Welcia Annaka - 4 Chome-8-12 Annaka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Welcia Annaka

住所 :

4 Chome-8-12 Annaka, Gunma 379-0116, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 379-0116
Webサイト : https://stores.welcia.co.jp/99D

4 Chome-8-12 Annaka, Gunma 379-0116, Japan
たよ on Google

There was a person who took care of me.
高橋好令 on Google

In terms of location, it is safe because it is easy to use along the No. 18 parking lot and there is a barrier-free facility ❤. It's a person with a good selection of products and a good price ?. You can shop with peace of mind as the clerk's response is good ☺.
伊東敏雄 on Google

A 24-hour shop. When the kitchen paper was out of stock, I went early in the morning. It was helpful. The employees had good greetings, and it was very refreshing and pleasant ❗️
hage783640 on Google

2020/4 追記 最近見かけるアフロ婆店員 態度悪過ぎ! お前が教育係なんじゃねーのか? だったら仕方ねーな… お前マトモな接客出来ねーなら辞めろや 何だろう高慢な態度ムカつく 深夜勤務従業員のやる気の無さは星1つ 自分は結構色々な時間帯であちこちのウエルシアを利用する。無関心を装って様子を伺い、コイツらって思うと商品に関しての質問して従業員レベルを探る。最近はどこのウエルシアもトップバリューの缶チューハイ9%ブドウが補充されないのでそれに関して同じ様な質問をしているが、ここの店舗は客も少ない時間帯でレジに3人も居るのに誰一人調べようともしない屑揃い 他の店舗は少々お待ち下さいってバックヤードに行って来たり分かる範囲で答えようと努力するがここは何もしない… おしゃべりは良いとして、客が話し掛けるとさっきまでの元気の良いデカい声はどうした? 全員がそうじゃないですけどね、丁寧に教えてくれる50代位の方も居るけど30,40代位のはなまけすぎ 店長クラス又はその上の方、社員教育しっかりした方がイイデスヨ 8/19 AM4:00勤務 そうそうなんでここまで意見を言うかというと、質問したらメンドクセーなって目をしてたから 追記9/6AM4:00黒縁セルフレームメガネレジ…お前前回もメンドクセーって態度した奴じゃねーの?覚えてないけど 何だろう?この投稿を見たのか聞いたのか?それとも説教でも食らったか? 態度が良くなるどころか更に悪くなってるw もうあれだな客相に相談だ ここまで気分悪くされる店はウエルシアに限らず初めてだ
2020/4 postscript Afro grandmother seen recently Too bad attitude! You're an education person, aren't you? If that's the case ... If you can't serve Matomo, stop. What a prideful attitude Midnight employees are motivated by one star I use Welcia here and there at various times. I pretend to be indifferent and ask about the situation, and when I feel like this, I ask questions about the product and explore the employee level. Recently, Welcia has been asking the same question because no top value canned Chuhai 9% grapes are being replenished, but this store has three customers at the cash register with few customers and no one is there. I don't even want to investigate Please wait a little while for the other stores to come and go to the backyard and try to answer as much as you can, but do nothing here ... Assuming that you have good chatter, what happened to the lively and big voice when the customer talked to you? Not everyone is like that, but there are some people in their 50s who politely teach us, but those in their 30s and 40s are too lazy Store manager class or above, those who have good employee education are good 8/19 AM 4:00 work Well, why do you say your opinion so far? When I asked you Addendum 9/6 AM4: 00 Black-rimmed cell frame glasses cash register ... You're the one who had the attitude of having trouble last time? I don't remember What is it? Did you hear that you saw this post? Or did you have a sermon? Far from getting better, it's getting worse w I'm going to talk to the customer It's the first time I've been feeling sick so far not only in Welcia
Y S on Google

朝方、頭痛が酷く、24時間営業ということで立ち寄ったのですが、薬剤師の従業員が居なかったため購入できず!! これでは、24時間営業している意味がない!
In the morning, I had a severe headache and stopped by because it was open 24 hours a day, but I couldn't buy it because there were no pharmacist employees! !! It doesn't make sense to be open 24 hours a day!
Wave Honda on Google

open 24 hours. Even at 8-9pm, there are many customers who can queue at the cash register. The price is a little higher than the supermarket, but the daily goods corner is substantial.
中村主水 on Google

Used in the middle of the night. No clerk comes even if I go to the cash register. Even though I'm at the tip of my eyes and nose, I don't come. It's a priority for chatting between clerk. I don't care because I won't go there again.
高橋好令 on Google

久し振りに訪れて観ましたが、商品が全体的に値上がりしているのが 一寸残念でした。その為星4つに成ってます?。 とは言え 相変わらず品揃えは良くて助かりますね❤️。弁当等も 僅かながら扱って居る為薬屋にしてはスーパー並みの利便性があって宜しいと言えそうですね?、お勧めですよ。
I visited for the first time in a long time and saw it, but it was a bit disappointing that the price of the product was rising overall. Therefore, it is made up of 4 stars ?. However, the product lineup is still good and it helps ❤️. Since it handles a small amount of bento boxes, it seems that it is as convenient as a supermarket for a drugstore ?, I recommend it.

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