
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 蛸ちゃん丸

住所 :

Yabu Nishimachi, Hirakata, 〒573-1141 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/takochanmaru
街 : Osaka

Yabu Nishimachi, Hirakata, 〒573-1141 Osaka,Japan
4696 navi on Google

三枝和彦 on Google

Tororori Takoyaki is the best! Oden is also good!
かなたPAPA on Google

雰囲気もよくとても美味しいです? メニューも多くていろいろ食べれます✨
The atmosphere is good and very delicious. There are many menus and you can eat various things.
武政恭平 on Google

地元での最高の安らぐ場所!!! アットホームな居心地の良い所でした。 水周りも綺麗で3150
The best relaxing place in the local area! ! ! It was a cozy and cozy place. The water area is beautiful and 3150
橋本広幸 on Google

I always drop in when I want to eat Takoyaki, but I can eat as many as I like in Honma w Since I can eat in the store, I eat and drink with my wife and children, the owner is also kind and kind It's fun every time ^ _ ^ Please go and eat everyone ^ _ ^
もか on Google

めっちゃ美味しいです!! 種類も凄く豊富で選ぶのも楽しいです! 冬にはおでん、夏にはかき氷もやっていてとても良いです!
It's really delicious! !! There are so many types and it's fun to choose! Oden in winter and shaved ice in summer are very good!
toko on Google

10人程で来店しました。見た目は小さいお店ですが中はカウンターが3席程とテーブルで6席程あり座れます。 メニューはたこ焼きの他にもおでんやおつまみ、夏期にはかき氷などもあるそうで、お酒も飲めます? たこ焼きも種類豊富で、私はネギ明太子マヨを頼みました。友達はスタンダードなソースマヨやチーズマヨ、にんにくしょうゆを頼んでいてシェアして食べました。 たこ焼きはとろ〜〜りしていて、どの味も満点の美味しさでした?? 本当に美味しかったです!また来ます?
I came to the store with about 10 people. It looks like a small shop, but it has three counters and six tables at the table. The menu includes not only takoyaki but also oden and snacks and shaved ice in summer, so you can drink alcohol. There are many kinds of takoyaki, and I ordered the green onion mentaiko mayo. My friend asked for standard sauce mayo, cheese mayo and garlic soy sauce and shared and ate. The takoyaki was simmered and all the flavors were perfect. It was really delicious! I will come again.
株式会社グローバルキャスト大阪オフィス on Google

A style that can be eaten inside the store. The takoyaki cooked by the friendly owner is excellent. There are many kinds of seasoning, and I chose garlic soy sauce, but it is outstandingly delicious! !! I also want to try different flavors.

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