スポーツクラブ アクトスWill_G大久保インター - Kobe

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スポーツクラブ アクトスWill_G大久保インター

住所 :

Osawa, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2414 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 651-2414
Webサイト : https://sc1.axtos.com/shop/okuboic
街 : Hyogo

Osawa, Nishi Ward, Kobe, 〒651-2414 Hyogo,Japan
YAMATO spirit on Google

朝は人が多い。 行くなら昼からがおすすめ。 他のジムに通ってたけどマスク してない人が多くて辞めたけど ここのジムはマスクしてないと 入れないからそこは安心かな。
There are many people in the morning. If you go, we recommend starting from noon. I went to another gym but mask I quit because there were many people who didn't I have to mask the gym here I can't put it in, so I'm relieved there.
hidezumi iwai on Google

First of all, the impression at the moment of entering is spacious. It was refreshing based on white. For the first time visitors, it is difficult to understand where the entrance is and it is a huge building, so even if you acknowledge the existence of the gym from the outside, you can not reach the entrance of the gym from there. Admission from Nafco, Shimamura, Asahi bicycle side. It's difficult because there is no toilet inside the gym and inside the mall. It is hard to go in a state wet with sweat. In the back, there is a rental studio, and it was wonderful to think that it was easy to hold various events because it was thoughtfully made. There is also a changing room.
24 on Google

雰囲気はいいんだけど...。 マシンの種類が少なすぎる。筋トレメインの人にとっては物足りなくなるだろうけれど、初心者が1〜2年通うならありだと思う。 自分は、ちょっとマシンの種類的に無理でした。
The atmosphere is good. . . .. There are too few types of machines. It will be unsatisfactory for those who are muscular trainers, but I think it will be if beginners go for 1-2 years. I was a little overwhelmed by the type of machine.
ピコグリル398 on Google

マシンの種類について星1の方がいらっしゃいますが、「運動習慣」や「ダイエット」を考えている私には充分満足出来る種類があります。 ウォーキングマシンが「待ち時間なし&制限時間なし」で使えることは私の嬉しいポイントです! スタッフさんとやるストレッチが楽しくてオススメです!少し柔らかくなった気がする✨
There is one star 1 about the type of machine, but I am fully satisfied with the type of machine that I am thinking about "exercise habits" and "diet". It is my pleasure to be able to use the walking machine with "no waiting time & no time limit"! Stretching with the staff is fun and recommended! I feel a little softer ✨
久保ひとみ on Google

日曜日、家事が終わった時間にジムへ。しばし家の事を忘れてリフレッシュ。 お昼ご飯が一層美味しくいただけますよ。
I went to the gym on Sunday when the housework was over. For a while, forget about the house and refresh. You can enjoy your lunch even more deliciously.
WISH STAR on Google

スタッフの方が気さくで明るく マシンの使い方を丁寧に 教えてくれるし定期的に 店内の消毒作業をしている。 月会費が安く、時間の縛りもなく いつでも気軽に行ける。 ジムやヨガの体験を500円で やってるのでいきなり入会するのを 迷ってるならおすすめだと思う。 私も500円で体験してから 入会したので… しかも即日入会なら500円も 払わなくて良かった! 得しました★
The staff is more friendly and cheerful Carefully use the machine Will tell you regularly We are disinfecting the store. Monthly membership fee is low and there is no time limit Feel free to go anytime. Gym and yoga experience for 500 yen I'm doing it so suddenly I want to join I think it is recommended if you are in doubt. After I experienced it for 500 yen Because I joined ... Moreover, if you join on the same day, it costs 500 yen. I'm glad I didn't pay! I got it ★
摩可般若波羅密多 on Google

In the previous post, I wrote about the time when I joined, but I would like to talk about the recent situation. From the conclusion, I will withdraw from the membership at the end of this month. Why did you withdraw from the membership for 5 years and 8 months in a row? After all it is the deterioration of the quality of the members and the aging of the equipment. There are people who are monopolized, people who talk to each other, and so on. As for the air conditioner filter, it seems that it has not been cleaned for more than a year. For those who are thinking of joining from now on, we recommend that you experience it once and then become a regular member.
Daiya SUZUKI on Google

for the aged

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