天然石 セラピーガーデンWISH(Healing Place WISH)

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 天然石 セラピーガーデンWISH(Healing Place WISH)

住所 :

Nishinouchicho, Kishiwada, 〒596-0044 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://www.wish-gems.com/
街 : Osaka

Nishinouchicho, Kishiwada, 〒596-0044 Osaka,Japan
子安英司 on Google

平日にも関わらず客入りが良いので、待ち時間が最低でも30分以上は掛かりますデス。 はい。 急ぎの方はオープンして間もない時がオススメではなかろうか・・・ ハイ。
Even though it is a weekday, the number of customers is good, so it takes at least 30 minutes to wait. Yes. If you're in a hurry, I think it's recommended when it's just opened ... Yes.
y ob on Google

It is a shop where you can shop for various types of natural stones.
どらみっちゃん on Google

It is a healing shop where you can meet wonderful stones and people. This is my favorite shop (ㆁ ᴗ ㆁ ✿) The connection between stone lovers and many friends is the source of my healing and energy ︎?︎
若林信幸 on Google

It was very kind, the explanation was good, and it was good to go.
Sarah .K on Google

たっくさんの上質な石達が集まる場所。 店員さんも優しく、丁寧に相談にのってくださる。お店に行くと何時間も居座ってしまう。心地よいお店。
A place where a lot of high-quality stones gather. The clerk is also kind and willingly consult with you. When I go to the store, I sit there for hours. A comfortable shop.
M. M. on Google

たくさんの石に囲まれるのは嬉しいですが 初めて行った時に、買うを前提だとはわからず、お金もってないと、びっくりします。 欲しかったので買いましたが、仕事も上手く行かず、お値段もお高いのであまり近ずけないです。 買わないなら、相手にもされず、飲み物も あるみたいですが、貰えず持っているので いらないですが、、買う買わない関係なく 見て欲しかったです。見てもらうだけの お金はお支払いするので、作るのは次の時に作るつもりだった お金ないと残念だなと思いました
I'm happy to be surrounded by a lot of stones When I go there for the first time, I don't know that I'm supposed to buy it, and I'm surprised if I don't have the money. I bought it because I wanted it, but the work didn't go well and the price was high, so I couldn't get too close. If you don't buy it There seems to be, but I have it without getting it I don't need it, but regardless of whether I buy it or not I wanted you to see it. Just have a look I will pay the money, so I was planning to make it next time I thought it was a shame if I didn't have money
MMN NAGASA on Google

とても素敵な空間でした。 そこで出会ったカルサイトに心が助けられております。 出会いをありがとうございます! 東京へ引っ越してしまったため、また大阪へ遊びに行った際は寄らせていただきます?
It was a very nice space. The calcite I met there has helped my heart. Thank you for meeting! Since I moved to Tokyo, I will stop by when I go to Osaka again ?
ふぅ on Google

去年は酷い年となったため、今年のことなど色々と占って貰う予定でした。 予約の電話を入れると、「コロナのため調整が難しく、調整が出来次第また連絡します。3〜4日程空いている日を教えて下さい」と言われたため空いている日を4日分伝えました。 しかし伝えた日に近づいても連絡は無く、一度電話をかけてみましたがまだ調整が出来ていないのでまた連絡します。との事でした。 しかし、それから待てども結局連絡はありませんでした。 楽しみにしていた分このような扱いを受け、非常に残念です。 しかし、占って頂かなくても今年も酷い年になるという事がよく分かりました。 信用出来ないので今後とも利用は無いです。
Last year was a terrible year, so I was planning to ask for various things such as this year. When I made a reservation call, I was told that "it is difficult to make adjustments due to corona, so I will contact you again as soon as adjustments are made. Please tell me the days that are free for 3 to 4 days." I did. However, I didn't get in touch even when the day I told him was approaching, so I made a phone call once, but I haven't made any adjustments yet, so I will contact you again. I did it with. However, even after waiting, I was not contacted after all. I am very disappointed that I was treated like this because I was looking forward to it. However, I understood well that this year will be a terrible year even if I don't ask for it. I can't trust it, so I won't use it in the future.

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