薪ストーブ&ペレットストーブコンサルショップ WooDearVillage

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 薪ストーブ&ペレットストーブコンサルショップ WooDearVillage

住所 :

Fukuoka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3225 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : https://woodear-village.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Miyagi

Fukuoka, Izumi Ward, Sendai, 〒981-3225 Miyagi,Japan
植田加代子 on Google

とても専門的な話を、わかりやすく親切丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございました。 たくさんの店を回りましたが、品揃えも豊富でアフターメンテナンスもしっかりやって頂け、ウッディアビレッジさんにして良かったです。
Thank you for telling us a very specialized story in an easy-to-understand, kind and polite manner. I visited a lot of shops, but I am glad that Woodia Village has a wide selection of products and good after-sales maintenance.
小澤健 on Google

以前から気になっていたショップ。 やっと行けました! 現在利用しているストーブの問題点も 見て頂いてもいないのに、 手に取る様に把握されて驚きです! 今後のアドバイスをいただき、ジックリ検討したいと思います。
A shop that you have been worried about for some time. I finally went! The problem of the stove currently used I haven't seen it, It is surprising to be grasped like picking up! I would like to give you advice in the future and consider the trick.
高橋広憲 on Google

Tohoku's largest firewood stove exhibition space
スタジオワンネス仙台加圧トレーニング専門 on Google

We asked for the low price, good after-sales service, and the sense of security unique to a specialty store. It was my first wood-burning stove, so I was at a loss, but I was able to buy it with confidence after having a slow explanation. Thank you for your next maintenance.
みちお on Google

あんべ薪衛門さん! 先週、土曜日の体感相談会ありがとうございます。 私も事前に予約して訪問させて頂きました。 あんべさんに薪ストーブの質問をたくさんしてしまい、2時間ぐらい相談にのって頂きました。 今まで、ネット情報では得られないが満載で、 薪ストーブライフのイメージが明確になりました。 まさに神対応! ありがとうございました。
Anbe Firewood Emon! Thank you for the experience meeting last Saturday. I also made a reservation in advance and visited. I asked Anbe-san a lot of questions about wood-burning stoves, and he consulted me for about two hours. Until now, it is full of things that can not be obtained from online information, The image of the wood stove life has been clarified. Just God correspondence! Thank you very much.
さとき on Google

Even if you visit suddenly, you may be absent. Let's make a reservation.
Tn Deccar on Google

One day, I asked him if he wanted to introduce a wood-burning stove, but the man who seemed to be the owner of the store was always busy, and he was returned without being guided through the store. I might have been able to see my feet because I sewed between work and went with work clothes.
パパママ on Google

色々薪ストーブ屋さん回りましたが、あんべ薪衛門さんざっくばらんな方でトークも面白く、薪ストーブ初心者に分かりやすく丁寧にご説明頂き、新築に導入しました! 焚き付け体験も、お忙しい時期にありがとうございました☆
I went around various wood-burning stove shops, but Anbe Wood-burning Emon-san was a very loose person and the talk was interesting. Thank you for the burning experience during your busy time ☆

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