Welcia Minamisasaguchi Shop - Niigata

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Welcia Minamisasaguchi Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-3-55 Minamisasaguchi, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0912, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 950-0912
Webサイト : https://stores.welcia.co.jp/43D
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

2 Chome-3-55 Minamisasaguchi, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0912, Japan
タノ on Google

近くのイオンよりトイレが清潔で 24時間対応 店員は良い方。 電子マネーも使えて わりと好き。
The toilet is cleaner than the nearby Aeon 24-hour support Good clerk. You can also use electronic money I like it rather.
やん on Google

The dispensing pharmacy is open from 9:00 to 0:00, and we consult with pharmacists about urticaria medicine during the daytime on Sundays. When I got a look at the medicine notebook, it became a Muhi medicine from a drink. He seriously investigated it.
天気読み on Google

It is very helpful that the pharmacist responds well and accepts prescriptions on the way home from work. Compared to the nearby Aoki, the clerk's response is different.
まいたけマッシュルーム on Google

元々南笹口の住民だった身として、本当に便利で助かってます。 が、24時間営業になって従業員の方々の負担が増えたのではないかと逆に心配になります。 会社の方針なのか定かではありませんが、カワチ薬品の様なセルフレジを導入していないので、イオンモール新潟南やイオン新潟東をよく使う自分にとって、必ずフルサービスレジを使わないといけない構造になっているのは少々気の毒に思える時があります。
I was really useful and helpful as a resident of Minamisasaguchi originally. However, I am worried that it may have increased the burden on employees as it is open 24 hours a day. I'm not sure if it's the company's policy, but since I don't have a self-checkout counter like Kawachi Pharmaceutical, myself who frequently uses AEON MALL Niigata Minami and AEON Niigata East has to use a full service checkout. Sometimes it seems a little sorry.

新潟市内で唯一?調剤薬局が24時まで営業しているお店。 説明も丁寧でとても助かります。 調剤薬局以外はなんと24時間営業です。
Only in Niigata city? A store where the dispensing pharmacy is open until 24:00. The explanation is very polite and very helpful. It is open 24 hours a day except for dispensing pharmacies.
猫家惣右衛門 on Google

良く利用します。 ドラッグストアーマニアの私ですが、他店と比べるとスタッフの商品知識の低さ(店舗管理者ですら)や取り扱い品のマンネリ、接客の適当さが多く見られます。良く利用するからこそ適当に接客されると嫌な感じがします。 店に入った瞬間の「またあの人来たか…」みたいな感じがすごく嫌でした。 もう利用する事は無いです(´Д`) ホントは☆1つも付けたくありません。
I often use it. I'm a drugstore enthusiast, but compared to other stores, I can see that the staff have low product knowledge (even store managers), the manners of the products they handle, and the suitability of customer service. I feel unpleasant when I serve customers properly because I use it often. I really didn't like the feeling of "Is that person coming again ..." the moment I entered the store. I will not use it anymore (´Д `) I really don't want to add one.
伊藤幸治 on Google

駐車場の出入口は交差点の近くにあり、歩行者・自転車も通ります。注意して下さい。障害者専用の駐車場もあります。障害者専用に健常者車が駐車します。周囲の確認はしっかりして下さい。 トイレは入って左側にあります。店舗によって商品を置いてある場所が変わりますので、探している物が見つからない場合で、混んでいない場合には店員さんに聞いた方が良いと思います。夜はレジの所に呼鈴が置いてあります。店員さんが気付いてくれれば鳴らさなくても良いと思います。
The entrance to the parking lot is near the intersection, and pedestrians and bicycles can pass through. be careful. There is also a parking lot exclusively for the disabled. A healthy person's car will be parked exclusively for the disabled. Please be sure to check the surroundings. The toilet is on the left side of the entrance. The place where the products are placed changes depending on the store, so if you can't find what you're looking for and it's not crowded, you should ask the clerk. At night, there is a call bell at the cash register. If the clerk notices it, I don't think it's necessary to ring it.
岡本ゆり子 on Google

私は割りと買い物が長いのですが(約1時間半〜2時間位)買い物終わってお店から出てきたら車に 無断駐車と言う張り紙がされていました (他の車にも3台位かな) 何故? 買い物中のお客が店内にいるのを確認もせず、無断駐車と決めつけて勝手に張り紙をするのはどうかと… こういう事するなら次回から別店舗(新和店)で買い物をしようと思います 店員さんの人柄もいいし
I spend a lot of time shopping (about an hour and a half to two hours), but when I finish shopping and come out of the store, I go to the car. There was a sticker saying parking without permission (I think it's about 3 for other cars) why? Why don't you decide to park without permission and put up a poster without confirming that the customer who is shopping is in the store? If you do this, I will try shopping at another store (Shinwa store) from the next time. The personality of the clerk is also good

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