毯や布団などまたタイミングで出したいと思えました。
The stains that haven't been removed until now have been cleaned up. The quality of everything from general clothing to high-end clothing does not deteriorate when washed with water. The finish was also very good. (Unlike dry washing, there is no odor) I wanted to put out carpets and futons again at the right time.

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