おせんべいやさん本舗 煎遊 西武柳沢店

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おせんべいやさん本舗 煎遊 西武柳沢店

住所 :

Yagisawa, Nishitokyo, 〒202-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : http://www.osenbeiyasanhonpo.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Yagisawa, Nishitokyo, 〒202-0022 Tokyo,Japan
かなざわしゅん on Google

Black pepper crackers are delicious. I want to eat regularly.
澤田浩一 on Google

The black pepper here is really delicious. Please try it.
ルッカブルー on Google

黒胡椒せんべい、ねぎ味噌せんべいが好きです。 両方ともおつまみにもなります。
I like black pepper senbei and green onion miso senbei. Both can be used as snacks.
中川広之 on Google

It is a rice cracker shop that the whole family loves. My daughter likes Karinto rice crackers and Camembert cheese rice crackers.
佐々木真美 on Google

A delicious rice cracker that can be managed by bicycle from home. The price is reasonable but it doesn't get tired and is really delicious. I regularly buy soy sauce rice crackers and black pepper rice crackers.
ゴン太ふぇ on Google

黒胡椒煎餅で有名な店ですが実はここの米が美味いんですよ。ウチは定期的に玄米を5キロ✖️2袋頼んでるんですがプチプチした触感が堪らなく美味い。10キロで3,700円これで無農薬なら最高なんですが多分違うな〜(-。-; その点は危険なので次回から白米にしようと思います。美味い煎餅屋の米は美味い❗️
The restaurant is famous for black pepper rice crackers, but the rice here is actually delicious. I regularly order 5 kg of brown rice ✖️ 2 bags, but the bubble wrap feel is unbearable and delicious. It's 3,700 yen for 10 kg. This is the best if it's pesticide-free, but it's probably different ~ (-.-; That's dangerous, so I'll try to make white rice next time.
alen.B on Google

お煎餅はとても美味しい。 この店舗には団子があり、店舗で焼いているとの事。 美味しそうだったので購入したが、固くて食べれない。 買ってすぐなのになんでこんなに固いのか疑問だったが、温め直せば柔らかなるかと思いお団子を皿に移し、容器を洗ってふと容器裏のラベルを見たら消費期限が書き換えられていた。こんなに固いのは2日前に作ったからとしか思えない。そうでなくても日付けを書き換えることが普通に行われているようであれば、信用が置けない。この店舗ではもう2度と買わない。
Rice crackers are very delicious. This store has dumplings and is baked at the store. I bought it because it looked delicious, but it was hard to eat. I was wondering why it was so hard even though I bought it, but I thought that it would soften if I reheated. I can only think that it was so hard because I made it two days ago. If it seems to be normal to rewrite the date even if it isn't, then you can't trust it. I won't buy again at this store.
遥彼方 on Google

西武柳沢駅南口の一番手前にある、おせんべ屋さん本舗。とにかく、美味しいせんべいがあります。左から黒胡椒せん辛さひかえめ290円、ネギ味噌せん465円、黒胡椒せん290円の袋入り美味しいです。 #東京のせんべい #美味しいせんべい #西武柳沢駅せんべい
Osenbeya Honpo is located in front of the south exit of Seibuyagisawa Station. Anyway, there are delicious rice crackers. From the left, the black pepper sen spicy Hikaeme 290 yen, the green onion miso sen 465 yen, and the black pepper sen 290 yen are delicious in a bag. #Tokyo rice crackers #Delicious rice crackers #Seibu-Yagisawa Station Senbei

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