Y'z BAR - Osaka

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Y'z BAR

住所 :

長居東コーポ 3 Chome-14-22 Nagaihigashi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0004, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 558-0004
Webサイト : https://instagram.com/yzbar%3Figshid%3D1vht1pq03kkmp

長居東コーポ 3 Chome-14-22 Nagaihigashi, Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka, 558-0004, Japan
Ryosuke Saga on Google

カウンターがメインのお店だけど、マスター?がすごくいろいろと頑張ってる。 チャージはなしだけど、ちょっとウイスキーが高いかも。でもチャージ料を考えるとトントンな値段設定。 あ、ここは、飯がうまい。
The counter is the main shop, but is it the master? But I am doing my best in various ways. There is no charge, but it may be a bit expensive for whiskey. However, considering the charge fee, the price setting is tough. Ah, the food is good here.
M M on Google

Mom's brightness is good and the food is delicious, so please go there.
SOTA on Google

Curry and roast beef are delicious, but there are many types of alcohol, and above all, mom is friendly and beautiful, so I will stay longer ?
利通大久保 on Google

気分や好みを聞いてくれてオリジナルカクテルを作ってもらいました! 女性好みのほんのりシロップの効いたレモンソーダー味! センス良くて美味しかったです。 又オーダーしたいと思います。 美味しいお酒とよう子さんを囲んで他のお客様とも楽しい会話で気分の良い 時間を過ごせました。
They asked me about my mood and taste and made an original cocktail! Lemon soda flavor with a slight syrup that is suitable for women! It was tasteful and delicious. I would like to order again. Enjoy delicious sake and enjoy the conversation with other customers around Yoko I was able to spend time.
mh nnmr on Google

ウッディでアメリカンな雰囲気な店内、 音楽もそれに合わせてブルースロック系、 美人な女性マスターさんは愛想が良い人です。 料理もお得意なようでフードも美味しいです。 ただ肝心のお酒のクオリティがイマイチです、 炭酸が飛んでいたりシャバかったりしました。 たぶんお酒を飲まない方なのかもしれません、 分量通りに作っても氷の入れ方、混ぜ方ひとつで 味が変わるという事を知らないのだと思います。 お店の雰囲気やマスターさんは星5です、 でもバーでお酒がイマイチなのは さすがに減点せざるを得ません、 ゴメンナサイ。
A woody, American atmosphere, The music is also blues rock, A beautiful female master is a friendly person. The food is delicious and the food is delicious. However, the quality of liquor that is essential is not good enough, The carbonic acid was flying or shabby. Maybe it's someone who doesn't drink alcohol, Even if you make it according to the quantity, you only need to add ice and mix it I don't know that the taste will change. The atmosphere of the shop and the master is 5 stars, But the reason why alcohol is not good at bars As expected, I have to deduct points, I'm sorry.
Shunji Nagai on Google

開業3周年のBAR 地下鉄長居から近い。 常連さんだけでなく、一見でも入りやすい雰囲気。ローストビーフか旨し! 落ち着ける、笑顔になれる場所です。
It is close to the BAR subway Nagai, which is the 3rd anniversary of its opening. Not only regulars, but the atmosphere is easy to enter at first glance. Roast beef! It is a place where you can calm down and smile.
Marcus Overend on Google

Cool owner who speaks English, I like this place
Frédéric Masson on Google

Took a guess, decided to walk 40 minutes to this unknown bar, had a great time and received an amazing service. Also learned that "Kakoi" means "Cool" in Japanese.

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