
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact デントリペアボックス

住所 :

Waseda, Misato, 〒341-0018 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88987
Webサイト : https://www.dr-box.jp/
街 : Saitama

Waseda, Misato, 〒341-0018 Saitama,Japan
ナカニ on Google

ジムニー天井部予定時間よりもはやく仕上げてくださいました。 仕上がりも満足。
Jimny's ceiling was finished sooner than the scheduled time. The finish is also satisfactory.
Sala Rié on Google

ポルシェとカマロのデントリペアでお世話になりました。ちょっとした凹みでも対応いただけるので、とても助かっております。自分はあからさまな凹みというより、ボディの『板金揺らぎ』レベルでも気になってしまいますが、それでもキレイに治していただけるのは、ありがたいと思っております。 凹み自体は勘弁ですが、また凹まされたら修理をお願いしたいと思います。
I was indebted to Porsche and Camaro. We can save even a little dent, which is very helpful. I'm more worried about the body's “Sheet Metal Fluctuation” level than an overt dent, but I'm grateful to be able to cure it cleanly. The dent itself is a cunning, but I would like to ask you to repair it if it is recessed again.
HAじーじ on Google

Thank you for responding on the day despite the sudden contact and visit. It was a small dent, but I was worried when I found it, so I'm glad I was able to resolve it immediately. The amount was cheaper than expected and it was saved.
Kisho Iizuka on Google

Volvo V40でお世話になりました。リアフェンダーのヘアラインがある部分の凹みで難しいところだったのですが、とても丁寧に仕上げて頂きました。ありがとうございます。
Thank you for your support with Volvo V40. It was a difficult place due to the dent on the rear fender hairline, but I had you finish it very carefully. thanks you.
Michru Aida on Google

今回、車自体はお世話になってはいませんが、フロントガラスに不安を抱え(飛び石によるチッピング)連絡を入れたところレスポンスがとても良く、電話の感じもすごく柔らかでした。 今後車に何かあった際は迷わずこちらにお願いしたいと思える素晴らしい対応でした。
This time, the car itself wasn't taken care of, but when I contacted him with anxiety about the windshield (chipping with stepping stones), the response was very good and the feeling of the phone was very soft. It was a wonderful response that I would like to ask here without hesitation when something happens to the car in the future.
ホンダオーラ on Google

ドアに、いつの間にかエクボの凹みが出来ていて(3cm位)ディーラーで見積りしたら10万位かかると言われて、こちらに相談して見たら、2万3000円と言われて 安いので仕上がりが心配でしたが、全く解らなくなりました、ドアの裏から押し出して直したようで、時間も1時間30分位でした、新車の塗装もそのままで良かったです、みなさん小さな凹みでしたらリペアがお勧めですよ。
There was a dimple dent on the door (about 3 cm) and it was said that it would cost about 100,000 if the dealer estimated it, and when I consulted here, it was said to be 23,000 yen. I was worried about the finish because it was cheap, but I could not understand it at all, it seems that I pushed it out from the back of the door and fixed it, the time was about 1 hour 30 minutes, the painting of the new car was good as it was, everyone with a small dent Then repair is recommended.
LV Bee on Google

運転席側ドアのエッジに近い部分にできた当て逃げによる2センチほどの凹みを綺麗に修復いただきました。 予約をしておらず、朝電話をして当日すぐに対応いただきました。 11時ころ車を預け、代車を貸していただき自宅に戻り13時過ぎには作業完了の連絡をいただきました。 対応、作業の全てにおいてプロフェッショナルの仕事だと思います。 料金もディーラーよりはるかにリーズナブル。 また何かの際にはお世話になりたいと思います。
We had you cleanly repair the dent of about 2 cm due to the hit-and-run that was made near the edge of the driver's side door. I didn't make a reservation, so I called in the morning and responded immediately on the day. I left my car around 11 o'clock, lent me a substitute car, returned home, and received a notification that the work was completed after 13:00. I think that it is a professional job in all aspects of correspondence and work. The price is also much more reasonable than the dealer. In addition, I would like to take care of you in case of something.
サワラマサト on Google

I asked you to repair a crack in the windshield. The store manager responded politely, and it was completed in about 60 minutes. I rented a substitute car and received a phone call to complete the repair immediately after shopping at Don Quijote. It's a wonderful finish with no trace of cracks. Thank you for your prompt response. It looks like we can pass the year with peace of mind.

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