Wazaya - Mitaka

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Wazaya

住所 :

3 Chome-37-40 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 181-0013

3 Chome-37-40 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0013, Japan
リアルキヨ on Google

気になっていて…お邪魔しました! 開店時間前でしたが、既に並んでました…? 開店と同時に、最後でしたが…なんとかカウンター席に座る事が出来ました! 直ぐに『たらこしらす』をオーダー! スタッフよりの『大盛にも出来ますよ!』に、即決大盛で!? 一気にオーダーなので、順番に待つこと20分弱…(個人的に待ち時間我慢ギリギリ…) 美味しくて、量的にも満足でした!? 並んで待つのが、チョッと苦手なので…空いてる時間帯を見つけて、ゆっくりいろんな種類のパスタを堪能したいですね! 『たらこ つな しらす』大盛! 10分程… ※メニュー見て、同じようなもの頼んでしまった…?
I was curious ... I bothered you! It was before the opening time, but it was already lined up ... ? At the same time as the store opened, it was the last time ... I managed to sit at the counter seat! Immediately order "Tarako Shirasu"! From the staff, "You can do it in a big way! ], With a big prompt decision! ? It's an order at once, so wait in order for less than 20 minutes ... (Personally, I'm barely able to wait ...) It was delicious and I was satisfied with the quantity! ? I'm not good at waiting in line, so I want to find a free time and enjoy various kinds of pasta slowly! "Tarako Tsuna Shirasu" is a great success! About 10 minutes ... * I looked at the menu and asked for something similar ... ?
グルメ太郎 on Google

↓の後再訪。 貴ちゃんねるで1位のパスタを頼みましたが、軽く想像の上を行く味でした。 ちなみに一番の肝はパスタのゆで加減ですね。丁度良い固さで最高なんです。 ↓の書き込みのあと三日連続で行きまし た。 何食べても美味しい。 いずれミートソースなんかも頼んでみたいです。 貴ちゃんを観て訪問。 何度か足を運んだけどいつも行列が出来て入れませんでしたが、今日ついに入店。 海老とアボカドのクリームパスタを頼みましたが絶品でした。 近くにこんな店があるなんて幸せです。 異動するまで通います!
Revisit after ↓. I asked for the first pasta in Kichanneru, but it tasted light and unimaginable. By the way, the most important thing is to boil the pasta. It's the best with just the right hardness. After writing ↓, I went for three days in a row It was. It's delicious no matter what you eat. I'd like to order meat sauce someday. Visited to see you. I went there several times, but I couldn't get in because there was always a line, but I finally entered the store today. I ordered cream pasta with shrimp and avocado, but it was excellent. I'm happy that there is such a store nearby. I will go until I move!
かに on Google

わざや、味に技あり! 「チューボーですよ」で、星3つを取ったお店です。 沢山の種類の味や、具材も工夫があり、私はいつもお醤油味シリーズで攻めています。 季節感ある具材などが、おすすめです。 (牡蠣はプリっプリでしたよ。) お店の雰囲気もアットホームで、盛るお皿もシンプルながらお洒落、店内の飾り付けも可愛らしくて好きです。 女子のお一人様も多いのも、納得! 沢山の種類の味もあって、老若男女問わずどなたでも食べたいメニューが絶対あります!
There is a skill in the taste! It's a shop that got 3 stars for "Saturday Night Chubaw". There are many kinds of flavors and ingredients, and I always attack with the soy sauce flavor series. Seasonal ingredients are recommended. (The oysters were pre-prepared.) The atmosphere of the shop is cozy, the plates to serve are simple but stylish, and the decoration inside the shop is cute and I like it. I understand that there are many girls alone! There are many kinds of flavors, and there is definitely a menu that anyone, regardless of age or sex, wants to eat!
Masayuki Kobayashi on Google

随分と前から行きたかったパスタ店だが、タイミング合わずで今回、待望の初訪問となった。 期間限定のカキのパスタ(ガーリック)いただきました。 ランチワインもお手頃価格でやってたので、カキに合わせて白を選択。 大盛り無料、ミニサラダ付きと、ランチはお得感が高い。 昼の部は15:00(時勢がら、当面の間とのこと。来訪の際は要確認)まで、時計を見ると3分過ぎていたがダメ元で入店可能か身振りで確認、1名だった為かok頂き有りがたく入店。 店員さんの対応は丁寧で、この後の実食も気分良く頂ける思える感じ。 値段は1,860と、チョッと高いかな?と思ったが、期待が上回り上記オーダー。 サラダ、白ワインと順にテンポ良く配膳され、本命のパスタが到着。 最初に、ヴィジュアルに驚く。 カキが大粒プリっプリ感がインパクト強く目に飛び込む。さらに5~6粒と主役と呼ぶに恥じない存在感。 そして香り。ソースとカキの香りがとても良い。 この段階で、味を見ずとも、美味しさ確定と感じる程に。 いよいよパスタを口に入れると、また驚き。 ソースがめちゃめちゃ美味しい。バランス良く絶妙。 最初は少し塩味がきついかと思ったが、食べ進めていると、カキの風味やなすがソースを吸った感じなどバランスを考えてなのかもと納得。 ニンニクの芽(だったと思う)もしっかりと下処理されていて筋張ってなく、なすとカキとの相性抜群、ナイスス具材チョイスです。 そして主役具材のカキだが、これも驚く程旨い、かなり良いカキだとすぐわかる。 先の値段設定は決して高くはない、むしろカキの良さを考えると、お値打ち価格と思い直すに至る。 年の瀬の12月だが、今年のパスタのマイベスト3に入ると思った。 メニューも豊富で、専門店にしてはバリエーションが豊富。 スタンダードなソース含め、是非他のパスタも食べたくなったので、再訪確定です。
It was a pasta shop that I had wanted to visit for a long time, but the timing was not right and this was my long-awaited first visit. I had oyster pasta (garlic) for a limited time. Lunch wine was also available at a reasonable price, so I chose white to match the oysters. Lunch is a great deal, with a large serving of free and a mini salad. Until 15:00 in the daytime (the time is right, it's for the time being. Check it when you visit), it's been 3 minutes when you look at the clock, but you can check if you can enter the store with a gesture. Maybe because it was ok, I'm grateful to enter the store. The clerk's response is polite, and I feel like I can feel good about the actual meal after this. The price is 1,860, which is a little expensive? I thought, but the expectations were exceeded and the above order was placed. Salad and white wine are served in order at a good tempo, and the favorite pasta arrives. First, I'm surprised by the visuals. The persimmon has a strong impact and jumps into your eyes. In addition, it has a presence that is not ashamed to call it the leading role with 5 to 6 grains. And the scent. The aroma of sauce and oysters is very good. At this stage, even if you don't look at the taste, you can feel that the taste is confirmed. When I finally put the pasta in my mouth, I was surprised again. The sauce is really delicious. Well-balanced and exquisite. At first, I thought it was a little salty, but as I continued to eat it, I was convinced that I was thinking about the balance, such as the flavor of oysters and the feeling that eggplant sucked the sauce. The garlic sprouts (I think they were) are also well prepared and not stiff, and they are a nice choice of ingredients that go well with eggplant and oysters. And the oyster, which is the main ingredient, is also surprisingly delicious, and you can easily see that it is a pretty good oyster. The previous price setting is not high at all, but rather considering the goodness of oysters, it comes to think that it is a good value price. It's December of the year, but I thought it would be one of my best 3 pasta this year. The menu is abundant, and there are many variations for a specialty store. I definitely want to eat other pasta including standard sauce, so I will return.
KEN HIRO on Google

【21.12再訪】カジュアルパスタの最高峰 ランチ利用。金曜12時半過ぎに到着して先並び六名程。相変わらずの人気店です。20-分くらい入店までかかります。 季節限定の『牡蠣のクリームソース生海苔柚子胡椒風味』いただきました。 これ、ヤバイです。今まで食べた中でトップ3に入る美味しさ。クリームと岩海苔のコクがありつつも、柚子胡椒の爽やかな辛味が効いて重たくなりすぎず、すじこのプチプチもアクセントになってペロッと食べられる一皿。 もちろんイチオシの一年牡蠣も大ぶりで美味しい。 並ぶ時間と、1皿2000円程なので気軽には来れないですが、このクオリティなら納得。 ご褒美ランチとしてアリです!お金と時間があったら毎日来て全メニュー制覇したい。。 【21.11初訪】 ランチ利用。平日ですが20-30分待ちます、人気店ですね。 季節限定の牡蠣と茄子のパスタをいただきました。 まず驚かされたのは想像よりも上をいく牡蠣の存在感。こんなに大きな牡蠣はオイスターバーでも見られるかどうか。牡蠣好きにはたまりません。味も勿論美味しいです。 しかし、値段(1800円ほど)を考えると、長居できる雰囲気ではないので、普段使いを考えるとまた来たいとまでは... ただ他の方の口コミを見ると何でも美味しそうなので、他のものも食べて判断したいです。
[21.12 revisit] The highest peak of casual pasta Use for lunch. Arrived after 12:30 on Friday and there were about 6 people in line. It is still a popular shop. It takes about 20-minutes to enter the store. I had a seasonal "oyster cream sauce raw seaweed yuzu pepper flavor". This is dangerous. It's one of the top 3 delicious foods I've ever eaten. Although it has the richness of cream and rock seaweed, the refreshing spiciness of yuzu pepper does not make it too heavy, and the bubble wrap of the streaks is also an accent and can be eaten easily. Of course, the recommended year-round oysters are also large and delicious. It's not easy to come because it's about 2000 yen per plate and the time to line up, but I'm satisfied with this quality. It's an ant as a reward lunch! If I have money and time, I want to come every day and conquer the whole menu. .. [21.11 first visit] Use for lunch. It's a weekday, but wait 20-30 minutes, it's a popular shop. I had seasonal oyster and eggplant pasta. The first thing that surprised me was the presence of oysters, which was higher than I had imagined. Can you see such a big oyster in an oyster bar? It is irresistible for oyster lovers. Of course the taste is delicious. However, considering the price (about 1800 yen), it is not an atmosphere where you can stay for a long time, so if you think about everyday use, you may want to come again ... However, if you look at the reviews of other people, everything looks delicious, so I would like to try other things as well.
高橋淳子 on Google

Arrived at the store at 11:25. Already the 13th person. The first of the second cool without putting it in the first cool. However, it is worth lining up. It was really good. I had the classic beef tendon tomato cream and the chef's whimsical miso cream ? (Of course, I share it)
ai fj on Google

Kenny Tsoi on Google

Excellent pasta and combinations of flavors. Great for kids as well.

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