Welcia Yaizueki Shop - Yaizu

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Welcia Yaizueki Shop

住所 :

1 Chome-1-1 Sakaemachi, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0027, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 425-0027
Webサイト : https://stores.welcia.co.jp/7135D

1 Chome-1-1 Sakaemachi, Yaizu, Shizuoka 425-0027, Japan
ばばぁでも女の子 on Google

The clerk's response was the lowest.
sao harudama on Google

It's convenient because it's located at the station, but the store is small and the product lineup isn't good enough.
isla “prt” La on Google

The clerk used to be good people, but nowadays there are many people who feel bad. It's convenient because it's at the station, but I don't go there except when absolutely necessary. I feel sick.
すだゆうすけ on Google

Assortment of goods is good, it is attached to the station and is useful instead of a convenience store when waiting for a bus.
とし on Google

薬局とコンビニが合体した感じ。 商品の案内が一部分かりにくくぐるぐると店内をさがした。 酒もあるし、食料品、御菓子に、パンなどもあり便利って言えば便利。 駅すぐだし。 出張でなんか小腹だったり、つまみだったりなら周辺にはスーパーがあまりないので重宝します。駅の反対側ならスーパーあるんだけどね。
It feels like a pharmacy and a convenience store have combined. I found the inside of the store when it was difficult to understand some of the product information. There are sake, groceries, sweets, bread and so on. It's right at the station. If you're on a business trip, you'll find it useful because there aren't many supermarkets around. There is a supermarket on the other side of the station.
ビスコスキ on Google

焼津駅直結のドラッグストアです。 駅前にかかわらず他のウェルシアさん同様の価格と品揃えなので、とても助かります!  食品や日用品も豊富に扱ってます!(焼津駅前はコンビニもないのでとても重宝!!)
It is a drug store directly connected to Yaizu Station. Regardless of the front of the station, the price and assortment are the same as other Welcia's, so it is very helpful! We also handle a wide variety of food and daily necessities! (It is very useful because there is no convenience store in front of Yaizu station !!)
サンバイズ on Google

駅ビル一階に位置する超好立地なドラッグストア。 他店舗よりは敷地面積がやや小さいが、薬類、食品、お酒、日用品、ペットフードなど品揃えは良い。 価格もかなり安いため、日常的に使えるうえ、ATMやコピー機もあり、コンビニが近くに少ないこともあって、とても助かる☺️ 店員さんもテキパキ動いてくれて、また商品の場所等も丁寧に教えてくれる。駅前なのでさすがに混むときもあるが、できるだけお客を待たせないようカバーに入ってくれる点も好印象。 平日のみ処方箋も受け付けてくれます。 他店舗ではできる公共料金支払いができなかったり、品揃えがちょっとだけ少ない点が僅かに残念かな。
A super-favorable drug store located on the first floor of the station building. The site area is a little smaller than other stores, but the product lineup includes medicines, food, alcohol, daily necessities, and pet food. The price is quite cheap, so you can use it on a daily basis, and there are ATMs and copy machines, and there are few convenience stores nearby, which is very helpful ☺️ The clerk also moves quickly and tells me the location of the product carefully. It's in front of the station, so it can get crowded, but it's also a good impression that it's covered so that customers don't wait as much as possible. Prescriptions are also accepted only on weekdays. It's a little disappointing that you can't pay utility bills that you can do at other stores, and that the product lineup is a little small.
Fox Mulder on Google

It is a very convenient drug store because it is located at Yaizu station. Business hours also vary depending on the day of the week, but it is very appreciated for those who use Yaizu Station for commuting from early morning to late night. It's not that big, but it sells a wide range of products, from medicine to cosmetics, food and dispensing pharmacies. There are side dish shops, small lunch boxes, and there are few frozen foods, but there are also cut vegetables, so it is very helpful.

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