Welcia Minamiashigara Shop - Minamiashigara

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Welcia Minamiashigara Shop

住所 :

749-1 Sekimoto, Minamiashigara, Kanagawa 250-0105, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 250-0105
Webサイト : https://stores.welcia.co.jp/5101D

749-1 Sekimoto, Minamiashigara, Kanagawa 250-0105, Japan
鈴木進 on Google

We use every week
重田隆史 on Google

Cashier A cute woman who looks like Akimoto-san, who eats on Friday night, is really beautiful ✨
武井美加 on Google

The clerk is the worst. I don't know what I'm saying because my voice is quiet.
ポクちゃ on Google

買い物客が いつもより多かった。ほしい物が 安かったのでラッキー✌でした。
There were more shoppers than usual. I was lucky because the item I wanted was cheap.
れいな on Google

Convenient 24 hours a day
Takaji N on Google

娘の腱鞘炎が辛そうなのでロキソニンテープを買いにウェルシア南足柄店に向かいました 薬売り場の表示に ロキソニン関係は20:00までの販売となっていました その時自分の腕時計を見ると20:01でしたので なんとか購入できないかと薬剤師にお願いしましたが 20:00までの販売なので売る事は出来ないの一点張りで 代用品の紹介等も無く後味の悪いあしらわれ方をされました その他の物の購入意欲も失せてしまったので 渋々諦めて帰りました 購入出来なかった事より 役所の人並みの薬剤師の冷たい対応にガッカリ… 帰りぎわ ウエルシアのテーマ曲「みんなが集まるウェルシア」が店内に流れているのが とても切なく感じました。。 その後 ダメ元で開成町のウェルシアに寄ったら そこの薬剤師さんは症状をとても心配してくれた上 快く売ってくれました 店舗によって こんなに違いがあるものなんですね 南足柄店には もう行く事はないと思います
I went to Welcia Minami Ashigara to buy loxonin tape because my daughter's tendonitis was painful Loxonin-related items were sold until 20:00 on the display at the drug counter. When I looked at my watch at that time, it was 20:01 I asked the pharmacist if I could manage to buy it, but it was sold until 20:00, so I couldn't sell it. I lost my will to buy other things, so I gave up and went home I was disappointed with the cold response of a pharmacist like a public office than I could not buy it ... On the way home I felt very sad that Welcia's theme song “Welcia where everyone gathers” was flowing through the store. . After that, when I stopped at Welcia in Kaisei town, the pharmacist there was very worried about the symptoms and sold it pleasantly There is such a difference depending on the store. I think that I will never go to the Minami Ashigara store anymore
名無野権米 on Google

21時頃に居るショートカットの60近いババァ店員、客が店に入ってきて近くにいても挨拶も無い! その後レジに入り対応も感じ悪い!若い店員はこんなに酷くない。
Nearly 60 Baba clerk of shortcut who is around 21:00, there is no greeting even if a customer comes into the store and is nearby! After that, I entered the cash register and felt uncomfortable! The young clerk is not so terrible.
ああ on Google

The parking lot is large and easy to enter ? There is sushi on the premises and there are days when the parking lot is full at noon ?

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