オノヤ 福島リフォームショールーム

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オノヤ 福島リフォームショールーム

住所 :

Yagita, 〒960-8164 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Webサイト : https://www.onoya.com/fukushima/store/fukushima/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Fukushima

Yagita, 〒960-8164 Fukushima,Japan
高橋龍一 on Google

大変お世話になりました。古い手元灯が壊れてしまい、最新のセンサー式LEDにしました。手をかざすだけで点灯消灯出来、すごく便利です。ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
Thank you for all the help you have given me. The old hand light broke and I replaced it with the latest sensor type LED. You can turn it on and off just by holding your hand, which is very convenient. Thank you m (_ _) m
Yoko Yamamoto on Google

I am satisfied with the polite finish. I'm looking forward to using the bathroom.
吉田昭彦 on Google

I asked Mr. Onoya, and above all, it was very good that the sales staff responded wonderfully and that the work was finished cleanly. Thank you very much.
shun hasegawa on Google

The person in charge also took care of me, and the house was nicely remodeled as I imagined.
イチロー on Google

築20年、1月に玄関タイルで滑って転倒した。 これではいかんとオノヤに相談しに行った。 その日も雪が積もっていたが、福島店の玄関に使われている滑りにくいタイルに驚いた。 Oさんと話し合い3月末にタイル張替えと手すりをつけてもらった。 一見変わりないようだが、足元のグリップは格段に違うのだ。 とてもいい出来上がりで本当にありがたかった。 この店は対応よく、きっちり仕事してくれる。
It was 20 years old and slipped on the entrance tile in January and fell. I went to talk to Onoya about this. It was snowing that day, but I was surprised at the non-slip tiles used at the entrance of the Fukushima store. I had a discussion with Mr. O and had the tiles replaced and handrails attached at the end of March. At first glance it doesn't seem to change, but the grip at your feet is significantly different. I was really grateful for the very good result. This shop is responsive and works well.
yoshiyuki shinoda on Google

Thank you for the construction of the diatomaceous earth wall and the learning space for children, the shelves in the warehouse, and the double sashes. The person in charge also contacted me diligently, and the construction was completed with peace of mind. The finish is better than I expected.

この度、外回り手すり、ポスト工事、リビング照明工事をお願いしました。 まず第一に、営業担当の方の対応が大変良かったです。親身になって、こちらの要望を的確に捉えた非常に良いアドバイスや提案を数多くしてもらえました。 そしてリフォーム後の仕上がりも大変満足のいくものでした。 オノヤさんに依頼して良かった。
This time, I asked for the outer railing, post work, and living room lighting work. First of all, the response from the sales staff was very good. I was kind enough to receive a lot of very good advice and suggestions that accurately captured this request. And the finish after the remodeling was also very satisfying. It was good to ask Mr. Onoya.
M on Google

元々、祖父母の寝室だった部屋を私の部屋にリフォームしたいと思い、口コミに「職人さん達が素晴らしい。」とあったので技術力に期待し来店。 受付の方の対応のきめ細やかさに感激すると共に、営業担当の方の話しやすい雰囲気と真摯な対応に好感を持ちました。 初めてのリフォームでしたが、営業担当の成松さんがご自身の経験や専門的な知識をわかりやすく説明してくださったおかげで不安を払拭でき、成松さんがプランから引き渡しまで一貫して担当くださるということで、ぜひオノヤさんにお願いしよう!と決心しました。 寒い時期、また立地条件の悪い場所でのリフォームでしたが、職人さん達どなたも嫌な顔ひとつせず作業してくださいました。 特に大工さんは、使う者の身になって考えながら作業を進め、取り付ける前に確認もしてくださったので有り難かったです。 営業の成松さんもマメに来て出来具合を確認し、私の要望を全部取り入れようと一生懸命頑張ってくださいました。 言いにくいことも正直に話してくださったことで信頼度が増しました。 元々、床もベコベコで冬は寒かった部屋でしたが、二重窓にし、壁・床・天井に断熱材を入れてくださったおかげで暖かく過ごしています。 デザインもイメージ通り、完成日も予定通りに間に合わせてくれたので感謝です。 リフォームをすると、部屋も蘇り見違えます。 一度来店し相談してみるだけでも価値があると思います。
I wanted to remodel the room that was originally my grandparents' bedroom into my room, and the word of mouth said, "The craftsmen are wonderful." I was impressed by the meticulous response of the receptionist, and also liked the easy-to-speak atmosphere and sincere response of the sales staff. It was my first remodeling, but thanks to Mr. Narimatsu, who is in charge of sales, explaining his experience and specialized knowledge in an easy-to-understand manner, I was able to dispel my anxiety, and Mr. Narimatsu will be in charge of everything from planning to delivery. By all means, let's ask Mr. Onoya! I decided. It was a remodeling in a cold season and in a bad location, but all the craftsmen did the work without any unpleasant faces. In particular, the carpenter was grateful that he proceeded with the work while thinking about himself as the user, and also confirmed it before installing it. Mr. Narimatsu, a sales person, also came to Mame to check the condition and worked hard to incorporate all my requests. By honestly speaking about things that are difficult to say, my credibility has increased. Originally, the floor was rugged and it was cold in winter, but thanks to the double-glazed windows and the insulation on the walls, floor, and ceiling, I am staying warm. I am grateful that the design was as I imagined and the completion date was on time. When you remodel, the room will be revived and you will be mistaken. I think it's worth visiting the store once and consulting with them.

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