Wohl Wollen - Kurashiki

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wohl Wollen

住所 :

538-4 Mabicho Kawabe, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-1313, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889787
Postal code : 710-1313
Webサイト : http://www.wohl-wollen.com/

538-4 Mabicho Kawabe, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-1313, Japan
白桃まる on Google

「栗の糸」モンブラン 中は何層かになっており、クリーム、大きめの栗、ザクザク食感、土台の抹茶味 と幾つかの食感で楽しめます。甘ったるくなくしつこくなく、見た目だけでなく味や食感で楽しめてとても気に入りました これを選んで正解でした 約20年ぶりに来て、お目当てのシュークリームは売り切れだったけど、ケーキが美味しくてまたファンになりました
"Chestnut thread" Montblanc There are several layers inside, and you can enjoy it with cream, large chestnuts, crunchy texture, base matcha flavor and several textures. It's not sweet and persistent, and I enjoyed it not only in appearance but also in taste and texture, and I really liked it. I chose this and it was the correct answer I came here for the first time in about 20 years, and the cream puffs I was looking for were sold out, but the cake was delicious and I became a fan again.
earl grey on Google

記念日のケーキはいつもこちらでお願いしてました。いつものように予約の電話をした時に若い女の子の接客の悪さに気分が悪くなってやめました。 せっかく美味しいお店なのにバイトの子の接客が本当に残念です。 食べたいけど行きたくない߹ㅁ߹)
I always asked for an anniversary cake here. As usual, when I made a reservation call, I felt sick because of the poor customer service of the young girl and stopped. Even though it's a delicious restaurant, I'm really disappointed with the customer service of my part-time job. I want to eat but I don't want to go
糸島かおり on Google

I bought a Montblanc called "Chestnut thread" that I had been interested in for a long time. Because it is Japanese chestnut, the taste of chestnut is strong, but because it is the base of matcha flavor, it is not too sweet and easy to eat, and I ate half of it.

店の雰囲気は良かったです。ただ大好きなアップルパイがおいしくなかった。リンゴが少なく・・・なんで流行ってるのか意味不明でした。 やっぱりクチコミだけでは信用出来ないなと思いました。リピートはありません。
The atmosphere of the store was good. However, my favorite apple pie wasn't delicious. There aren't many apples ... I didn't understand why it was so popular. After all, I thought that word-of-mouth alone could not be trusted. There is no repeat.
イシイちゃん on Google

「冬の倉敷ほっとスイーツスタンプラリー」で紹介されていたアップルパイを、リンゴ大好きな娘に食べさせようと来店しました。 感染対策をしっかりされていて、安心して買い物が出来る雰囲気。パイはアップルだけでなく、マロンパイやパンプキンパイもあり、どれも大きくてボリューム満点。 ショーケースにはキレイなケーキが並んでいて、イチゴのケーキも衝動買い。 家族みんなで美味しくいただきました。
I came to the store to feed my daughter who loves apples the apple pie introduced in "Winter Kurashiki Hot Sweets Stamp Rally". The atmosphere is such that you can shop with peace of mind because you have good infection control measures. The pies are not only apples, but also marron pies and pumpkin pies, all of which are large and full of volume. Beautiful cakes are lined up in the showcase, and strawberry cakes are also bought on impulse. It was delicious with the whole family.
黒鮪赤鯥 on Google

数週間前に、倉敷あたりで誕生日ケーキを購入する時に目に止まったお店です。家からは少々距離がある為に、その日は他店舗を利用しました。あのイチゴショートケーキも大好評でした。 その日からと言うか、この時期無性にイチゴが欲しくなるのは、多分健康的なんだと勝手に決めています。こちらのイチゴのパイを見た時に、『これは食べとかないと。』と瞬時に思いました。『このイチゴのパイもホールで買って1/4くらいたべよ。』と固く心に誓いました。その日に娘達に集合をかけて、皆で美味しく頂きました。勿論1/4ですが何か?
It was a shop that caught my eye when I bought a birthday cake around Kurashiki a few weeks ago. I used another store that day because it was a little far from my house. That strawberry shortcake was also very popular. From that day on, I've decided that it's probably healthy that I want strawberries asexually at this time. When I saw this strawberry pie, I said, "I have to eat this. I instantly thought. "Buy this strawberry pie in the hall and eat about 1/4. I swore firmly to my heart. We gathered with our daughters on that day and they all enjoyed it. Of course it is 1/4, but what?
miharu on Google

甘さ控えめで何個でも食べられます。 ケーキもパイもどれも美味しいですし、バレンタインに売られるチョコも大好きです。 秋にしか食べれなかった栗のパイが通年食べれるようになったのも嬉しいです。
The sweetness is modest and you can eat as many as you like. Both cakes and pies are delicious, and I love the chocolates sold for Valentine's Day. I'm also happy that chestnut pies, which I could only eat in the fall, can now be eaten all year round.
mi8ko on Google

真備のケーキ屋さんと言えばウォールウォーレン‼️って他にあるんかな? いつもお客様が必ずいるイメージ?
Speaking of Mabi's cake shop, Wohl Wollen! Is there anything else like ️? Image that customers are always there ?

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