Welcia Kizugawa Yamadagawa Ekimae Shop - Kizugawa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Welcia Kizugawa Yamadagawa Ekimae Shop

住所 :

Shironishi-26-2 Saganaka, Kizugawa, Kyoto 619-0222, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 619-0222
Webサイト : https://stores.welcia.co.jp/3540D

Shironishi-26-2 Saganaka, Kizugawa, Kyoto 619-0222, Japan
あーりん on Google

いつも 利用しています(^o^) 薬局の方は いつも 声を掛けて下さったり 親切です
I always use it (^ o ^) The pharmacy is always kind to me
tomo naka on Google

コンビニ兼薬局的なお店。 山田川駅周辺に歩いて寄れるコンビニ無いのでとても重宝。近くの平和堂やってない時間帯にも開いてるので助ける。飲み物もコンビニよりも安く嬉しい。
A convenience store and pharmacy store. It is very useful because there is no convenience store that you can walk to around Yamadagawa Station. Help because it is open even when the nearby Heiwado is not open. Drinks are also cheaper than convenience stores and I'm happy.
パプリカ on Google

ここのウエルシアさんで、ある店員さんはよく、ポイント利用を聞いてくださるので、失効せずにポイントを使えます! 親切で買い物も夜の12時までやっているので、便利です!
Here at Welcia, a clerk often asks me how to use the points, so I can use the points without expiring! Kind and convenient to shop until 12:00 at night!
M M on Google

My family told me that I needed a scratch power pad in the middle of the night, so I hurriedly searched for a pharmacy, but the neighborhood was open until 22:00 and I was in a hurry. We also handle a few foods such as sweets, and it is open 24 hours a day, which is very convenient.
メッセ on Google

Often used just before closing. A range is available and you can warm your lunch and rice balls. Even at regular prices, the prices of the products are low and you can always make great shopping. There is a toilet outside the store and it is always clean. The clerk can also have a good feeling with a polite response.
けんけん on Google

足に刺青入れてる店長がいる。それも知らない社員とパートもまずいし人間として終わってる。 いい雰囲気ではないかなと… 刺青入れてもまかり通る時点でダメだよ
There is a store manager who has tattoos on his legs. Employees and part-timers who don't know that are also bad and end up as human beings. I think it's a nice atmosphere ... Even if you put in a tattoo, it won't work when it passes through.
岡田直樹 on Google

家からは割と遠くにありますが、お気に入りのドラッグストアです。 ウエルシアはTポイントユーザにはたまらなくお得です。Tポイントボーナスの商品も多くありますし、かなり貯まります。また、20日はTポイントが1.5倍分の商品に交換できます。ヤフーTカードの作成・利用、ウエルシアの株主優待などでTポイントを大量にゲットして使用するのがベストです。 店内も広く、食料品も充実しています。 シャンプーの種類をもう少し充実してもらえると助かります。
It's far from home, but it's my favorite drugstore. Welcia is irresistible for T Point users. There are many products with T point bonuses, and you can save a lot. Also, on the 20th, you can exchange T points for 1.5 times more products. It is best to get and use a large amount of T points by creating and using Yahoo T cards, Welcia's shareholder benefits, etc. The store is large and has plenty of groceries. It would be helpful if you could have a little more types of shampoo.
吉川康彦 on Google

先日(4月3日)大阪府高槻市から、東海のライター「マイティマッチグリップ」の在庫があるとのメールでやってきました。近辺のホームセンターやドラッグストアにある「着火用ライター」は、人差し指一本でトリガーを引く方式で、90歳になる高齢で握力が弱った母には、固くて無理だとの話から、東海に問い合わせたところ、近辺ではここにしかないということで、有料道路を乗り継いできました。売り場の2台をゲットしました。母は手に入って喜んでいます。 バナナ4本入り1袋とザバスプロテイン(ココア味)を買って、駐車場で食べました。ウエルシア薬局は、近所に新規開店しましたが、在庫はありませんでした。
The other day (April 3rd), I received an email from Takatsuki City, Osaka Prefecture, saying that the Tokai writer "Mighty Match Grip" is in stock. The "ignition lighter" at home improvement stores and drug stores in the vicinity is a method of pulling the trigger with one index finger, and it is said that it is hard and impossible for my mother who is 90 years old and has weak grip strength, so I went to Tokai When I inquired, I was able to transfer to the toll road because it was only here in the vicinity. I got 2 units in the sales floor. My mother is happy to get it. I bought a bag of 4 bananas and Zabas protein (cocoa flavor) and ate it at the parking lot. Welcia Yakkyoku opened a new store in the neighborhood, but it was out of stock.

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