スポーツクラブ アクトスWill_G イオン新潟東

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スポーツクラブ アクトスWill_G イオン新潟東

住所 :

Ogatahoncho, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0813 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : https://sc1.axtos.com/shop/nigatahigashi
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Niigata

Ogatahoncho, Higashi Ward, 〒950-0813 Niigata,Japan
横縞たて子 on Google

価格も高くない。 突然に辞めるときも解約手数料がそんなにかからない。ジムが初めての方でも始めやすいと思います器具も片寄ってないので運動メニューも悩むことなく組みやすいし、スタッフがいるので呼び止めて使い方を聞けるから安心できる
The price is not too high. Even if you quit suddenly, there is not much cancellation fee. I think it's easy to get started even if you're new to the gym. The equipment isn't biased, so it's easy to assemble the exercise menu without worrying about it.
むむ on Google

新型コロナ対策もされていて、安心して利用できます! 月会費がやすく、怪我とかの保証もあるのでうれしいです! なによりスタッフが接しやすく、お店の雰囲気も良い!
The new corona measures are also taken, so you can use it with confidence! I'm glad that the monthly membership fee is easy and there is a guarantee of injury! Above all, the staff are easy to interact with and the atmosphere of the shop is good!
やす on Google

It's been almost two years since I joined. I am very grateful because the price is cheap. It's a pity that there is no shower, but it's easy to talk to the staff and kindly tell me. It can be used until late on weekdays, so I will go there after dinner.
栗田共博 on Google

2月の末に入会し、5キロほど痩せました。元がかなり肥満でしたので。^_^ 最近ではかなり、体力も改善されてきました。 料金も安く、スタッフの皆さんの感じも良く、これからもお世話になります。
I joined at the end of February and lost about 5 kg. I was pretty obese. ^ _ ^ Recently, my physical strength has improved considerably. The price is cheap, the staff feels good, and I will continue to take care of you.
にゃんめし on Google

有酸素マシンや筋トレマシン、ストレッチエリアなど充実しています。シャワーはありませんが、更衣室があるので着替えも問題ありません。 水素水も月500円で飲み放題で、愛飲しています。 会員価格(いつでも使い放題)+水素水(どれだけでも飲み放題)、合わせても月3000円かからないので本当に助かっています。 また、運動用のサプリメントやプロテインの販売会もあり、店舗割引価格で買えるのは大変ありがたいです。 スタッフの方々の対応も素晴らしく、フレンドリーで毎回楽しく利用させてもらってます。 日頃の運動不足、筋力トレーニングに使えるので、この先もしばらく楽しめそうです。
There are plenty of aerobic machines, muscle training machines, stretch areas, etc. There is no shower, but there is a changing room so you can change clothes without any problems. You can drink hydrogen water for 500 yen a month, and I love it. The member price (all-you-can-use at any time) + hydrogen water (all-you-can-drink as much as you want) does not cost 3000 yen a month, which is really helpful. There is also an exercise supplement and protein sales event, and I am very grateful to be able to buy it at a store discount price. The staff are very friendly and friendly and I enjoy using it every time. It can be used for daily lack of exercise and strength training, so it seems that you can enjoy it for a while.
mhf 3 (mhf3) on Google

I started going to solve my lack of exercise. The reason I chose it was that the monthly membership fee was reasonable and I could go at my own pace. When I went there, the staff were very kind, friendly, and cozy, so I just stayed longer. I am very happy that I have a moderate amount of exercise! You can rest assured that the new corona measures are being taken properly.
806 sho on Google

めっちゃ安いし、スタッフの方も親切です!ただマシンウエイトはありますが、ベンチなどのフリーウエイトの器具はないので、ガチ勢の方には不向きかと。 ランニングマシンなどはたくさんあるので、運動不足解消などには、料金的にもかなりお得ですよ!
It's really cheap and the staff are kind! However, although there are machine weights, there are no free weight equipment such as benches, so it is not suitable for those who are apt. There are many running machines, so it's a great deal on the price to solve the lack of exercise!
大滝裕 on Google

I joined because of the price. I didn't expect much because it was cheap, but the staff are kind and polite, the equipment is well-equipped, there is a certain amount of space, and it is good to keep a distance from other people. I don't have a shower, so I feel like I should take a slow shower after I get home.

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