Workman Edosaki - Inashiki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Workman Edosaki

住所 :

3177-1 Sakura, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300-0508, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89897
Postal code : 300-0508
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 7AM–8PM
Sunday 7AM–8PM
Monday 7AM–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 7AM–8PM
Thursday 7AM–8PM
Friday 7AM–8PM

3177-1 Sakura, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300-0508, Japan
青山里美 on Google

カンブリア宮殿を見て、防寒着を買いに行きましたが、春夏物に変わって、残念でしたが、店員さんに親切な対応してもらい、畑用の手袋、夏用半袖シャツを購入。 品揃え豊富で、また行きたいおみせです。
I visited Cambria Palace and went to buy winter clothes, but it was disappointing that it changed to spring and summer, but I asked the clerk to kindly handle it and bought gloves for fields and short-sleeved shirts for summer. There is a wide selection of goods, and this is a must-visit event.
sae I on Google

一番偉そうな男性(店長?)の接客が最悪。聞いても嫌々そうに対応するし、足を痛めていたとき、高いところにある商品を取ってくださいと頼んだらそれも嫌々そうにされた挙句、道具使えとアゴで指図された。(とってくれなかった) 精算のときもひどい。仕事上必要なので他のワークマンに通うようにしました。 なお、女性の店員さんは親切でした。
The service of the most likely male (manager?) Is the worst. He responded disgustingly when asked, and when he was hurt, he asked him to pick up a product at a high place. He was also disgusted, and was instructed to use his tools with his chin. (It didn't take me.) It was terrible at the time of settlement. I went to another workman because I needed it for work. The female clerk was kind.
にんにく on Google

主人と何度か店舗に伺って要るのですが、毎回感じるのが感じがあまり良く無い事!! 対応に関しても、もう少し愛想良くしてほしいな…! 近くにワークマンが無いので、行ってはいますが、もう少し愛想と対応改善できませんかね(笑)
I need to visit the store several times with my husband, but what I feel every time is not so good! ! I want you to be a little more amiable about the response ...! Since there is no workman nearby, I am going, but can you improve my friendship and support a little more?
natsuki8833 on Google

Convenient to buy a substitute with Workman because there is no motorcycle supply store nearby
Mitsuhide Shinoda on Google

店内はきれいだし、店員の方の対応も良かったです。 商品数が多いため、手狭感があり探すのに少し手間がかかります。 仕事用品については安定感は凄いと思います。
The inside of the store was beautiful and the clerk responded well. Because there are many products, there is a sense of narrowness and it takes a little time to search. I think the sense of stability is great for work supplies.
__ yuzu on Google

When I bought my father's work tools before, the shop was very kind and kind, which was helpful.
北乃くまもん on Google

ワークマンプラスの商品も 置いてます!
Workman Plus products are also available!
赤井世露尾 アカイセロー(赤いセローだった人) on Google

一般的なワークマン(作業着等が多め)なので、 手袋はかなり充実していた。
Because it is a general workman (many work clothes etc.) The gloves were pretty good.

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